It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 116 Where is your dormitory?

Chapter 116 Where is your dormitory?

"Tell me, what's your situation." Li Wen turned around, asked the boy who was beaten, and stopped wasting time on Han Chenxi.

"Didn't Xia Wei talk about it just now?" The boy imitated Han Chenxi and got close to Li Wen.

"Did you say what Xia Wei said? Can you replace her or she replace you? What's the matter, you are one by one." Li Wen was completely annoyed by one or two indifferent attitudes.

"You, I don't even want to talk about you. Do you count how many times you have been late since you transferred? Looking at your grades again, you are always at the bottom of the class every time. I am puzzled. Look at Shen Yun and Xia in front of you. Why didn't Wei's two masters sit in front of you to strengthen your motivation to study?" Li Wen looked at Han Chenxi and said eloquently.Then, the artillery fire turned to Shen Yun again.

"And you, you are about to pass the college entrance examination. Before you leave, do you want to leave me a souvenir? Little girl, if you say you kick someone, you will kick someone. If this makes you a big mistake, No matter how good you are in the college entrance examination, no one wants you, you know?"

Hearing Li Wen say Han Chenxi and Shen Yun, the boy lowered his head and secretly smiled.

"You are still laughing, you are the most shameless, you caused this whole thing. One is a famous family with a prominent family background, the other has a bright future, and you have nothing, you still have the nerve to laugh there. If I were you, I wouldn't even be able to laugh."

The three of them were beaten bloody by Li Wen, and all of them kept their heads down and didn't speak.

"Okay, I'm tired too, let me go back to class." Li Wen said that his mouth was also dry, and he picked up the thermos and began to drink water. , and then scare myself, where did the smallpox come from? Don't go out and talk nonsense."

The three nodded and returned to the class obediently.

Shen Yun and Han Chenxi returned to their seats and sat down, Xia Wei surrounded them and asked about the situation.

Han Chenxi described the general situation, Xia Wei thought a little after hearing it, and then said, "So, there is no smallpox at all, and we have been lying to ourselves all this time?"

"Well, it should be like this." Han Chenxi nodded.

"This is too nonsense, so how do you explain those one ambulance at a time? Fever at the same time?" Xia Wei couldn't believe it. Although she was very happy that the smallpox was fake, she still felt that there is no wave without wind, and the smallpox matter is definitely not empty. A hole comes.

Facts have proved that the smallpox incident did not come from nowhere, because the first person who fainted was because of hives, and he had a fever that was not cured, causing him to faint. People who didn't know much about these people thought he had smallpox.So much so that people who were later sent to the hospital suffered from food poisoning.

After the alarm was lifted, no one brought up the matter again, and the campus returned to the calm of the past, and concentrated on preparing for the exam.

"Finally liberated." He Yan, who had just come out of the examination room, hugged Xia Wei excitedly.

Xia Wei's breathing was stagnant, and before she could react, He Yan had already let go of her, and turned her hug to Han Chenxi.

Han Chenxi looked at He Yan who was coming towards him, and took a step back, but in the end he still didn't escape.

Shen Yun came out late, He Yan came out for a while before Shen Yun came over slowly.

Seeing Shen Yun, Han Chenxi stepped forward and unscrewed the bottle cap of the water in his hand and handed it to her.

Shen Yun took a sip of the water naturally, and said to Xia Wei and He Yan who were standing there.

"Let's go."

Since Xia Wei stood a little farther away from them, she naturally took a step behind when she walked.

"That, I'm sorry just now." He Yan came to Xia Wei's side and said vaguely.

He Yan really didn't think that much when he hugged him, and only realized what he had just done when he calmed down.

Xia Wei kept her face sullen and silent, He Yan was at a loss in embarrassment, he didn't know if Xia Wei was angry or not.

"Hahahaha, you must have been tricked by me." Xia Wei laughed suddenly.

He Yan found out that he was being teased, and was so angry that he raised his hand to knock Xia Wei on the head, but Xia Wei quickly found out and ran to Shen Yun's side.

Xia Wei looked back at He Yan's jumping feet angrily, stuck out her tongue at him, and walked away triumphantly holding Shen Yun's arm.

On the day of checking the scores, Shen Yun asked Su Mu to check for her.

"Have you checked it out?"

"I found it, are you still worried that you won't pass the exam?" Su Mu looked at Shen Yun's grades, which were more than his exams last year.

"That's not true, it's just that I don't know the score and I have no idea."

"I got 675 points in the test, which is 12 points higher than mine last year."

"Su Mu, I want to ask you something."

"Well, tell me." Su Mu leaned back in the chair, waiting for Shen Yun's next words.

"Where is your dormitory?" Shen Yun stood at the gate of B in a daze. Originally, she wanted to surprise Su Mu, but she didn't know where Su Mu's dormitory was at all.

"You came to see me?" Su Mu stood up abruptly, opened the door and ran out, "You just stand there and wait for me."

"Hey, did you hear that just now? Did Su Mu's girlfriend come to look for him?" Zhao Xiaoxiao poked her head out of the bed and asked Wen Sheng and Gao Zeyu one day.

"That seems to mean it." Zhu Wensheng sat up from the bed, "Why don't we go and have a look?"


The three quickly got up from the bed and wanted to follow Su Mu to have a look.

Shen Yun found a corner and stood there, waiting for Su Mu to come to her.

"Wait in a hurry." Su Mu came to the door and saw Shen Yun standing in the corner at a glance.

Shen Yun shook his head obediently, looked at Su Mu who was sweating profusely from running all the way, and took out a piece of paper from his bag to wipe Su Mu's sweat.

Su Mu took the paper, wiped it on his forehead, and naturally held Shen Yunkong's hand with the other hand.

"I originally wanted to surprise you downstairs in your dormitory, but in the end I let you know in advance." Shen Yun pouted unhappily, his plan was canceled by himself.

"It's the biggest surprise for me that you can come." Su Muxi smiled, he really didn't expect Shen Yun to come to him.

Shen Yun smiled comfortably. In fact, it was Shen Yun's idea to find Su Mu after the college entrance examination, but he never found a good time after the college entrance examination.It just so happened that she didn't have to go to school after checking her score in the college entrance examination today.

So last night, Shen Yun bought a ticket to City B and decided to surprise Su Mu.

"I'll go back to the dormitory to change my shoes first, and then I'll take you out to play." Hearing that Shen Yun came looking for him, Su Mu ran down anxiously without even changing his slippers.

"Okay." Shen Yun readily agreed and followed Su Mu to the downstairs of the dormitory.

"Wait for me down there, I'll be right back." Su Mu asked Shen Yun again worriedly.

"Well, let's go." Shen Yun nodded, and took the initiative to let go of Su Mu's hand, letting him go up.

Shen Yun stood downstairs bored, looking at the surrounding environment bored.

(End of this chapter)

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