Chapter 123 I Have Abs Too

During the daytime in summer, it is extremely hot, and there are waves of heat in the air.If you pour a glass of water on the ground now, it will evaporate in less than a few seconds.The grasses planted in the community were all wilting and their leaves were so hot that they couldn't lift their heads.

Shen Yun walked home from the gate of the community with a big box in his arms. The distance was originally less than 800 meters, but she was forced to walk for [-] minutes, sweating profusely.

I don't know what exactly Zhu Yiyi sent her. Is it such a big box that the overseas postage is free?

Finally, when Shen Yun was about to be too hot to hold on, she arrived home.

Busily pushed open the door, put the box on the ground casually, opened the refrigerator, picked up a bottle of ice water and unscrewed the lid to drink, when he was startled by the sound from the sofa.

"Can you drink ice water?" Su Mu looked at the disobedient child with a gloomy face. He couldn't drink ice water during menstrual period. He told her how many times he didn't listen.

Shen Yun glanced at Su Mu, reluctantly put down the bottle in his hand, turned around and went to the water dispenser to get himself a glass of warm water.Su Mu looked back satisfied when he saw the warm water Shen Yun was drinking.

"What's that?" Su Mu asked the box on the ground. He just watched Shen Yun holding it in with sweat profusely.

"I don't know, it was sent by Yiyi." Shen Yun picked up the scissors and sat down on the floor to unpack the package. Hearing Su Mu cough, Shen Yun reluctantly got up from the ground, moved the box to the coffee table, and Unpack the courier on the sofa.

Shen Yun opened the box and found some skin care products inside.What kind of lotion essence, sunscreen, everything.

Shen Yun's phone rang, and it was Zhu Yiyi calling.

"Little Yunyun, have you received the things I sent you?" Zhu Yiyi still asked Shen Yun in a loud voice as usual.

"I received it, I just opened it." Shen Yun pointed the camera at the box and showed Zhu Yiyi a picture.

"It's good to receive it. I was worried that it was broken when it was checked in, but now it seems that it is still intact."

"Well, nothing bad."

"Let me tell you, you are going to college, and you have to learn to take care of your skin. Some of these skin care products were given to me by the brand, and some of them felt good after I used them, so I sent them to you. Also, you must wear more sunscreen during your military training, or you will get tanned." Zhu Yiyi said earnestly on the other end of the phone.

"Try to make yourself beautiful, and then kick Su Mu. Let me tell you, when I was filming, I met a lot of handsome guys, all of them have good looks and abs. When you give Su Mu I'll introduce you after kicking." Zhu Yiyi said more and more fiercely, not knowing that Su Mu was listening to the whole content.

Shen Yun saw that Su Mu's face was so dark that it couldn't get any darker. He kept coughing and wanted to remind Zhu Yiyi to stop talking.

However, Zhu Yiyi didn't understand Shen Yun's intentions, and was still eagerly asking if Shen Yun had a cold?Could it be that Su Mu didn't take good care of her.

"I knew that Su Mu was unreliable. Look, the hot weather can still make you cold." Zhu Yiyi seemed to be addicted to complaining, and kept scolding Su Mu.

"Yiyi, I still have something to do here, so I hung up first." Seeing that she really couldn't stop Zhu Yiyi, Shen Yun hung up the phone quickly.If Xia Wei and He Yan were at odds, then Zhu Yiyi was at odds with Su Mu, because she felt that Su Mu had robbed her of Shen Yun.

"Kicked me? Find another handsome guy? Has good looks and abs? Huh?" Su Mu looked at Shen Yun with a smile, but Shen Yun always felt that there was a knife in his smile.

Every time Su Mu said something, Shen Yun's heart trembled, and he smiled cowardly at Su Mu.

Su Mu punitively pushed Shen Yun down on the sofa, and looked at Shen Yun dangerously.

Shen Yun looked at Su Mu who was close at hand, and hurriedly explained for himself. "Those are what Zhu Yiyi said. It has nothing to do with me. I can't blame it on me."

"I didn't blame you, why are you panicking?" Su Mu lowered his head close to Shen Yun's ear, and his low and magnetic voice penetrated into Shen Yun's ear.

"You, you don't look like you don't blame me." Shen Yun felt Su Mu's scorching breath on his ears, as if he was going to burn his ears. Shen Yun turned his face to avoid breathing, but his ears were Inadvertently rubbed against Su Mu's lips.

All of a sudden, Shen Yun felt his face was burning hot, and the blush spread from the tips of his ears to his neck.Shen Yun bit his lower lip, the heat that had finally calmed down in his body rose again.

Su Mu was very satisfied with Shen Yun's reaction, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he supported his body with one hand, and took Shen Yun's right hand with the other hand and placed it on his lower abdomen.

As soon as it was put on it, Shen Yun wanted to dodge like an electric shock, but Su Mu grabbed her hand to prevent her from dodging.

Su Mu held Shen Yun's hand and stroked it from top to bottom. He lowered his head and leaned close to Shen Yun's ear again, "I also have abdominal muscles."

Shen Yun closed his eyes tightly, not daring to move, and followed Su Mu's hand to stroke his abdominal muscles.But when a person's vision is not obvious, the sense of touch is particularly obvious. Shen Yun can clearly feel the number of blocks in Su Mu's abdominal muscles.Moreover, the touch was really good, so she couldn't help pinching it.

Suddenly, Su Mu's hands froze, and his face changed suddenly.Originally, Shen Yun's hand on his abdominal muscles would be enough for him to feel like nothing, but this little girl even squeezed it.

"Damn." Su Mu cursed forbearance, got up from Shen Yun, and sat back on the sofa.Originally, he wanted to tease Shen Yun, but now he made himself angry.

Shen Yun, who was still enjoying his abdominal muscles, was suddenly let go by Su Mu. He felt him get up from his body, opened his eyes and looked at Su Mu for some reason.

Su Mu turned his head to the other side to avoid Shen Yun's gaze, and raised his hand to cover Shen Yun's eyes.It was so tempting that he couldn't help but have some messy thoughts.

Although Shen Yun didn't understand what happened, she accidentally caught a glimpse of something she shouldn't have seen when she opened her eyes, and Shen Yun blushed again in an instant.Even Su Mu's hands on Shen Yun's face could feel the scorching heat.

"Then what, I seem to have some unpacked things for the start of school. I'll go back and pack up before I come to you." After speaking, Su Mu got up quickly and walked to the door.

Rather than saying that Su Mu was in a hurry to go home and pack up his things, it was more like he was running away. He was afraid that he could not help but do something uncontrollable if he stayed any longer.

After Su Mu left, Shen Yun was still lying on the sofa.Shen Yun glanced at the phone, and couldn't help recalling the firm feel on his hand just now, and seemed to understand why many people like boys with abs, because it's really comfortable to touch.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh." Shen Yun took the pillow on the sofa, and buried his face in it shyly, he was really too lewd.

(End of this chapter)

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