It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 135 My life is the best with you

Chapter 135 My life is the best with you
He Yan heard his teammates muttering, but he only glanced at him lightly, and didn't speak.Talking to this kind of person feels like insulting himself.

With a whistle, the game officially started.

The He Yan team did not seize the opportunity at the very beginning, and the ball was taken away by the opponent.He Yan quickly directed his teammates to pay attention to defense.

The opponent tries to throw the ball and misses it.He Yan took the basketball along the way, and his teammates quickly cooperated and adjusted their positions.

The fight on the court was in full swing, and the shouting outside the court was also in full swing.Especially behind Shen Yun, there was an unusually abrupt scream, which had the highest decibel in the audience, and it was hard to pay attention to it.

Shen Yun always felt that the voice was familiar, so he looked back.Sure enough, the person with the extremely abrupt voice was Cui Ying.

It was only then that Shen Yun remembered that Cui Ying's boyfriend is a computer major, and it seems that her boyfriend is playing here.However, can she, who is about to participate in the host contest, shout so hard?Aren't you afraid of hurting your throat?

Shen Yun sent a message to Cui Ying, telling her to be careful not to shout so loudly, otherwise her voice would become hoarse, and the actions she had put in for so many days would be in vain.

After waiting for a long time, Cui Ying's message was not taken back, and the screams behind her did not decrease at all.It is estimated that the competition is going on now, and Cui Ying has no time to look at her mobile phone.

Shen Yun turned around, hoping that Cui Ying could take a look at herself.But Shen Yun found out that she was wrong, Cui Ying is now completely like a little girl, her eyes are all on the field, how can she see herself.

There is no other way but to wait until the end of the first half, when Cui Ying can find time to look at her phone.

After a lot of waiting, it was finally halftime.Shen Yun turned around and wanted to remind Cui Ying to check her phone, but she saw that she rushed to the first row like a gust of wind to bring water to her boyfriend.

... Well, the boyfriend is the most important thing, nothing else matters.

Shen Yun chose to give up, let it go, the worst thing is to eat more golden voices.

"Su Mu, do you think I am the same as Cui Ying in the eyes of others?" Shen Yun looked at Cui Ying and asked Su Mu thoughtfully.

"If you are as enthusiastic as she is, I can wake up from my dreams with a smile." Su Mu's brain couldn't keep up with his mouth, so he said it first, and suddenly realized that he had a problem with his speech and quickly corrected it. "No, I didn't mean that. I mean you This is also very good, really, no matter what you look like, I like it."

Shen Yun understood what Su Mu meant, but still glared at Su Mu intentionally, "It's late, what you just blurted out has already represented your innermost feelings. You just dislike me for not being active enough."

"No, I didn't, how could I despise you." Su Mu denied Sanlian and quickly explained for himself.

"Don't explain, don't listen, don't listen, bastard chant." Shen Yun imitated the movements in the TV series, covered his ears with his hands, and shook his head gently.

Seeing Shen Yun shaking his head and shaking his head cutely, Su Mu couldn't help laughing for a while.

Shen Yun was so angry when he heard Su Mu who was shocked by the laughter, he was actually laughing!He is still laughing!Simply intolerable.Shen Yun glared at Su Mu, put down his hands and sat obediently to watch the game.

Seeing that Shen Yun was really angry, Su Mu put away his smile and stretched out his hand to tug on Shen Yun's clothes.Shen Yun put away the corners of his clothes, not giving Su Mu any chance, and kept his eyes on the game.

"Are you angry?" Su Mu couldn't reach the corner of his clothes, so he tugged on Shen Yun's sleeve again and again.

Shen Yun retracted the arm close to Su Mu, and sat beside him, leaving an empty seat between him and Su Mu, obviously angry.

"Don't be angry, okay?" Su Mu couldn't resist the seat Shen Yun moved, and Su Mu followed suit.

Shen Yun moved to the side again, and Su Mu followed suit.Move again, sit again; move again, sit again...

Until Shen Yun moved to someone's side, Su Mu smiled triumphantly, "Now, you can't move!"

While Su Mu was in joy, Shen Yun suddenly got up and sat in the last row.

There is almost no one in the last row, except for a couple in love at the corner.Su Mu followed Shen Yun with his eyes, and watched her go to the last row to sit down, and he got up to follow, but the phone received a message from Shen Yun.

"Sit with you and don't come over."

"Why? I want to go there, I want to follow you." Su Mu said nasty words without fear of nausea.

"Don't come here, let me calm down."

Seeing the words sent by Shen Yun, Su Mu glanced in her direction worriedly, and then lowered his head to reply her the message.

"What I just said was just a joke. I never envy other people's lives. I don't envy other people's girlfriends. It's the best look, mine because I know my life as long as I have you Just look the best, as long as my girlfriend is you, I am happy. Similarly, I don’t want you to change for me, you are you, you are yourself first and then Su Mu’s girlfriend , I just hope you can be yourself and don't wrong yourself."

Su Mu sent a long list of words, and Shen Yun read them one by one, tears streaming down his face.It's really annoying, why did you suddenly send her these things, don't you know that your tears are low?
"Are you moved to cry? Don't cry, I will feel bad if I cry." Su Mu turned around and found Shen Yun wiping his tears, and continued to send her messages.

"Then it's not your fault. If you have nothing to do, send me something tearful." Shen Yun was still wiping away tears, and sent a message to Su Mu complaining.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong, and I will never do it next time. Forgive me this time, okay?" Su Mu used to admit his mistake, and humbly begged Shen Yun to forgive him.

"Hmph, it's all your fault. I was fine at first."

"Yes, yes, my fault, don't be angry, okay?"

"I want to eat the spicy chicken you made." Shen Yun was caught off guard when the topic changed, and when the spicy chicken was mentioned, Shen Yun suddenly felt hungry.

"Then I can't do it for you now, and I don't have anything to do with it." Su Mu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and suddenly felt that it's pretty good to have a craft that satisfies his girlfriend, at least it's easy to coax her when she is angry.

"It's so annoying. It would be nice if I were still at home. I can play however I want, eat whatever I want, and I don't have to queue up to buy food every day." Shen Yun looked up to the sky and sighed, suddenly he missed the days at home so much.

"Be patient! When we go home during the winter vacation, I will make it for you every day."

Shen Yun may not have thought that the words he said casually were deeply buried in his heart, and began to take root and sprout little by little.

"That won't work, let's do it differently, eat this every day for a month or two, let's not talk about whether it is good or not, the point is, if it has been so late, I will definitely get tired of it long ago.

"Okay, when the time comes, you can order and eat whatever you want."

(End of this chapter)

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