It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 115 I really accidentally stepped on you

Chapter 115 I really accidentally stepped on you
The people in Nancheng where the smallpox incident was happening were panicked. Whenever they saw someone with a cough, they would stay away from them, for fear of infecting themselves.

"The school is like this, why is it still not on holiday?" The class wailed, hoping that the school would be quarantined quickly.

"Hey, Xia Wei. Go talk to your dad and ask him to give us a vacation." A boy in the class came to Xia Wei's side.

"Why don't you talk about it? Besides, isn't the school closed when my dad says it's a holiday?" Xia Wei didn't want to ask for trouble for herself. If she looks for him at this time, she will probably have to be taken to a corner to preach.

"That's not my dad, it's useless if I say it."

"Anyway, if you want to talk about it, I won't go." Xia Wei sat up angrily and ignored him.

"Stingy, if it was my dad, I would definitely say it. It's about everyone's life. I think your family will just take money and do nothing." The man was also angry, standing up and provoking Xia Wei.

"Who do you think only takes money and doesn't do anything? You have the ability to let your father be the one. Only the incompetent will force you down." Xia Wei slapped the table and stood up, staring at the boy.

"What did you say? Say it again?" The boy took a step forward, trying to suppress Xia Wei with his height.

"So what if I say it again, I'll just say you're incapable." Xia Wei tried her best to straighten her back so that she didn't look up at the person in front of her so much.

"You," the boy raised his hand angrily and pushed Xia Wei. Seeing that Xia Wei was about to hit the corner of the table, Shen Yun quickly caught her behind.

Originally, Shen Yun couldn't sit still when he heard the boy and Xia Wei arguing, but when he saw him push Xia Wei, Shen Yun couldn't hold it anymore.She pulled Xia Wei behind her, and looked at the boy with cold eyes.

"Speak as you speak, don't move your hands and feet, but since you like to move your hands and feet so much, I am happy to accompany you." After finishing speaking, Shen Yun kicked that boy's chest.

"Squeak——" the boy was kicked by Shen Yun and fell on the table behind, the table legs rubbed against the floor and made a screeching sound.

The boy struggled to get up, raised his fist and rushed towards Shen Yun, but he didn't notice his feet, and was tripped by Han Chenxi.

"Oh, what happened to you, get up quickly." Han Chenxi pretended to be surprised and looked at the boy on the ground, spotted the position of the man's hand and stepped on it, but on the surface he reached out his hand kindly to help him up.

"Ah—" the boy let out a scream, and the pain caused his other hand to hit the ground.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see it." Han Chenxi looked at the boy apologetically, but turned his foot slightly before moving away.

The people in the class didn't dare to speak while watching this scene, they all stayed away from them so as not to affect themselves.

"What's going on?" Li Wen came to the classroom and called the three of them to the office.

"Tell me, what's the situation." Li Wen sat on the chair and looked at the three people standing in front of him.

"They bullied me because of the large number of people? Look at my hands, they are still red." The boy stood up first, pointing at Shen Yun and Han Chenxi to complain to Li Wen.

Li Wen glanced at the boy's hand, it was indeed still red, but seeing that the boy was so flexible, he probably didn't hurt his bones.

"Explain." Li Wen looked at Han Chenxi, and nodded his head in the boy's direction.

"I didn't do it on purpose. I kept my feet there all the time, but he didn't see it. When I rushed over to hit Shen Yun, I stumbled. Then I wanted to go forward to help him up, but it didn't work. Be careful to step on his hand. But I can assure you, absolutely no effort." Han Chenxi looked at Li Wen innocently, as if all this was really his carelessness.

"Are you going to beat Shen Yun?" Li Wen quickly grasped the point from Han Chenxi's words and asked the boy.

"I didn't, she was the one who wanted to hit me." The boy's first reaction was to deny it, and at the same time he pointed to Shen Yun as the villain to complain first.

"Yes, I can testify on the first point, he didn't hit Shen Yun. Because I accidentally knocked him down when he was about to hit him." Han Chenxi immediately continued the next sentence after the man had spoken.

Li Wen looked at Han Chenxi fiercely, "Did you talk?"

"Ok." Han Chenxi made a zipper gesture on his mouth and closed his mouth.

"Let's talk." Li Wen felt a headache when he heard them talking back and forth, so he simply asked Shen Yun to finish directly.

"There's nothing to say, I really kicked him first." Shen Yun said this with a deadpan face, as if stating a dispensable fact.

Originally, Li Wen wanted to drink some tea while Shen Yun was narrating, but as soon as he opened the water cup, Shen Yun finished speaking.

"Why did you hit him?" Li Wen helplessly put down the water glass, and asked Shen Yun suspiciously.He didn't think that Shen Yun was an impulsive person, and he usually seemed uninterested in talking to her, so how could he suddenly kick someone down.

"There is no reason, it depends on his displeasure."

What Shen Yun said was serious, Li Wen would have believed it if Xia Wei hadn't barged in suddenly.

"It's not like this." Xia Wei heard Shen Yun's words at the door, and hurriedly pushed the door open.

"What are you doing here?" Li Wen looked at Xia Wei with a headache. These three people were enough for him, but another one came.

"Let me tell you about the situation at the scene of the crime." Xia Wei walked up to Li Wen, and seeing Shen Yun's disapproving eyes, she glanced over and pretended not to see it.

"So, he pushed you first, then Shen Yun kicked him, and when he wanted to fight back, he was accidentally knocked down by Han Chenxi, is that so?" Li Wen took Xia Wei's words I have summed up the words of the three people just now, and finally figured out the clue.

"Yes, and he was the one who provoked first and was beaten later." Xia Wei nodded and added.

"Okay, I see, you can go back."

Xia Wei didn't expect Li Wen to let her go back after learning about the situation, and she wanted to stay to see the result of the punishment.

"Why don't you leave? Don't you have to go to class?" Li Wen looked at Xia Wei, who was still standing still, and urged her away again.

"Oh." Xia Wei reluctantly agreed, turned her head to look at Shen Yun and the others, silently said cheers, and then left.

"You, tell me, why did you do this?" Li Wen waited for Xia Wei to leave before starting to speak, pointing to Han Chenxi to make him speak.

"Didn't I say it? He didn't have eyes when he walked, and he tripped my leg. I haven't said that he kicked my ankle and broke it."

"Come on, I don't know about you yet. You're making such a big commotion. Can you not pay attention to your feet?" Li Wen seriously suspected that Han Chenxi thought him a fool. Anyone who wasn't stupid with his reason would know how fake it was.

"Hey, I was really fascinated by watching it at the time, and I didn't notice that my feet were placed incorrectly." Han Chenxi said with a smile, but he didn't admit that he did it on purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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