It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 131 Good Night, My Princess

Chapter 131 Good Night, My Princess

After Su Mu hung up the phone, Shen Yun had already fallen asleep in his arms.Su Mu sighed helplessly, and gently placed Shen Yun on the bed.

Suddenly, the person who was already asleep hugged Su Mu's neck and pulled it down, and kissed Su Mu's mouth.

"Hee hee, you must have been tricked by me." Shen Yun opened his eyes, revealing a sly smile.

"Yes, little villain." Su Mu was dumbfounded, and raised his hand to scrape the bridge of Shen Yun's nose lovingly.

"Call me again, brother." Su Mu deliberately lowered his voice, bewitching Shen Yun.

"I don't want it." Shen Yun shook his head, rejecting Su Mu's request.

"If I call you brother again, I won't be able to marry you in the future." Shen Yun said in a coquettish voice, pouted, as if talking about a particularly wronged thing.

"Who told you that?"

"Manny said."

Manny was Shen Yun's deskmate in the third grade of elementary school, and later because the two of them had a fight in class, they were switched seats, and Shen Yun and Zhu Yiyi sat together.

"Do you believe what she said?" Su Mu suddenly understood why Shen Yun didn't call him. It turned out that he was bewitched by others.

"I don't believe it." Shen Yun shook his head obediently, and continued, "But, I'm afraid that I really won't be able to marry Brother Su Mu in the future."

This sentence suddenly pierced Su Mu's heart. I don't believe her words, but everything about you, even if there is only a little chance, I dare not try.

"No, the person you will marry in the future must be someone whose surname is Su Mingmu, who is called Su Mu. You can't marry if you don't want to." Su Mu gently followed Shen Yun's hair, approaching Shen Yun's ear gently language.

"Really? If I continue to call Brother Su Mu, will he marry me?" Shen Yun asked Su Mu worriedly with his doubtful eyes.

"Will do."

"It's great, I can marry Brother Su Mu in the future." Shen Yun smiled slightly, gradually loosened his hands holding Su Mu's neck, closed his eyes and fell asleep quickly.

Su Mu lay on the bed, looking at Shen Yun's sleeping face.Perhaps because the nose is not breathing smoothly, the mouth is slightly opened, and the breathing has stabilized.

His girlfriend, I really can't get enough of it.Su Mu stood up and kissed Shen Yun's forehead lightly.Good night, my princess.

The next morning, when Shen Yun woke up from the bed, his head was still a little groggy. He didn't know if it was because he hadn't sobered up yet, or because he had slept too much.

Shen Yun glanced around the room, and Su Mu was no longer there.There is a glass of water on the table next to the bed, and there is a note under it.

"Drink the water on the table first when you wake up, and I'll buy you breakfast. Also, I've asked for leave for you and the counselor, so you can rest assured."

Shen Yun looked at the note and smiled knowingly.

After reading it, Shen Yun folded the notes neatly and put them in his pocket, then took a sip of the water on the table.

The phone on the table rang, and someone sent her a message.Shen Yun opened it and saw that it was a video sent to her by Gao Zeyu.

"Brothers and sisters, it is an excellent collection of videos, don't worry, I have deleted the original video."

Shen Yun clicked on the video and found that it was a video of him getting drunk and asking Su Mu to hug him.Shen Yun turned off the phone quickly in embarrassment, and fell into despair.

It's really embarrassing, in front of so many people, she actually found such a thing, what will she do in the future.

Shen Yun grabbed a handful of hair irritably, and after calming down, he turned on his phone again and sent a message to Gao Zeyu.Warn him that this video cannot be released, absolutely not.

"Ann, I know. If I want a rumor, why send it to you?"

Shen Yun was still worried, and asked Gao Zeyu to make a guarantee and asked him to delete the video sent to him.Gao Zeyu obediently made a promise, and sent Shen Yun a screenshot of the mobile phone chat interface to prove that he had deleted the video, and Shen Yun was relieved.

This is a dark history, let it be forgotten, Shen Yun is constantly brainwashing himself.When I woke up, I was still regretting that I didn't remember what I looked like after being drunk. I don't know when it will happen next time I drink.But now, Shen Yun only hopes that he can forget everything in his mind.

It was so embarrassing, Shen Yun lay on the pillow, and the scene of her pretending to be asleep and secretly kissing Su Mu appeared in her mind again.It's really embarrassing and embarrassing, how can I see them in the future.

Shen Yun is extremely annoyed now, and finally understands what it means, although strong wine is good, don't be greedy.Because I am ashamed of drinking too much, I feel that my image has collapsed overnight.

When Su Mu bought breakfast and came back, he saw Shen Yun lying on the bed, and thought she was awake.So, she tiptoed to the bedside, pulled the quilt under Shen Yun's pressure, and wanted to cover it for Shen Yun.

Suddenly, Shen Yun sat up from the bed, startling Su Mu.

"What are you doing lying on the bed after you get up?" Su Mu held his frightened heart and blamed Shen Yun.

"Let me ask you, do you remember what happened after I got drunk yesterday?" Shen Yun looked at Su Mu seriously, which made Su Mu's heart tremble.

"Remember, what's wrong?" Su Mu put the bought breakfast on the table and asked Shen Yun back.

"I'll cast a spell on you, and you forget about them, okay?" Shen Yun came to Su Mu's side and pulled his cuff to act like a spoiled child.

Su Mu smiled lightly, raised an eyebrow, and asked Shen Yun frivolously, "How do you plan to cast spells on me?"

Shen Yun grabbed Su Mu's arm and pulled him down.Su Mu bent down cooperatively, watching what new tricks Shen Yun had.

Shen Yun kissed Su Mu on the cheek, tilted his head and looked at Su Mu, "Have you forgotten?"

Su Mu frowned in embarrassment, and teased Shen Yun, "What should I do? It seems that your magic doesn't work. I still remember some things."

Shen Yun kissed Su Mu's face again, and kissed Su Mu again.

Su Mu thought for a while, then shook his head, "No, your magic won't work, you have to have mine."

Before Shen Yun could react, Su Mu pressed Shen Yun's lips, and the two of them lay down on the bed.

Because Shen Yun was kneeling on the bed before, facing Su Mu.Now being pressed by Su Mu, Shen Yun's entire back lay on his lap.

At the moment of falling down, an idea appeared in Shen Yun's mind.Fortunately, I have good flexibility, otherwise I wouldn't be able to resist Su Mu's torment.

Shen Yun got up from the bed panting, and stared at Su Mu with a full face. It's true, this person doesn't give himself a break every time he kisses.Every time, when she was about to suffocate herself, she would release a gap, let her take a breath, and then kissed again.

"Don't look at me like that, or I can't help but kiss again." Su Mu took out the breakfast he bought from the bag and put it on the table. Feeling Shen Yun's gaze, he didn't turn his head to look at her. Said.

Shen Yun, who heard Su Mu's words, immediately withdrew his gaze.

(End of this chapter)

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