Chapter 132
On the day of the welcome party, Guan Junyue warmly invited Shen Yunbut to watch their MV on the spot, but Shen Yun refused.

It's really embarrassing to watch what I acted in front of the public.

Although Guan Junyue felt sorry, she didn't say anything, maybe she also knew that Shen Yun was afraid of embarrassment.Guan Junyue told Shen Yun that the school has arranged a live broadcast channel, and Shen Yun can directly click on the link sent by the school to watch the live broadcast.

Upon hearing this, Shen Yun felt that this method was good, and asked Guan Junyue to forward the live broadcast channel to himself.She thought the school's account posted too many updates every day, so she didn't pay attention.

The program that sang with Shen Yun was ranked fourth, and I heard that the singers were also a couple.

Everyone in the dormitory, except Shen Yun, went to watch the welcome party. Shen Yun stayed in the dormitory alone, and started watching the live broadcast.

The opening was a hip-hop dance, and the people on the stage danced with enthusiasm, but Shen Yun was really not interested in these.If it wasn't for watching the MV she made, she probably wouldn't have clicked on that link.

Shen Yun, who was waiting for the show boredly, received a call from Su Mu and asked her to go down.

When Shen Yun went downstairs, Su Mu had already arrived.

"Why go?"

"Just follow me." Su Mu pulled Shen Yun to the gazebo by the lake.On weekdays, when Shen Yun passed the gazebo, he would walk forward without looking sideways, for fear that if he looked to the side, he would see something that he shouldn't have seen.After all, this place is basically for couples.

Maybe it's because everyone went to the welcome party today, and there were no young couples in the gazebo.

It can be clearly seen that the gazebo has been simply arranged, with yellow colored lights wrapped around the pillars, and bright yellow star-shaped lights hanging from above.

Shen Yun remembered that she had casually told Su Mu two days ago that she missed her life at grandma's house, because at that time she could see the shining stars in the sky when she looked up.Unexpectedly, Su Mu remembered it and made a lot of stars for her.

"Did you do it?" Shen Yun pointed to the stars and asked Su Mu knowingly.

"Do you like it?" Su Mu raised his eyebrows, and the answer was obvious.

"I like it." Shen Yun jumped on Su Mu happily, she really liked it.

"Thank you."

"Fool, thank you for telling me something." Su Mu raised his hand and gently tapped Shen Yun's forehead with his index knuckles.

Su Mu looked down at Shen Yun. In such an excellent atmosphere, if he didn't do something, he would be sorry for setting up the scene for so long.

Thinking about it, Su Mu did as well.Putting one hand on the back of Shen Yun's head and the other around her waist, she lowered her head slowly.

Seeing that she was about to kiss her, she was pushed away by Shen Yun.

"No, the live broadcast stage of the welcome party should come to us, we will kiss after watching it." After speaking, Shen Yun took out his mobile phone and turned on the school's live broadcast.

The third show hasn't finished yet, but it has come to an end, and it will be them soon.

Su Mu was about to be laughed at by Shen Yun, there is no bargaining for kissing, and kissing after watching.

"No, I want it now." Su Mu snatched the phone from Shen Yun domineeringly, and put it on the bench beside the gazebo.

The moment the phone was placed on the bench, Su Mu's lips were directly printed on it.

Shen Yun whimpered and patted Su Mu's shoulder, trying to push him away.But how could Su Mu give Shen Yun this chance? As soon as he retracted his long arms, Shen Yun fell into his arms.

At the same time, a picture of two people was played on the mobile phone.The barrage on the phone suddenly seemed to explode, covering the entire screen, and no faces could be seen at all.

By the time Su Mu let go of Shen Yun, their show was over.Shen Yun patted Su Mu on the shoulder as if complaining, and blamed him for not being able to watch the live broadcast.

"If you want to watch it, I'll just ask Gao Zeyu for the original video. There are no singers standing in front of me. It's definitely a high-definition video."

Shen Yun was still not happy, and blamed Su Mu for abusing his power.

Just when the two people were in a stalemate and did not want to start a fight, a message interrupted the two of them.

He Yan posted the video he took in the group, and questioned Su Mu and Shen Yun, "Is this the reason why you don't eat every day and abandon me?"

Xia Wei: "Oh my god, this shot is so beautiful! Especially the scene of the two hugging each other at the end, it's absolutely amazing."

Wei Ziyi: Plus 1, I also feel that the last scene is absolutely perfect, with endless aftertaste.

Zhu Yiyi: Just waking up and giving me such a sweet crit, I suddenly feel that I don't have to eat for a day.

He Yan: Don't you have any sympathy for my poor situation where I am alone and have no one to accompany me?

Xia Wei: No, next one.

Zhu Yiyi: No, next one.

Han Chenxi: There is no next one.

He Yan: When did you come out? I'm afraid you didn't mean to see me embarrassing? "

Han Chenxi: Think too much, if you are sick, you should go to the doctor immediately.Coincidentally, you can also give it to Shen Yun to practice.

Shen Yun: Hahahaha, you can have this.He Yan, come on, I'll be waiting for you downstairs in the girls' dormitory.

He Yan quit the phone angrily. This group of people have nothing else to do except hate me every day.

The video of Shen Yun and Su Mu became popular in University B, and this video can still be found on the Internet.

Since then, no one has confessed to Shen Yunsumu again, maybe they all feel that they are not as good as his (her) other half.But there are always some shameless people who tightly surround them.

"Is it okay for me to sit here?" Qi Xiwen asked Shen Yun and Su Mu who were eating with a plate, but before they could answer, he sat directly next to Su Mu.

Both of them ate their own meals without paying any attention to her.

Shen Yun glanced at Qi Xiwen, thinking to himself that this person is really thick-skinned.The hand subconsciously put the dish in his mouth, and just as the dish touched his lips, Shen Yun sensed something was wrong.

Looking down, sure enough, it was the carrot that I didn't eat.Shen Yun put it into Su Mu's bowl in disgust, and Su Mu didn't feel anything wrong, so he just picked it up and ate it.

Of course Qi Xiwen observed the actions of the two of them, and scolded Shen Yun in his heart.I don't know who the show was for, but seeing her coming, I put the carrots in the Sumu bowl. Is this a demonstration to her?

Qi Xiwen smiled contemptuously, she felt that Shen Yun was really stupid, did she feel that she was easy to bully?That little move can't beat her at all.

Not only would she not be able to defeat her, but she would also succeed in taking the position and squeeze Shen Yun down.

Qi Xiwen looked at the plate and found that he also ordered carrots.He hooked his lips and smiled, God helped me.

"Oh, I don't eat carrots either, Su Mu, I'll give you all of them." Qi Xiwen said exaggeratedly, and put all the carrots in Su Mu's bowl.

"Sorry, I'm allergic to carrots." Su Mu blocked Qi Xiwen's chopsticks in time, and shot her indifferent eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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