It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 113 Su Mu, I Have a Headache

Chapter 113 Su Mu, I Have a Headache
"The school is a bit humane, and it will leave school early for us." Xia Wei walked on the road with her schoolbag on her back, and she felt something was wrong after she finished speaking.

She seemed to have scolded her father together.

"En." Shen Yun nodded absent-mindedly, but in fact she didn't hear what Xia Wei just said at all.

"What's wrong with you? Didn't sleep again, okay?" Xia Wei looked at Shen Yun, and found that she was always looking low-spirited recently.

"Did you miss Su Mu?"

"No, I just feel that my head is a bit heavy today, maybe it's because I didn't sleep well last night." Shen Yun shook his head to keep himself awake.

"Okay, then you should go to bed early when you go back, and don't stay up late." Originally, Xia Wei wanted to say that she would leave school early and go play with Shen Yun. Seeing Shen Yun like this, she probably didn't have the energy to play with her.

"Well, then I'll go back." Shen Yun really didn't have the energy to go out to play, she felt powerless now.


After the two said goodbye to each other, they left. Shen Yun didn't change his clothes when he got home, and fell asleep on the bed.

When she opened her eyes, the sky was dimly lit, and she couldn't be sure whether it was evening or early morning.

Shen Yun glanced at his phone, it was past five in the morning.Shen Yun put down the phone, lifted the quilt and fell asleep again.

When Shen Yun woke up again, it was already noon.When she was still wondering why He Fengying didn't call her, she suddenly remembered that He Fengying told her yesterday morning that something happened at home and asked her for three days off.

Shen Yun sat up from the bed, her head seemed to be heavier than before.Shen Yun turned on the phone in a daze, and found that the phone was about to explode.

There are Xia Wei's, Han Chenxi's, He Yan's, Li Wen's, and Su Mu's.

Shen Yun first called Li Wen back and asked him for a day off. It is probably impossible for her to go to school in her state today.

Li Wen readily agreed and asked her to take good care of her body at home and come back when she recovered.

Then Shen Yun called Xia Wei back. At this time, the three of them should be together.

"Hey, Xiaoyun, are you okay? What's the matter with you? You didn't come all morning, and you didn't answer the call. I'm really anxious." Xia Wei answered the phone quickly and asked Shen Yun eagerly.

"I'm fine, I just fell asleep accidentally."

"Are you all right? Do you want us to see you?" Xia Wei asked again worriedly.

"It's okay. I may just sleep too much and feel dizzy. So, I also took the afternoon off."

"Okay, then we'll see you after school tonight."

"Well, good." Shen Yun smiled and agreed.

The two didn't chat for too long afterwards, after all, Xia Wei and the others had to go to class, so they hung up after a few words in a hurry.

Finally, Shen Yun called Su Mu back.

"Su Mu, I have a headache." The second Su Mu picked up the phone, Shen Yun spoke in a coquettish voice, without the sense of calmness he had just called.

"What's wrong? Why does your head hurt?" Su Mu immediately became nervous and asked Shen Yun eagerly.

"Have you seen a doctor? Is Aunt He not at home today? Or you can take medicine first."

Shen Yun, who already had a headache, felt even worse when he heard what Su Mu said, so he quickly interrupted Su Mu's words.

"I don't know why my head hurts. I haven't seen a doctor yet. Aunt He went in to ask for leave. I haven't taken any medicine yet." Shen Yun answered Su Mu's questions one by one.

"Then you can't do it. Now I will tell you to do it. You go and get the first-aid kit. There is a thermometer in it. Take your temperature first to see if you have a fever."

Shen Yun followed Su Mu's arrangement and took out the thermometer and put it under his arm.

"The thermometer has to wait for about 3 minutes to 5 minutes before it can be taken out."

"I know this." Shen Yun said helplessly into the microphone.

Shen Yun looked at the time, and after about 5 minutes passed, he took out the thermometer.Like how Su Mu looked at the thermometer in normal times, she lifted it up to the light and looked at it for a long time, but she found that she couldn't read it.

"I don't understand, I don't know how to read." Shen Yun chose to give up and put the thermometer aside.

"Open the door."

"Huh?" Although Shen Yun heard Su Mu's words, he didn't realize what Su Mu said because his brain was out of state today.

"I said to open the door. I came in a hurry, and I forgot to bring the key." Su Mu patiently explained the words again, and stood at the door waiting for Shen Yun to open the door.

"Are you here?" It took Shen Yun a long time to realize Su Mu's meaning, and he ran downstairs happily, and accidentally tripped himself when going down the last step.But these cannot be an obstacle for Shen Yun to open the door.

Shen Yun opened the door full of expectation, only to find that the door was empty.Shen Yun poked his head out and looked around in disbelief, there was indeed no one there.

"Liar." Shen Yun yelled into the phone with a teary voice, and then hung up the phone directly.

Angrily, Shen Yun threw the phone on the sofa, huddled himself in the corner of the sofa, and buried his head deeply between his legs.

She swore that she would never talk to Su Mo this week, no, she wouldn't talk to Sumu this month.

"Did you come down without your shoes on again?"

Su Mu's deep voice surrounded his ears, and Shen Yun, who was still sullen, suddenly looked up and saw a magnified face.

Su Mu looked at Shen Yun's tears still hanging on his cheeks, with a look of pity for me, his heart suddenly tugged, and he wiped away Shen Yun's tears with distress.

"I'm sorry, when I passed by the pharmacy just now, I thought that there were not many medicines at home, so I went to buy some medicines and came back, but I came back late."

"Su Mu, you big liar, I won't believe you again next time." Seeing Su Mu, Shen Yun cried even harder. He was just sobbing softly on his lap, but now he burst into tears.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault, be good, don't cry anymore." Su Mu wiped away Shen Yun's tears guiltily, if he had known, he wouldn't have said it in advance.

"Why are you back?" Shen Yun's mood gradually stabilized, his eyes and nose were red, and he was talking twitching, looking like a little rabbit.

"I called you in the morning and you didn't answer, and I heard He Yan said that there was smallpox in the school recently. I was worried about you, so I asked for leave directly."

"You said, I won't get smallpox, right?" Shen Yun asked Su Mu with eyes red from crying.

"Can you think about it for yourself?" Su Mu knocked Shen Yun's head reproachfully.

"Where's your thermometer, let me see if you have a fever."


Shen Yun wanted to go upstairs to get the thermometer, but just as his feet stretched out before they touched the floor, he suddenly tilted and was picked up by Su Mu.

"I lost weight again." Su Mu frowned dissatisfiedly thinking about Shen Yun's weight.

"I eat well every day." Shen Yun, who hadn't eaten since last night, smiled guiltyly at Su Mu, and then looked away, fearing that his lie would be exposed.

(End of this chapter)

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