Chapter 128

"It's okay." Su Mu recovered and shook his head at Zhu Wensheng.

"I know." Zhao Xiaoxiao raised her hand, "Because someone confessed to his siblings that he was jealous."

Zhao Xiaoxiao looked at Su Mu proudly, "Are you wondering how I know?"

Before Su Mu could answer, Zhao Xiaoxiao said it on her own, "Because I saw it on the road, when that boy confessed his love, Su Mu's face turned black. I have to say, that boy is really fierce, With Su Mu right next to him, he dared to confess his love."

"I still think it's a big deal. It's normal for someone to like someone as beautiful as his younger brother and sister. Su Mu, shouldn't you be used to it?" Zhu Wensheng said nonchalantly, looking up to see Su Mu's eyes , the sound gradually disappears.

"In my opinion, otherwise you might as well agree to Gao Zeyu's proposal yesterday. I think what he said yesterday was quite right."

When Zhao Xiaoxiao spoke just now, Su Mu had been thinking about it. He always felt that this matter was suspicious, but he couldn't find the source.As for Zhu Wensheng's proposal just now, Su Mu suddenly figured it out.

"Gao Zeyu." Su Mu called Gao Zeyu who had no sense of participation after returning to the dormitory.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Gao Zeyu looked at Su Mu with a confused face, pretending to know nothing, but his heart had already blossomed.

"Does today's matter have something to do with you?" Su Mu's eyes that see through everything approached Gao Zeyu.

"What does your matter have to do with me? Could it be that I let others and my younger siblings confess?" Gao Zeyu was strong and calm. As long as he refused to admit it, Su Mu would have nothing to do with him.


"Really, really."

"Okay then, I promise to shoot the MV."

"Don't make false accusations just because you don't want to shoot the MV, what, you agreed?" Gao Zeyu thought that Su Mu would see through the plan and he refused to agree, but he didn't expect Su Mu to agree.

"Well, why don't you want me to agree." Su Mu thought for a while, no matter whether Gao Zeyu did it or not, he wanted to tell the whole world that Shen Yun was his girlfriend.

"Then Shen Yun?"

"Don't worry, get ready tomorrow, and you can shoot the day after tomorrow."

"Okay." Gao Zeyu readily agreed, and told Guan Junyue this happy thing.

"Really? As expected, Deputy Chief Gao is very powerful, and it can be done in one day." Guan Junyue's message was also replied quickly, and she got back as soon as Gao Zeyu sent it.

"Stop flattering me. If you really think I'm good, buy me another bag of lollipops. I want the ones that are woven into bags that are popular recently."

"Uh, actually, eating too much sugar is bad for your teeth. I think we should eat healthy and take care of our bodies and teeth."

"I don't care." Gao Zeyu deliberately teased Guan Junyue.In fact, he doesn't like sweets very much, but he feels okay after eating them recently.

"Oh, I'm so sleepy! I'm going to bed, and Vice President Gao also needs to go to bed early to take care of his body."

After seeing the news of Guan Junyue pretending to be stupid, the corners of Gao Zeyu's mouth rose slightly.This person is really stupid.

The next day, Su Mu and Shen Yun talked about it when they met.Actually, Su Mu talked to Shen Yun last night, but Shen Yun didn't reply to him, probably because he was asleep.

"You agree?" Shen Yun asked Su Mu in surprise, she also didn't expect Su Mu to agree.

"En." Su Mu nodded, he wanted to know what Shen Yun thought about it.

"Well, since you have agreed, of course I have to agree. Could it be possible to see you acting as a couple with other girls?" Shen Yun smiled and said to Su Mu, if Su Mu really played a couple with others, would she really will be angry.

"I just want to ask your opinion. If you really don't like it, I can replace Gao Zeyu immediately." Su Mu was worried that Shen Yun didn't like it, but he compromised because of him.

"I don't have any objections. After thinking about it, it's not bad to take a picture, and there are credits." Shen Yun shrugged indifferently. At first, she refused mainly because she knew that Su Mu didn't like these things, and secondly, she didn't like this kind of things very much.

However, since Su Mu agreed, she didn't care.Anyway, as long as she is with Su Mu, she can do whatever she wants.Of course, Shen Yun can't say this, so he can only think about it in his heart.

"Then, we're going to start filming the day after tomorrow. Just in time, you don't have class the afternoon of the day after tomorrow."

"Well, okay."

On the day of filming, Shen Yun got up early in the morning and began to choose clothes.After all, it is to be displayed in front of the teachers and students of the whole school, so it must not be dressed casually.

Shen Yun opened the closet, except for T-shirts and jeans, there were no other styles of clothes.

Shen Yun struggled for a long time in front of all the t-shirts and jeans, and finally chose to wear a white t-shirt, with a string of English letters on the upper left of the t-shirt.The trousers were light blue skinny jeans, which showed Shen Yun's figure vividly.

Slender and slender legs, small buttocks, and fair skin.It shows in real time what makes a good-looking person look good in anything.

Shen Yun brushed his teeth and washed his face after choosing his clothes. After washing his face, he wiped off all the things Zhu Yiyi gave her.Usually Shen Yun is too lazy, these skin care products are applied when she thinks about them.But even so, Shen Yun's skin is still very good, smooth and delicate, even if you look closely, you can hardly see any pores.

Every time Cui Ying sees Shen Yun casually washing her face and going straight to bed, she is particularly envious. This skin without skin care is better than her skin that is skin care every day, which is unreasonable.

Due to time constraints, Shen Yun went out with Su Mu and the others to shoot the MV after class in the morning.

The initial plan to shoot the scene was in the school, but there are usually too many people in the school, so it is easy to enter.So, later Gao Zeyu found a reed field not far from the school.

The breeze blows by, and the reeds flutter along with it, which is very beautiful.There is an open space just opposite, where you can rest and take pictures of other environments.

When a group of people came to the reed field, they were all starving. Because they were in a hurry, they came here without having lunch.

Guan Junyue is also a little guilty, but time is tight and tasks are heavy, so I can only trouble everyone first.

"Everyone, I also know that everyone is hungry. Deputy Chief Gao and I bought lunch for everyone, but it hasn't arrived yet, so I will wrong you first." When it comes to the convenience of doing things, Guan Junyue can definitely be said to be one of the best.When choosing the minister at that time, Guan Junyue was far ahead with the high number of votes.

However, when did he and Guan Junyue buy lunch for everyone?Why doesn't he know?Gao Zeyu cast doubtful eyes on Guan Junyue, and found that she took a picture of her hands together and silently said please to him.

(End of this chapter)

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