Chapter 139 I'm Pregnant
During the semi-finals, Shen Yun had something to do and didn't go to the scene to watch it, so he didn't know what the rules were.However, looking at the depressed expressions of Cui Ying and Zhang Shiya when they came back, it seems quite difficult to guess.

"How is it?" Shen Yun asked the two of them with concern.

"It's not good, I feel like I can't get in." Zhang Shiya sat down on a chair discouraged, and forgot her words during her speech just now.

"I think you can get in, but I can't. You just got stuck for a paragraph, and I didn't say the whole paragraph later." Cui Ying was crying. She didn't show her impromptu performance at all in the last paragraph, and finally stammered out. One o'clock, it's time.

"It's okay, maybe you're all over it." Shen Yun comforted Cui Ying and Zhang Shiya, and changed the topic in time, "How did Xu Ruohan come back?"

"She, maybe she won't be back until the evening." When Xu Ruohan was mentioned, Cui Ying became energetic, and she and Zhang Shiya looked at each other, and the two smiled maliciously.

"What do you mean?"

"She was taken away by the senior."

"Ah!" Shen Yun was a little shocked, there is still someone who can restrain Xu Ruohan.

"That senior seems to be the No. 1 host contest last year. I heard that he is also their professional department." Zhang Shiya discussed excitedly, where there is gossip, there is her.

"Oh, it seems to be ah." Reminded by Zhang Shiya, Cui Ying remembered that they introduced the judges below before the competition, and mentioned the host competition above.But she was too nervous at the time to pay attention.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Shiya asked curiously when she looked up and saw Shen Yun looking at the computer seriously.

"It's nothing. I just feel that life is too boring. I found a part-time job as a translator online, just to practice my English."

"Strong." Cui Ying and Zhang Shiya silently gave Shen Yun a thumbs up. It was the first time they heard that they could just do a translation if they were bored.

When the results of the host final came out, Cui Ying and Zhang Shiya were not selected.

After a few days of digestion, the result was not so uncomfortable, and I readily accepted this fact.

"Xu Ruohan is the only one left in our dormitory, Ruohan, you are the hope of our dormitory, try to come back first."

"A person as capable as Xiang Ruohan will definitely come back first."

Cui Ying and Zhang Shiya sang together, mobilizing the atmosphere in the dormitory.

Xu Ruohan smiled slightly, and readily accepted Zhang Shiya's compliment. "thanks."

"What are you going to do in the finals? You won't have to play on the spot again." Cui Ying is really afraid of playing on the spot, it is really too challenging, and every time she comes to the show on the spot, her mind goes blank.

"Not yet."

Shen Yun didn't care about the following content, and devoted himself to the translation, and there was still one day before the time to submit it.

This time she chose the translation about medicine. Since there are many professional terms in it that she doesn't understand, she has been staying in the dormitory or library to check the information these days.He didn't even have time to go out with Su Mu. He just heard Cui Ying say that the list for the finals has come out. Shen Yun paused to listen to them discuss whether they made it.

The translation was about to enter the final stage, Shen Yun stretched his waist to relax, and then quickly returned to work.

An hour later, Shen Yun sent the file, and he felt relaxed.I packed up and got up and decided to go to Su Mu. I haven't been with him for the past few days, and Su Mu is almost becoming a bitter wife.

Shen Yun first sent a message to Su Mu, asking him to come out and wait for him downstairs in the dormitory.

It's late autumn now, and it's still a bit cold to go out wearing a sweater alone, so Shen Yun took a coat from the closet and put it on.

When Shen Yun came down this time, Su Mu hadn't arrived yet.Shen Yun stood downstairs in the dormitory, surrounded by some young lovers who were still reluctant to part with their final tenderness.Shen Yun looked forward without squinting, and wrapped his coat tightly. It was still a bit cold at night, so he really picked up the coat correctly.

Su Mu received the news from Shen Yun, changed his shoes and went out directly.I have been staying in the dormitory for the past few days, and I dare not disturb Shen Yun when I am bored, so I can only play games with Zhu Wensheng and the others.

Zhu Wensheng and the others dare not stay in the dormitory now, for fear that Su Mu will drag them out to play games.

What a miserable child, who obviously has a dormitory but can't go back.Zhu Wensheng and the others have discussed it. If Su Mu doesn't go out today, they will call Shen Yun.

Fortunately, Su Muhe finally went out.

"Shen Yun is a busy man, have you finally remembered that there is still such a small person like me?" Su Mu came to Shen Yun's side and stared at her with resentful eyes.

Knowing that he was wrong, Shen Yun smiled embarrassedly at Su Mu, and pulled Shen Sumu's arm coquettishly, "I'm sorry, I'm not in a hurry, I'll come to you immediately. Forgive me, please?"

"Hmph." Su Mu snorted arrogantly, turning his face away from Shen Yun.

Shen Yun followed the direction of Su Mu's profile, and leaned in front of him. "Don't be angry, okay. When my money comes down, I'll treat you to dinner."

Su Mu ignored him, and turned his face to the other side, while Shen Yun continued to move closer.After several rounds, Su Mu couldn't help laughing.

Su Mu raised his hand and touched the tip of his nose to cover himself, but Shen Yun still found out.

"Laugh, I knew you couldn't bear to be angry with me." Shen Yun looked at Su Mu proudly, looking like I was really smart.

"This time you are apologizing positively, otherwise I will definitely ignore you." Su Mu tried hard to maintain his broken image with a straight face.

"Isn't it, thank you, my lord, for not remembering the mistakes of villains."

Only then did Su Mu let go of his reserve, put his arms around Shen Yun's waist, revealed his true thoughts, and smiled from ear to ear.

"Tell me, don't we look like two mentally handicapped children just now?"

"No, we are called children with limited IQ." Shen Yun shook his head seriously, explaining to Su Mu seriously.

"Is there any difference?"

"Retarded is too cheesy."

"...I think so too."


Shen Yun and Su Mu went to have a barbecue outside the school together, and they were a bit full.It's all Su Mu's fault. She said she didn't eat and ordered so much, saying that she must be hungry and thin these days, so let her eat more.

Shen Yun felt that if one day she gained weight, more than half of the blame would be on Su Mu for letting him keep feeding her; drool.

After eating the barbecue, Shen Yun and Su Mu decided to take a walk around the school, all for digestion.

Shen Yun rubbed her round belly and said to Su Mu on a whim, "Su Mu, I'm pregnant."

"What?" Su Mu doubted his ears, and asked again in disbelief.

"I said, I'm pregnant." Shen Yun repeated it again, this sentence was more serious than the last one, as if something happened.

(End of this chapter)

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