It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 138 Do You Want to Sign Up for a Competition?

Chapter 138 Do You Want to Sign Up for a Competition?

The host competition has started in full swing, and the competition will be played in order according to the ranking of the entering class.

The class was full of people, and on the side near the door were three department officers who were in charge of signing in and calling names.There were two rows of people sitting in the middle, the first row on both sides were the seniors and sisters who had won the rankings in the host competition over the years, and in the middle sat a teacher who was in charge of hosting the competition.In the back row are the deputy ministers or ministers of some departments.

"The next classmate, Zhang Shiya. Cui Ying, please get ready."

After calling her name, Zhang Shiya took a deep breath, stood up and walked onto the podium.

Although the distance was less than 50 meters, Zhang Shiya felt that she had walked for a long time. When she stood on the stage, her legs were shaking.

"Seniors and sisters, students, good afternoon. My name is Zhang Shiya, and I am from Class 1 of Clinical Medicine."

The first round of the competition consists of three stages. First, come up to introduce yourself and answer the judges' questions; then, a news item is randomly selected on the big screen for a brief description; finally, among the 50 words prepared in advance, the judges Randomly select three words for the contestants to describe.

All in all, the host performances that the three of them have practiced together for so long are useless.This time, the main concern is to perform on the spot.

"What hobbies and specialties do you have, you can perform them."

"I, I like reading books. I like to stay in the library and read books quietly on weekdays. If I'm special, does it count if I practiced classical dance for a month when I was young?" Zhang Shiya asked the judges cautiously, for fear that she might accidentally make a mistake. What words.

"It's okay." The judges nodded with a smile, noticing Zhang Shiya's clenched fists and teased, "You don't have to be so nervous, we won't eat you."

"Hmm." Zhang Shiya hummed like a mosquito, but she didn't let go of her tightly clenched hands. It was impossible not to be nervous.

"You said you like reading books, can you briefly introduce what books you have been reading recently?"

"I've been reading Carlo Lovelli's The Order of Time recently, and it's about a special universe..." Perhaps because she encountered a field she knew well, Zhang Shiya gradually relaxed.


Zhang Shiya got off the podium, returned to her seat, and immediately collapsed on it weakly, her legs were still shaking from the tension.

Cui Ying, who was beside her, was also extremely nervous, her voice was still not good, but she didn't want to let this opportunity go to waste.Moreover, since I signed up, no matter whether I succeed in the end or not, at least I have tried my best. If I want to blame, I can only blame my useless voice.

Voice: I don’t take the blame for this, it’s obviously caused by your hoarseness, which caused you to use your voice too much.

"The next one is Cui Ying, Xu Ruohan is ready."

After calling her name, Cui Ying stood up and walked to the podium. She would die if she woke up early or died late, but she knew the result anyway.

"Hello, judges, my name is Cui Ying, and I major in psychology. I don't have much hobbies, but I can eat it. If I'm good at it, can I sleep well?" Cui Ying asked the judges ghostly. Made them laugh.

"Is your voice natural or late?" Cui Ying's voice, even if you don't want to be eye-catching.

"The throat is because I was too excited to watch the football game two days ago, and I couldn't control it, so it became like this."

"Oh, so it's the dumb one recently, right?"


"Okay, I have a tongue twister here, you read it." The judge took out one of the so many papers under his hands and handed it to Cui Ying, asking her to read the second one.

Cui Ying gasped as she looked at the tongue twisters she had read earlier, how should she read them?

"You can roughly smooth it out first, and I will give you 1 minute."

In just one minute, Cui Ying tried to read the tongue twister in her heart a few times, and started when she felt that it was almost done.

As a result, I stumbled as soon as I opened my mouth because I was too nervous.

"Shi, Shi Shi, a poet in the Shishi family, is addicted to four," Cui Ying adjusted, and re-read it again. The ten lions are suitable for the market. At this time, Shishi Shi is suitable for the market. I regard it as the ten lions, relying on the momentum, and make the ten lions die. I pick up the corpses of the ten lions, suitable for the stone room. After wiping, I tried ten lion corpses, and when I ate them, I realized that they were ten lion corpses, but they were actually ten stone lion corpses."

The more she read, the smoother she read, and Cui Ying's speech speed gradually accelerated.Such a long tongue twister, after Cui Ying finished reading it, her face flushed red.

The judges felt very satisfied, and several of them nodded after listening to Cui Ying's tongue twister.

Cui Ying had an inexplicable feeling that she might still have hope to enter the semi-finals this time, and she was still happy when she returned.

"God, you don't even know that my legs are shaking when I stand on the podium, and I'm so nervous that I dare not speak." Zhang Shiya recalled her state when she first came on stage, and she was still a little nervous.At that time, she felt that her heart was about to jump out, as if she could hear her own heartbeat.

"Yeah, I was so nervous, my palms were sweaty." Cui Ying followed Zhang Shiya's words and spoke excitedly.

Xu Ruohan who was at the side frowned when he heard Cui Ying's words.

Zhang Shiya noticed Xu Ruohan, and patted Cui Ying's hand to tell her to stop talking.This time, Xu Ruohan didn't perform well, probably because of nervousness, he kept stuttering when talking about the news.

Cui Ying understood Zhang Shiya's hint, closed her mouth obediently, and glanced sideways at Xu Ruohan.

This glance was caught by Xu Ruohan, who glared at Cui Ying viciously, and walked away angrily.

Cui Ying was wronged, it wasn't her fault that she didn't say it, why should she stare at herself.

The results of the competition came out in the evening. Fortunately, they all entered the semi-finals.

However, the time for this semi-final match is relatively tight, and there are only three days to prepare.

They were asked to prepare a press release each, and they were also asked follow-up questions.

Time was running out, and the three people in the dormitory immediately went in to prepare for the battle.Shen Yun looked at them who were busy, and thought about himself who had nothing to do every day, should he find something to do?
As soon as he said it, Shen Yun searched the school's official website to see if there were any competitions held recently, maybe he could try it himself.

Shen Yun saw several games, but always felt that they were not suitable for him, such as table tennis and badminton.Shen Yun didn't say he couldn't do these things, but his skills were not superb.

On weekdays, when I was idle and bored, I played badminton with Su Mu outside the house for a while.Not to mention table tennis, that was when I was in physical education class in high school, and the teacher taught a few lessons immediately.With such a skill, he lost as soon as he played.

However, I looked around and didn't see any competitions worth participating in.Hey, then she can only read books in boredom.

(End of this chapter)

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