It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 125 Where Is My Girlfriend

Chapter 125 Where Is My Girlfriend

There was no one in the dormitory, and they probably went out after making the bed. Shen Yun chose a bed at random and started making the bed.

Su Mu helped Shen Yun clean the table and stools from below, and then took out all her things and placed them underneath, propping up all the clothes for her and putting them in the closet.

"Su Mu, hand me that quilt for me." Shen Yun pointed to the black and white striped quilt in the suitcase, which was bought by Su Mu at the mall when school was about to start, and Su Mu set a set for her.

"Here." Su Mu pulled out the sheet and handed it to Shen Yun.

At this time, the door of the dormitory was pushed open, and the visitor came over with only the military training uniform. It should be the classmate who came before.

"Hello!" The little girl first saw Su Mu below, and then greeted Shen Yun who was making the bed.

"Hello." Shen Yun stopped and replied to her.

"Finally someone came. I'm bored to death in the dormitory by myself." The little girl put the general's training uniform on the table, and she was still silent in the joy of the visitor in the dormitory.

"How long have you been here?" Shen Yun leaned on the railing and poked his head out to ask the little girl.

Seeing Shen Yun's actions, Su Mu was worried that she would fall, so he subconsciously raised his hand to catch her.However, Shen Yun got off the bed in the next second.

"I came yesterday because my home is far away, so I came earlier." The little girl picked up two apples from the table and gave them to Shen Yun and Su Mu. The little girl forced it into the hands of both of them.

"Grown at home, natural and non-toxic."

"Thank you." Shen Yun had no way to refuse, so he could only accept it.

"Oh, by the way, what's your name, I'm Cui Ying."

"Shen Yun."

After tidying up the bed, Shen Yun was also going to lead the military training uniform, and it happened that He Yan was also there.

"Where are Zhu Wensheng and Zhao Xiaoxiao? Aren't they with you?" Shen Yun found that Zhu Wensheng and Zhao Xiaoxiao were not around, and asked He Yan curiously.

"Both of them, over there." He Yan resentfully pointed at Zhu Wensheng and Zhao Xiaoxiao who were enthusiastically helping the primary school girl with her suitcase.

Although they have only known each other for a few hours, the two people who are obsessed with sex, don't they both agree that they are friends?As a result, a little girl called for help, and the two passed by, leaving him alone and helpless at the reporting office.

In the end, an enthusiastic volunteer helped He Yan carry the suitcase upstairs.

The two of them headed to the dormitory after receiving their military training uniforms. This time, Shen Yun didn't let Su Mu follow, she just went up and put down the general training uniforms before coming down.

In the short time it took to lead the military training uniform, everyone in the dormitory has already arrived.

However, when Shen Yun saw that the person living opposite her was Xu Ruohan, she was shocked. She can now foresee that the dormitory life in the future must be in dire straits.

Maybe Xu Ruohan didn't expect that she could meet Shen Yun here, and the moment she saw Shen Yun, she was also dumbfounded.

However, both of them turned their eyes tacitly, pretending not to know each other, and focusing on their own affairs.

After Shen Yun delivered the clothes, He Yan and Su Mu were waiting for her downstairs.Two handsome men with excellent temperament and good looks stood downstairs, which naturally attracted the frequent attention of the girls in the dormitory.Some bolder people approached and asked Su Mu for his contact information.

"Sorry, my girlfriend is right there." Su Mu pointed at Shen Yun through the crowd, and those who wanted to contact turned their heads to see Shen Yun and walked away.

Shen Yun, who originally stood a little further away and wanted to watch the show, saw Su Mu pointing at him, and knew that he must have rejected him on his own.Shen Yun couldn't help laughing, she was very satisfied with Su Mu's reaction.

"Let's go." Shen Yun walked to Su Mu's side and took his arm.

Su Mu, who understood Shen Yun's careful thinking, patted Shen Yun's head dotingly, and let Shen Yun hold his hand.

He Yan, who had eaten the dog food again, rolled his eyes at the two of them, and couldn't see it.

He Yan began to miss the time when he was in Nancheng No. [-] Middle School. At least Xia Wei and Han Chenxi were the ones who ate dog food at that time, and now he was left alone to face this top-notch version of dog food.

"He Yan, didn't Xu Ruohan study liberal arts? Why did she study science in her third year of high school?" Shen Yun suddenly thought of Xu Ruohan in the dormitory, and asked He Yan curiously.

"I don't know either. It seems that her father disagrees with her studying liberal arts again, saying that it's not easy to find a job after coming out. Why did you suddenly remember to ask her?"

"Because she is my roommate now."

"Roommate!" He Yan and Su Mu looked at Shen Yun in shock. These two people are really close friends.

"Yes." Shen Yun nodded in frustration.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I can imagine that your dormitory will not be peaceful in the future." He Yan tsk tsk, feeling that he has a picture of Shen Yun and Xu Ruohan fighting against each other in his mind.

"He Yan, you must be gloating a little too much." Shen Yun cast his eyes on He Yan.He was frustrated by himself, but he only wanted to watch the excitement.

"I'm sorry, let me calm down a little."


When Shen Yun returned to the dormitory again, Xu Ruohan was no longer in the dormitory, only Cui Ying and another girl were left in the dormitory.

"Shen Yun." Cui Ying greeted her enthusiastically when she saw Shen Yun enter the room.

"Shen Yun, I want to ask if the boy who sent you up today is your brother?" Cui Ying lay on the back of the chair and asked Shen Yun purely out of curiosity.

"No, that's my boyfriend." Shen Yun shook his head and looked at Cui Ying. For some reason, she seemed to be more excited than before.

"Your boyfriend! How long have you been together?"

"What, what? I'll listen too." The person who was silent on the upper bunk bed moved curiously when he heard the word boyfriend.

Shen Yun glanced at Cui Ying and another girl who were clearly excited. As expected, gossip is a girl's nature.

"I have known him since childhood and grew up together."

"Childhood sweetheart." Cui Ying nodded knowingly. "But you are really a good match, you are both talented and beautiful."

"If I had known earlier, I would have come earlier, so that I could see what that boy looks like. You don't even know, when you didn't come, Cui Ying kept telling me how handsome your boyfriend is, It makes me so curious." The girl on the upper bunk complained to Shen Yun.

"Not so handsome." Shen Yun modestly denied, but he was still happy because they praised Su Mu in his heart.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce, my name is Zhang Shiya, and I major in clinical medicine."

"Shen Yun, majoring in psychology."

"So you're also a psychology major. I almost thought I was a psychology major." Cui Ying grabbed Shen Yun's hand when she heard Shen Yun say that she was a psychology major, as if she had found a companion.

(End of this chapter)

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