Chapter 114 Fever
Su Mu put Shen Yun on her bed, and pulled the quilt to cover her legs.

Shen Yun was too hot, and wanted to remove the quilt dissatisfied, but Su Mu glanced at him sharply, and immediately pulled the quilt back obediently.

Su Mu picked up the thermometer and glanced at the light above, it was 39 degrees 4.

Su Mu put down the thermometer and pulled Shen Yun up to take her to the hospital.

"I won't go, I'll just take some medicine." Shen Yun grabbed the quilt in resistance, she didn't want to go to the hospital.

"If you don't go, you have to go. You have a high fever, and you will be stupid after a while." Su Mu knew that Shen Yun was afraid of going to the hospital since she was a child, but she couldn't help it.

"I'm fine. I feel that I'm fine now." Shen Yun shook his head towards Su Mu to prove that he was fine, but he was so dizzy that he quickly closed his eyes.

"It's just you, okay? No, I have to go to the hospital." Su Mu frowned and looked at Shen Yun, then directly hugged Chen Yun.

"I'm really well, I'm not going." Shen Yun held on to the quilt tightly, and was dragged far away by Su Mu.

In the end, it was Shen Yun who was defeated, gave up resistance and let Su Mu put on shoes and clothes for him, and dragged her to the hospital.

Shen Yun seemed to see through life and death, listlessly listening to the doctor's instructions. On the contrary, Su Mu not only listened carefully, but even took out his mobile phone to record the doctor's words.

"Let's go, I'll take you to get an injection." Su Mu thanked the doctor and pulled Shen Yun out.

"I don't want an injection, I'll just take some antipyretics." As long as there is a chance, she will try to refuse.

"No." However, Su Mu snuffed out every chance Shen Yun had.

"Then can I hang the water, the injection really hurts." Shen Yun reluctantly compromised, looking at Su Mu pitifully.

"You can have this." Su Mu immediately agreed.

Shen Yun looked at Su Mu who agreed without thinking, and seriously suspected that he had been tricked by him.

Everything was ready, the nurse took the hanging tube to give Shen Yun an injection.Shen Yun stared at the needle that was about to be inserted into the back of his hand, biting his lip in fear.

Suddenly, a hand covered Shen Yun's eyes, and Su Mu's deep voice was next to his ears, "Hey, we won't watch."

When Shen Yun was only eight months old, she didn't know what was going on, and she had a high fever all the time. Jiang Lian took her to many hospitals but she was not cured.

Sometimes the fever went away with great difficulty, and the fever returned within a day, and this situation lasted for half a year.

Although Shen Yun didn't remember this incident later, the fear of the hospital remained, especially the fear of getting an injection.

"Xiaoyun, are you okay?" Xia Wei and Han Chenxi heard that Shen Yun was carrying water, so they went straight to the hospital after school.

"It's okay, I just have a high fever." Shen Yun shook his head and smiled soothingly. He still felt a headache before, but now he almost feels nothing.

"Why are you so careless? I told you to take good care of your body, but you came to the hospital with a high fever." Xia Wei blamed Shen Yun with distress.When she heard that Shen Yun was in the hospital, she panicked. Although she felt it was impossible, she couldn't help but think about what to do if Shen Yun also contracted smallpox.

Fortunately, fortunately, it was just a simple fever.

"Oh, I'm really fine, maybe I caught a cold when I slept last night."

"Really, you can't get sick anymore, or Su Mu should blame us for not taking good care of you."

"I have a little idea." Su Mu nodded in agreement.Of course, this is a joke, this matter is to be blamed and it will be bad for Shen Yun, if he doesn't take good care of himself.

"Why are you here?" Xia Wei looked at Su Mu in shock when she heard Su Mu speak.

Su Mu was speechless, and she hadn't seen herself after talking together for a long time.

Since it would take some time for Shen Yun to finish hoisting the water, Xia Wei and Han Chenxi were asked to go back first.

Xia Wei didn't shirk, and pulled Han Chenxi back directly.Anyway, with Su Mu around, she doesn't have to worry.

Su Mu only took two days off. Seeing that the fever had subsided, he went back with peace of mind.

Before leaving, he repeatedly told Shen Yun to pay more attention to his body, and if he heard that she was sick next time, he would definitely punish her.

Shen Yun agreed with all his heart, the big deal is not to tell him the next time he gets sick.

"Don't let me know that you are hiding me, or the punishment will be doubled." Su Mu saw through Shen Yun's inner thoughts at a glance, and unceremoniously exposed it.

"Hey, definitely, I promise." Shen Yun smiled guiltyly.

After seeing off Su Mu, Shen Yun felt that his condition was almost ready, so he picked up his schoolbag and went to class.

"Report." At this time, the class was having math class, and the math teacher saw Shen Yun nodding to let her in.

When the students in the class saw Shen Yun, they suddenly became lively. Shen Yun didn't care, and went back to his seat and sat down.

"Quiet, let's continue." The math teacher knocked on the podium with a triangle ruler, and the class returned to calm.

"Xiao Yun, why did you come back so soon?" Xia Wei asked Shen Yun in a low voice.He also thought that Shen Yun would have another two days.

"I'm almost recovered, so I'm coming back." Otherwise, Su Mu, Shen Yun would have wanted to come back yesterday.

Shen Yun took out a comprehensive test paper from his schoolbag, put on his earphones and started working on the test paper.

Xia Wei looked at Shen Yun complicatedly, hesitated to speak, but finally did not disturb Shen Yun.

Shen Yun was obsessed with writing the test paper, she didn't hear the bell for the end of get out of class, and naturally she didn't see the people around pointing at her.

"Do you think she had smallpox? Why did she come back so soon?"

"Who knows, if he really has smallpox and still comes to class, then this person is really cheap."

"I don't think so, how can I come back so soon after I got smallpox."

"What do you know? She is about to take the college entrance examination, and she must study hard at this time. Isn't that the reason why she didn't go to the doctor because of her heavy grades in her third year of high school?"

Han Chenxi sat in his seat and heard their conversation, picked up a pen from the table and walked over.

Han Chenxi forcefully inserted the pen on the table in the center, and looked at them viciously, "Shut up all the fuck, otherwise this pen may not be inserted anywhere next time."

The others immediately shut their mouths in fear, Han Chenxi let go of the pen in his hand, and the pen fell on the table, with the tip of the pen completely poked in.Han Chenxi gave them a final warning look before leaving.

After Han Chenxi left, those people swallowed in fear, the look in their eyes just now was really terrifying.

"Let's go." I don't know who said a word in the crowd, saving everyone present, and they all returned to their seats obediently.

Seeing Han Chenxi coming back, Xia Wei gave him a thumbs up. She didn't realize that Han Chenxi was so handsome.

However, Shen Yun, who was concentrating on his homework, didn't know what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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