It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 136 The Difference Between Love and Not Love

Chapter 136 The Difference Between Love and Not Love

The game has entered a fierce state, and the teams on both sides are currently tied.

There are still 3 minutes before the end of the game. People on both sides are racing against each other, hoping that they can score a key goal at the last moment.

Currently the ball is in He Yan's hands, and the opposing team surrounds He Yan, making it impossible for him to throw the ball.He Yan made a false move and passed the ball to his teammates. The opposing team quickly withdrew to besiege his teammates, leaving only one person watching He Yan, trying not to let him touch the ball.

He Yan ran away and waved to the teammate who was holding the ball.The teammate understood and threw the ball back to He Yan.He Yan jumped up to catch the ball, but failed to touch it, and the opponent took the ball first and took it away.

The two sides immediately change sides, and the opposing team throws the ball towards the hoop.During the excitement, all the people present were staring at the basketball, followed it and smashed it to the hoop. After turning around the edge of the hoop, it fell into the center of the hoop.

The ball is in.

A whistle, the game is over, and finally lost by 2 points.

Although it is a bit regrettable, it doesn't matter, the purpose is not to win, but to enjoy the hearty joy when playing.

friendship first, competition later.The two teams shook hands friendly and hugged each other.They patted each other on the back, blessing on the one hand and comforting on the other.

Now that the game was over, all the people on the field got up from their seats, some went out directly, and some went to the field.

Su Mu and Shen Yun walked towards He Yan, intending to comfort him, but felt that it was unnecessary.Su Mu walked over and patted He Yan on the shoulder, saying everything without saying a word.

"It's okay, it's just a loss. Can such a small matter stump your brother Yan?" He Yan said nonchalantly, as if he really didn't take this failure to heart.

Cui Ying ran to her boyfriend and brought him water and towels in distress.

He Yan glanced at Cui Ying and then at Shen Yun and Su Mu who were whispering. They are both human, so why is there such a big gap.And he obviously still has the advantage here, because he has two people, why is he better than the other one, why can't he think of bringing him water and towels.

He Yan sighed softly, maybe this is the difference between love and not love.Sure enough, after a long time, they didn't trust him anymore.

"What are you thinking?" Shen Yun looked at He Yan with a mournful face, wondering what was going on in this person's mind.

"After all, there is still no love. You see, everyone will send water and towels, but what about mine?" He Yan pointed in Cui Ying's direction aggrievedly, and questioned the cruel young couple in front of him.

"It's fine if I buy it for you later, hypocritical." Shen Yun was speechless, it's just water and towels, what a big deal.

"Look, you're still perfunctory and calling me hypocritical." He Yan gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, and stayed on the basketball court.When Shen Yun and Su Mu will bring him water, when will he get up again.

Shen Yun and Su Mu rolled their eyes at the same time, and began to wonder what He Yan had experienced in these years to become like this.Isn't this a good actor, he is addicted to acting every day.

"Is my water and towel okay?" A girl with braids stood in front of He Yan, handed over the water and towel in her hand, and asked He Yan softly.

Shen Yun and Su Mu looked at each other and smiled, and stood quietly behind to eat melons.

"No, thank you." He Yan didn't take the water and towel, but walked past the girl, and dragged away Shen Yun and Su Mu who were eating melons.

"Hurry up, go buy water for me." He Yan pulled Shen Yun and Su Mu to the entrance of the supermarket and instructed them.

"Since you want to drink water, why didn't you pick up the water and the towel just now?" Su Mu teased and deliberately asked He Yan.

"I won't pick it up. I just want to drink the water you two bought for me. Buy it for me quickly. Otherwise, I'll just stay here." As soon as He Yan said something, Shen Yun and Su Mu took him There is no way.

"I will buy it for you, really. If Xiaowei is here, I will definitely let her cure you." Shen Yun reluctantly agreed, saying nothing.

Neither Shen Yun nor Su Mu noticed that when Xia Wei was mentioned, He Yan froze for a moment but recovered quickly.

"Oh, it's just her, let's talk about it when she is admitted to this school." He Yan smiled contemptuously, using it to cover up the panic in his heart.

Although He Yan didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that when the girl brought water and towels over, He Yan's first thought was that it would be great if she was Xia Wei.

As soon as this idea came out, He Yan was also taken aback for a moment. He couldn't figure out why he suddenly thought of Xia Wei.

But he could feel that he just liked Xia Wei.But so what, he has a boyfriend.Even online dating, even long-distance dating, can't change the fact that she has a boyfriend.

Yesterday, He Yan also saw Xia Wei's post, which was her showing her affection.It was almost winter, and her boyfriend bought her a hand warmer and sent it over.

When he saw this post, He Yan's heart was sour, he guessed it was probably jealousy.But he still endured the sadness in his heart and followed suit in Xia Wei's comment, commenting 99.


A low growl came from next to his ear, pulling He Yan out of his thoughts, and looked at the culprit.

"What are you thinking about?" Shen Yun handed the bought water to He Yan.That's right, it was when she came out that she saw He Yan in a daze, she approached his ear and yelled to scare him.However, judging from He Yan's state, she should not be frightened by her.

"It's nothing." He Yan forced a smile, shook his head and did not speak again.

"I suddenly remembered the Xiaowei I just mentioned. She seems to be about to take the mock exam." Shen Yun recalled the time of the mock exam before, it seems that He Yan also took the mock exam at about this time last year.

"Well, it should be next week." He Yan took a sip of his drink and answered Shen Yun.

"Hey, I don't know how Xiaowei did in the exam this time. She called me before and said that she was under a lot of pressure in the third year of high school and her grades had dropped. The principal forced her to go to cram school again." Shen Yun remembered Xia Wei's phone call. His voice was weak and full of distress.

"There are no cram schools for her in that kind of learning state. If you don't listen carefully in get out of class, how many cram classes you take after class will be in vain." He Yan taught Xia Wei before, and knows that she has a bad problem in class, that is, she can't concentrate. After listening to it for a long time, I will run away.

"Sister Yun, just tell her not to put so much pressure on herself, and concentrate on listening in class. I guarantee her grades will improve."

"Why don't you say it, let me do it." Shen Yun looked at He Yan knowingly and asking.

"I, I'm afraid that she won't listen to what I say. You are more comfortable speaking than I am. In the same way, she will definitely listen to you and not mine." As he spoke, He Yan felt a little lost in his heart.

"Nonsense, our Xiaowei is not such a person, she will definitely listen to what is beneficial to her."

(End of this chapter)

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