Chapter 126 Shooting the MV
"By the way, where are you from?" Zhang Shiya asked Shen Yun curiously.

"I'm from the South City."

"Nancheng." Cui Ying repeated in a low voice, she always felt that the name sounded so familiar.

"Then you came from the same place as Xu Ruohan, she is also from Nancheng."

After Zhang Shiya's reminder, Cui Ying remembered that Xu Ruohan had just said that she was from Nancheng not long ago.

The three of them were having a lively discussion when Xu Ruohan came in.Shen Yun's first reaction when he saw Xu Ruohan was to pretend he didn't see it. After all, the two of them didn't like each other.

"Xu Ruohan, let me tell you that Shen Yun is also from Nancheng, maybe you two are from the same place." Cui Ying saw Xu Ruohan introducing Shen Yun to her passionately.

Xu Ruohan, who heard Cui Ying's words, looked at Shen Yun like that. Since Shen Yun didn't say that she knew him, then Xu Ruohan would never say it with his arrogant personality.

"Well, I don't know you." Xu Ruohan said indifferently, climbed into bed and started playing with her mobile phone.

For Xu Ruohan's answer, Shen Yun was really not surprised, if Xu Ruohan said he knew her, he would be surprised.

According to the tradition of University B, the school usually holds a welcome party two weeks after the military training for freshmen.Like all the big welcome parties, there are generally four types of programs: singing, dancing, sketches, and cross talk.

Shen Yun stood downstairs in the dormitory and waited for Su Mu. He had promised him that he would accompany him to the shopping mall today to buy clothes, but he still hasn't come yet.

"Hello, may I ask if your name is Shen Yun?" Suddenly a girl rushed to Shen Yun and asked her cautiously.

"Well, what's the matter?" Shen Yun nodded, not knowing why this man suddenly ran up to her and asked himself what he was doing.

"It's like this. I'm in charge of the New Year's Party, and I'm Guan Junyue, the director of the Art Department of the Student Union. Then we want to make a new attempt at this year's New Year's Party, which is to have a MV play after the singer sings. Then we hope you and Su Mu can participate in the shooting of our MV." Guan Junyue finished babbling a series of words, and Shen Yun, who spoke so fast, almost didn't hear clearly.

"Thank you, but I don't really want to go." Shen Yun declined the proposal, she didn't want to mess with things.

"There are credits. If you participate, I can consider giving you and Su Mu more credits." Guan Junyue tempted Shen Yun with the credits unwillingly.

"I'm really sorry." Shen Yun smiled apologetically at Guan Junyue, just in time to see Su Mu coming, so he ran to find Su Mu.

Unable to succeed, Guan Junyue returned to the meeting room in frustration and called an emergency meeting impromptu.Of course, the only people who came to the meeting were her and Gao Zeyu, because other people were not in charge of this project.

She is really optimistic about the pair of Shen Yun and Su Mu. Not to mention the good looks, the key is that they are real couples. The filming must be sweet, which fits the atmosphere of this song.

Although Shen Yun disagreed, she could still attack Su Mu.She believes that as long as one of these two people agrees, the other will not be far away.

Guan Junyue approached Gao Zeyu with a smile, took out the lollipop that she had kept for a long time and was not willing to eat, and handed it to him.

"Vice president, eat candy."

Gao Zeyu squinted at the lollipop in her hand, but didn't take it. "There's nothing to be courteous about, rape or steal. Tell me, what's the matter?"

"The vice president is clever, I just want you to help me call Su Mu and Shen Yun to shoot the MV of our song together, aren't you roommates with Su Mu? Help me talk."

Seeing that Gao Zeyu didn't take the candy in her hand, Guan Junyue was about to take it back when Gao Zeyu snatched it away.

"Isn't this something you're in charge of? Why did you find me?" Gao Zeyu slowly tore off the candy paper and asked Guan Junyue back.

Guan Junyue reluctantly stared at the candy in Gao Zeyu's hand, followed the lollipop in Gao Zeyu's hand and finally entered his mouth.Gao Zeyu noticed that Guan Junyue looked reluctant to part with the lollipop, and deliberately spun the lollipop in front of her eyes to tease her.

Guan Junyue glared at Gao Zeyu viciously, ate her own candy, and deliberately teased herself in front of her. I, Guan Junyue, also have a temper.But when he thought that he was asking for others now, he finally decided to endure it.A small leak will sink a great ship.

"I asked Shen Yun just now, and she said she didn't want to go." Guan Junyue truthfully described the conversation with Shen Yun just now to Gao Zeyu.

"Shen Yun doesn't even want to go, why are you looking for me? I can't promise for them."

"Oh, vice president, can you help me? And the quality of this MV is related to your reputation." Guan Junyue took Gao Zeyu's arm and acted like a baby with him, looking at Gao Zeyu with big watery eyes.

"Think about it, if the quality of the MV is not good, it will appear that the song is not good; if the song is not good, the stage will be bad; And you are directly in charge of this welcome party, so in the end it will definitely be your fault."

"Aren't you quite eloquent? Why do you lose the chain at a critical moment." Gao Zeyu chuckled, and found that he was actually persuaded by this little girl.

"What can I do? I can't hold Shen Yun to let her go like I did to you. Just promise me when you will let her go." Guan Junyue lowered her head in frustration. If Gao Zeyu doesn't help herself again, she will It's really gone.And the welcome party was about to start in ten days. After the idea was settled yesterday, she began to screen personnel at the school, and found Shen Yun and Su Mu who were suitable.

"I can help you talk about it, but I can't guarantee whether it will be successful or not."

"Really? It doesn't matter. I believe that a wise and powerful person like Yifuhui will definitely be able to do it." Guan Junyue smiled when she heard that Gao Zeyu wanted to help her.

"Stop it, don't compliment me so much, just don't scold me behind my back." Gao Zeyu remembered that once before, he happened to be walking behind Guan Junyue, and he heard her complaining about herself to her friend again.It is said that he looks weak, but in fact he is an old fox, very cunning and cunning.

"Hey, how could it be? I respect you so much, Vice President." Guan Junyue smiled flatteringly.To be honest, she didn't know which passage Gao Zeyu heard, after all, she often complained about him behind.

"Come on, put away your respect and go to the stage. Also, all the members will have another rehearsal tomorrow. You'd better see you when I arrive." Gao Zeyu threatened Guan Junyue with a lollipop, She didn't listen to anyone who threatened her, and she was either late or left early for several events, and she couldn't be found at all.

"Come again." Guan Junyue really couldn't bear the rehearsal, a general rehearsal lasted all afternoon, and she didn't have time to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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