It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 129 One lollipop per day

Chapter 129 One Lollipop a Day
After waiting for a while, lunch was delivered.Since their route is a bit remote, they need to pick it up on the road by themselves, so Guan Junyue took Gao Zeyu to accompany her.

"Tell me, what's the situation?" Gao Zeyu asked Guan Junyue on the way back after picking up the meal.

"I'm shy." Guan Junyue lowered her head and said in a low voice.She knew that it was not good for her to behave like this, but she did not have that much money, so she could only bring someone to accompany her for the time being.

Those who came here together were either members of her department, or Su Mu and Shen Yun, and it was inappropriate to call anyone for help.Therefore, Gao Zeyu can only be wronged, who made him have a higher position than himself.

"So, you just want me to pay for you?" Gao Zeyu glanced at the amount on the takeout list, a total of 234 yuan.

"No, just treat it as what I owe you, okay? You can help me pay half of it, and I will give it to you when I have money next month." Guan Junyue looked at Gao Zeyu praying, she didn't want to do this either, didn't she have no money? .

"Okay, then I want to raise the interest rate."

"It's so dark, you, you still pay interest for this little money."

"If you don't want to, give it back to me now." Gao Zeyu stretched out a hand towards Guan Junyue.

Guan Junyue gritted her teeth angrily, and she said that Gao Zeyu was a cunning fox, "Okay, how much interest do you want?"

"Yeah." Gao Zeyu thought about it seriously, "One lollipop a day."

"Got it." Guan Junyue left angrily and quickly walked away. She didn't want to see this man now, for fear that she would not be able to help herself and bite him.

It’s lollipops again, so I love lollipops, I curse you that all your teeth will be bitten by insects in the future, all of them will fall out, and none will be left.So that you can't even eat a meal in the future, you can only drink soup.

Guan Junyue put the lunch box on the ground, and there were different meals in it for them to choose by themselves.

These people may also be very hungry, and regardless of Sanqi 21, they just pick a portion from it and eat it.

Guan Junyue was carefully looking for her lunch box, she remembered that she ordered a whole vegetarian dish for herself, why it disappeared as soon as she turned her face.

She basically ordered two meat and two vegetables for them. She didn't think that anyone could make a mistake, so she ate the vegetarian feast she ordered.

But after looking around, I really didn't see my all-vegetarian feast. Could it be that someone else really ate it?No way, who would be so stupid and vegan if he doesn't eat meat?

The fool was soon discovered. Gao Zeyu came over with a box of lunch and asked Guan Junyue why there was another vegetarian banquet, and he just chose it.

Guan Junyue snatched the lunch that belonged to her from Gao Zeyu, and said to Gao Zeyu stingingly, "It can only be blamed on the back of your hand, who is to blame for your bad character."

"You ordered this vegetarian banquet for yourself?" Gao Zeyu originally thought that Guan Junyue deliberately punished him for the vegetarian banquet, but now it seems that it may not be the case.

"Yeah, I'm losing weight."

Gao Zeyu stood up and scanned Guan Junyue twice, and nodded seriously, "It's time to lose weight, she's really fat."

"Get lost, who are you calling fat?" Guan Junyue was most annoyed by others saying she was fat.She is obviously only 90 pounds, but she is just a little rounder, so she is fat.

"Didn't you say you want to lose weight?" Gao Zeyu didn't understand what the girls are thinking now. He clearly said that he wanted to lose weight and eat a vegetarian feast, but he didn't allow others to say that she was fat.

"Myself, I can say whatever I want. You can't, if you say it is a personal attack." Guan Junyue said Gao Zeyu confidently with one hand on his waist.

"All right, all right, I won't quibble with you." Gao Zeyu disarmed and surrendered, took another boxed lunch and went across to Su Mu and Shen Yun to eat.

When Su Mu and Shen Yun saw Gao Zeyu, they looked at each other and smiled, and they both understood what the other was talking about.The breath of gossip is very strong.

After eating, the official work began.Shen Yun and Su Mu entered the film very quickly, and the content of the filming was basically a one-off.

Seeing this scene, Guan Junyue nodded in satisfaction.Her vision is still very good. Shen Yun and Su Mu are definitely good actors.The two entered the play, the lines, etc. very quickly, but this time the song may not have sound, because the surrounding environment will affect the performance of the singer on stage.

The shooting lasted a total of five days. The last scene after shooting was Shen Yun and Su Mu hugging each other in the reeds. Gao Zeyu felt that this scene was very beautiful, and took out his mobile phone to take a picture of this scene.

After work was over, Guan Junyue proposed to have dinner together, and she treated her guests.After all, I have troubled him for so long, so I can't let him help for nothing.

"Woo~ good, the minister is really kind-hearted."

Guan Junyue kept smiling, but in fact her heart was bleeding, and she was going to ask Gao Zeyu to borrow money again.

"Be brave." Gao Zeyu stood not far away, looked at Guan Junyue, and muttered softly.Doesn't he know how much money she has?Those who are poor can't afford takeaway, and even volunteered to treat guests.

This meal may cost her half a month's living expenses.

"What are you looking at?" Su Mu came to Gao Zeyu's side and patted him on the shoulder.

"It's okay." Gao Zeyu looked away.

"Send me the photo you just took." Su Mu approached Gao Zeyu, who had just seen Gao Zeyu take a photo.

"No problem." Gao Zeyu took out his hand and sent all the photos he took to Su Mu.When I clicked on the photos again, I was surprised to find that there was a photo of Guan Junyue's side face, not to mention cute.

After everyone sent the shooting equipment back to the dormitory, they came to the meeting place.After everyone gathered, Guan Junyue stood up holding the wine glass, and everyone else followed suit.

"Thank you everyone for taking the time to help me with this, and thank you Shen Yun and Su Mu for agreeing to participate in the filming. I will replace the wine with a drink and do it first."

The others followed Guan Junyue and drank all the wine or drinks in their hands.

Shen Yun didn't even look at it, picked up the cup on the table and drank it. After drinking it, she found that the taste was not right. It seemed that she took Su Mu's quilt and drank wine.

However, the wine still sounds good.Shen Yun licked his lips, smacked his lips to savor the taste of the wine, then picked up the wine glass and poured himself another glass.

Su Mu also noticed this, and turned to look at Shen Yun. She had never drank alcohol since she was a child.However, Shen Yun's complexion was normal, and he seemed to be fine.

However, Su Mu observed Shen Yun all the time. For the first time drinking, he was worried that Shen Yun had drunk too much.

"I think the video we shot will definitely attract attention and become the biggest focus of today's welcome party."

"That is, based on the looks of Su Mu and Shen Yun alone, we have already won this one."

"The main reason for the award and the award is your good shooting skills." Su Mu said modestly.

(End of this chapter)

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