Chapter 134

At this time, there were two teams competing on the basketball court, and the sound of cheering was loud.

Shen Yun glanced at them, and found that she didn't understand at all, she only knew about goals and three-pointers, and didn't know anything else.

He Yan and Su Mu came to a field farther away from the competition, and they began to warm up.He Yan understood that Su Mu had never played before, and generously gave Su Mu time to throw a few balls to practice.

Su Mu didn't refuse, and took the ball directly.He really needs to practice his hands first, and he hasn't played for a long time. It is estimated that he will not play well at the beginning.

Su Mu stood in front of the basket and began to practice pitching, while He Yanze and Shen Yun stood outside the court, watching Su Mu play.

"Sister Yun, do you think Su Mu can play ball?" Seeing that Su Mu's hand gestures were wrong, He Yan asked Shen Yun suspiciously.

"I don't know, I haven't seen him play." Shen Yun shook her head lightly, she was also thinking about this question.After thinking about it, she had never seen Su Mu play, and she began to wonder if Su Mu was acting arrogantly and asked for the game.

He Yan smiled knowingly, feeling that he was sure to win this time.I was a little worried before, afraid that Su Mu would catch himself off guard, and then make a big move or something.Now, even Sister Yun doesn't know that Su Mu can play, so Su Mu definitely can't play.

"Okay, let's start." Su Mu had already practiced and shouted to He Yan.

"I'm not in a hurry, you can practice again, so that you won't say that I bully you again." He Yan spoke confidently.

If He Yan had a tail, he would definitely be up to the sky at this moment.

"No, it's not certain what will happen then." Su Mu smiled charmingly, and looked at He Yan confidently.

"Then come on, I'll let you serve." He Yan handed the mobile phone in his pocket to Shen Yun, rolled up his sleeves, and walked across from Su Mu.

Su Mu patted the ball unhurriedly, He Yan stared at Su Mu closely, not giving him a chance to attack.

Su Mu raised his hand, and successfully tricked He Yan with a feint.At the moment He Yan raised his head to look for the ball, Su Mu moved quickly, holding the ball past He Yan, jumped up and threw the ball to the hoop.

In the first round, Su Mu won.

He Yan was shocked, he didn't expect Su Mu to win so quickly.Coincidence, must be a coincidence.

At the beginning of the second round, Shen Yun stood in the middle and served.Based on the principle of fairness, impartiality and openness, Shen Yun quickly ran away after throwing a ball upwards. She was afraid of accidental injury.

This time it was Su Mu who grabbed the ball, but was intercepted by He Yan halfway.

In the second round, He Yan won.

He Yan smiled smugly, this is the correct route.

The third round is also the most critical round.

Because He Yan had to compete in the afternoon, and it was not easy to exercise too much at noon, the two of them agreed on a simple two-out-of-three game.

In the third round, Shen Yun still served.It was still Su Mu who got the basketball.

This time, the basketball was not taken away by He Yan.

In the end, Su Mu won two to one.

He Yan opened his mouth in disbelief, how could this be different from what he had expected, and he said he would win for sure?Why did you lose a game as soon as you came up.

"Su Mu, did you deliberately put on a cover for me just now? Don't tell me that you just learned how to play basketball in such a short period of time."

"That's right, in such a short period of time, you said you were not angry." Su Mu chuckled lightly, teasing He Yan on purpose.

"I don't believe it, it's impossible. Is it possible that my basketball for so many years was for nothing? I can't compare to a person who just practiced." He Yan fell into deep doubts, and couldn't believe that Su Mu was really in such a short time. Learned to play basketball.

"Did you really just learn how to play basketball?" Shen Yun also believed it, and quietly approached Su Mu to ask him.

"How is it possible, I was teasing him." Su Mu whispered back to Shen Yun, for fear of being heard by He Yan.

"I guess I'm a useless person. I won't participate in the game this afternoon. Find someone else." He Yan was still silent in grief and couldn't recover for a long time. Why is Su Mu, who just learned how to play basketball, better than He is good, why?

Seeing He Yan like this, Shen Yun touched Su Mu's arm with his elbow, telling him to go over and explain the situation clearly.Otherwise, He Yan's state might delay his playing in the afternoon.

Su Mu sighed, why can't this person afford to lose, and he still needs to coax him when it's over.

"I'm lying to you. I knew how to play basketball before. I was just looking for a hand feeling." Su Mu said to He Yan who was squatting on the ground and drawing circles with his fingers on the ground depressed.

"Really?" He Yan immediately became energetic and looked up at Su Mu.

"Hmm." Su Mu raised his left eyebrow to express his affirmation.

"You didn't tell lies on purpose to comfort me, did you?" He Yan looked at Su Mu suspiciously. From today on, he couldn't believe anything Su Mu said.

"Of course, am I human and not a god? Who can learn a movement in just a few minutes."

"That's good. Let me just say, how can a person who just learned how to play basketball beat me." He Yan stood up and began to feel proud again.

Shen Yun and Su Mu rolled their eyes at the same time. This man really said that he could breathe if he was fat, and he could go to heaven with a compliment.

Because the He Yan game is about to start now, the three of them simply didn't wait, and stayed directly on the basketball court waiting for the game to start.

The game was about to start, He Yan followed his team into the arena, and greeted Shen Yun and Su Mu in the stands.

Shen Yun and Su Mu responded to He Yan by waving the clapping palms they borrowed from the players.

"Isn't that our school's good-looking CP? Do you know them?" The teammates saw He Yan saying hello and leaned over to ask.

"Of course, we grew up together." He Yan was full of pride when others praised Shen Yun and Su Mu.

"Blow it up and you're the two of them, childhood sweethearts who grew up together, so what's the matter with you?" The teammate obviously didn't believe He Yan's words.

"What's wrong with childhood sweethearts, can't childhood sweethearts have other friends?" He Yan couldn't understand the logical relationship of this person, what's wrong with childhood sweethearts and making friends.

"If you want to say that you are still naive, your childhood sweetheart is talking about a sweet love, what are you doing in the middle? To be a friend, first of all you have to ask if he is sincerely making friends for you." The teammate smiled mockingly, feeling He Yan is stupid, others may not regard him as a friend at all, but he was introduced by good friends.

"Whether other people have this idea is someone else's idea, so you don't need to worry about it too much. You should think about how to play the game later." He Yan was obviously unhappy, and replied to his teammates.

The teammate who was beaten up shyly withdrew his body and whispered, "It's so kind to be a donkey's liver and lungs."

(End of this chapter)

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