Chapter 122 Black Computer

Zhu Wensheng, who was browsing the forum, also saw the bad comments. Among all the blessings and envy, one bad comment was really abrupt.The most important thing is that there are still many people below to respond.

"Who knows if the male god seduced by this face is still a childhood sweetheart, I think it's just empty-handed."

"I'm going, I can't bear to say that about my brother and sister." Zhu Wensheng sat upright, typing quickly on the keyboard with his fingers.

[Zhu Zhu]: What you said is really ridiculous. At least he was recommended to B University this year in the second year of high school, and even if he took the college entrance examination like this, he still got a score of 675.When you were a sophomore in high school, you might have been hiding in a corner and crying because of bad grades.

[Xiao Xiao]: She has good looks and a high IQ, but you probably only have that stinking mouth and an empty head.

"So what if she is escorted? People who have been together since childhood, maybe the two of them have done something that violates ethics and morals."

[Zhu Zhu]: Do you need someone who can only hide in front of the keyboard to talk about matters between lovers?You deserve it too?
[Gao]: I think he is sour. I guess he wants to look good but not good-looking or figure but not good-looking or a waste who only knows how to be a keyboard warrior. Seeing that he is better than her feels jealous.

[Xiao Xiao]: That is, a brainless troll, such a person is really embarrassing.

"You speak for her like that, does she know who you are? She has a target, even if you work so hard to protect her, she won't take a second look at you. Or is there something shady about you ?”

[Xiao Xiao]: You became angry from embarrassment, and started to attack and slander personally. Can I understand this as you admitting that you are a worthless trash with no brains?

"Okay, you guys are amazing, you have a lot of people to show the public." In the end, the person deleted the post and left.

"Yeah." The three of them were as happy as if they had won a battle.

"In these days, anyone can pick up the keyboard and type." Zhu Wensheng turned his head to speak, and caught a glimpse of Su Mu typing on the computer with a serious face.

"Su Mu, what are you doing?"

"I'm looking for that person's website." Su Mu typed the code seriously.

"Have you found it? Let me take a look." Zhao Xiaoxiao leaned over to look at the computer next to Su Mu.

"I found it. Look, the last login was in Building 2." Su Mu pointed to the information displayed on the computer.

"Building No. 2, isn't it the girls' dormitory?" Zhu Wensheng was thoughtful, but just knowing that it was a girl didn't seem to help much. After all, Su Mu had many suitors, so he could almost guess that it was a girl.

"Do you know who it is?" Gao Zeyu asked Su Mu lying on the bed, feeling that he couldn't see, so he got out of bed and surrounded Su Mu.

"No." Su Mu shook his head. His skills are really limited, and he can't check so many.

"However, I can hack into her computer."

"Then what are you waiting for, black."

The girls' dormitory originally wanted to vent their dissatisfaction on the forum, but was ganged up and scolded. At this time, they were angrily pressing the buttons on the computer.

Suddenly, the computer screen went black, and nothing was displayed.

"Why is my computer hacked? The thesis I wrote hasn't been saved yet." The man looked through the computer and found nothing abnormal, but he just couldn't turn it on.

"Exciting." After watching the whole process, Zhao Xiaoxiao and Zhu Wensheng clapped their hands excitedly seeing Su Mu succeed.

"This incident told me a profound truth. Don't mess with Su Mu if you mess with anyone. Be careful that he hacks your computer." Zhu Wensheng thought for a while whether he had offended Su Mu, for fear that he would hack his computer when he got angry that day. .

"Hmph, just your computer, if you ask me to hack, I won't hack." Su Mu closed the computer, got up and went to wash.

Shen Yun really stayed at University B until Su Mu was on vacation, but it was only a few days, about a week or so.The two visited the scenic spots in City B in the past few days. Sometimes when the people in Su Mu's dormitory went out to play, they would call Shen Yun and Su Mu together.

When Shen Yun and Su Mu arrived home, they found a pair of ladies' shoes at the door.

It must not be He Fengying's. When Shen Yun went to find Su Mu, he gave He Fengying a holiday. Since she didn't know when she would come back, she asked her to wait for her call at home.

Jiang Lian, who heard the movement, came out of the kitchen, saw Su Mu and Shen Yun standing at the door, and couldn't help teasing, "I thought you lived in Su Muna."

Jiang Lian took a few days off, just thinking that Shen Yun must be at home right now, after all, he just finished the college entrance examination and had nothing to do, so he planned to come back and play with her for a few days.As a result, when I opened the door, I found that there was no one in the house.

Originally, Jiang Lian thought that Shen Yun was hanging out with He Yan and the others, but when he was shopping in the mall, he saw He Yan and Xia Wei, and Shen Yun was not around.After asking them, they found out that Shen Yun went to B University to find Su Mu.

Jiang Lian just wanted to wait at home for Shen Yun to come back, but it turned out that he waited for five days.

"Mom, when did you come back? Don't tell me." Shen Yun looked at Jiang Lian in surprise. When she saw the shoes just now, she probably guessed that Jiang Lian was back.

"If I told you, wouldn't it interrupt the date between your little lovers." Jiang Lian looked at Shen Yun with resentment, she really didn't want to stay with a girl.

"Hey, it's not that I didn't know you were here. If I knew, I would definitely come back." Shen Yun laughed and stepped forward to hold Jiang Lian's arm.

"Don't be glib, you haven't eaten yet, try my cooking." Jiang Lian nodded fondly on the tip of Shen Yun's nose.

Hearing Jiang Lianlian's cooking, Shen Yun and Su Mu's expressions changed. They don't know why her mother loves cooking so much, she must cook it even though she can't do it well.

"Don't make a sad face, I'm definitely good at this time. I've been at home for so many days, and I've eaten like this." Jiang Lian looked at the expressions of Shen Yun and Su Mu, and knew what they were thinking.

Jiang Lian took out a dish from the kitchen and put it on the table, then handed each of Shen Yun and Su Mu a pair of chopsticks.

Su Mu struggled to go over, and was prepared in his heart not to vomit again no matter what he ate, so he took a little bit of food and put it in his mouth.

"Well, it's really okay this time." Su Mu's eyes widened in surprise. This time it was indeed beyond his expectation. Although it was not as delicious, it was still very good compared to the previous ones.

"That's right, I've been studying for half a month." Hearing Su Mu's praise, Jiang Lian immediately became proud.

However, Jiang Lian couldn't laugh in the next second, because Su Mu pulled out a long hair from his mouth.

Jiang Lian smiled awkwardly, and took the hair from Su Mu's hand.

"It's okay, it's a small scene, at least you can eat it, right?"

Su Mu and Shen Yun looked at each other and nodded helplessly. Compared with the previous one, a single hair really doesn't mean anything.

(End of this chapter)

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