It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 143 Children who don't obey the rules will be punished

Chapter 143 Disobedient children will be punished
"I think so, I agreed to it. And I can wear the wedding dress with you." Shen Yun said that he was looking forward to it, but he didn't expect that he and Su Mu would wear the wedding dress when they got married in a university event.

"Okay, then we'll be together." Su Mu agreed, thinking of practicing marriage in advance.

And he was also vaguely looking forward to Shen Yun's wedding dress, it must be beautiful.

Two or three days before the host finals, the school's official account, space, and circle of friends have been swiped, all of which are promoting the finals.

Xu Ruohan, Shen Yunsumu and Xie Nanfeng went to the bridal shop together. Their clothes have been chosen, but the clothes of the two boys have not been chosen yet.

There is no choice for Su Mu's clothes, there is only this kind of clothes, just take a size that suits you.

Compared to Su Mu, Xie Nanfeng was in a lot of trouble. He didn't like anyone who hated this or that.

"Which one do you want?" Xu Ruohan became impatient. He wasn't the main character in the show, and the introduction was only 10 minutes long. How could he be so good at it.

Xie Nanfeng glanced at the suits, and fell in love with a black suit with some fine glitter on it, which matched Xu Ruohan's wedding dress very well.

"I want that." Xie Nanfeng pointed to the suit, and the shopping guide helped to take it off.

Because Xie Nanfeng spent too much time choosing suits, the four of them rushed to the studio for rehearsal after returning from the bridal shop.

To maintain a little mystery, during the rehearsal, everyone did not change into their own costumes, but went through the process in their own clothes.

Less than two hours before the game, Shen Yun received a call from Han Chenxi.


"what are you doing?"

"I didn't hear what you said clearly." Han Chenxi should be in a busy city, and the background was so noisy that Shen Yun couldn't hear what Han Chenxi said clearly.

"I said, what are you doing now?"

Han Chenxi should have realized this question, so he raised his voice and asked again.

"I am now in the school studio waiting for the host finals to start."

Shen Yun didn't say anything about hosting the competition, but He Yan's big mouth was unavoidable, and whenever there was any movement, he would talk about it in the group.Therefore, they now all know that Shen Yun and Su Mu are going to be Xu Ruohan's models.

Xia Wei didn't understand why Shen Yun wanted to help Xu Ruohan when she knew about it at the time. Such a person should let her be the last one.

"Oh, I forgot that you are going to participate in the host competition today. Are you nervous?"

"Don't be nervous, just go up and walk around, and don't let me speak."

"I can even imagine you overwhelming the audience." Han Chenxi said it so seriously that Shen Yun felt embarrassed when he heard it.

"No, no, I won the prize."

Su Mu has been watching her since Shen Yun answered the phone, seeing Shen Yun smiling so happily, his face turned dark.

What are you talking about, laughing so happily.

"Stop chatting, it's time to change clothes." Su Mu deliberately interrupted, preventing Shen Yun and Han Chenxi from continuing to chat.

Shen Yun nodded to Su Mu, hung up the phone after talking to Han Chenxi, picked up the bag and went to the locker room.

Su Mu also took the clothes and went with Shen Yun.

"What did Han Chenxi talk to you just now?" Su Mu was very concerned about Shen Yun's smile. Although he knew that there was nothing between them, he still cared about it.

"It's nothing, just chatted briefly." Shen Yun didn't know what was going on in Su Mu's mind, so he said something nonchalantly.

Su Mu stopped, he was very dissatisfied with Shen Yun's answer.

Sensing that something was wrong, Shen Yun also stopped, but she didn't realize that Su Mu was angry, she just wondered why Su Mu suddenly stopped walking.

"Why did it stop suddenly?" Shen Yun turned around and asked Su Mu.

The venue and the locker room are not far away, but there is a short corridor in between. There may be lights on both sides. In order to save electricity, the school did not install lights in the corridor.But with the lights on both sides, the road can be vaguely seen.

Since Su Mu was behind the light, Shen Yun could only see Su Mu's figure when he turned around, but couldn't see his expression.

When Su Mu spoke, Shen Yun was puzzled, and walked towards Su Mu to see what was going on with him.

Before reaching Su Mu's side, Shen Yun was hugged by Su Mu's waist, and with a force, Shen Yun bumped into Su Mu's arms.

Shen Yun was taken aback. Before he could speak, Su Mu lowered his head.

After the kiss was over, Shen Yun blushed and leaned into Su Mu's arms.

Su Mu turned his head close to Shen Yun's ear, and wet breath fell on her ear. "Children who are disobedient will be punished."

"I'm not disobedient." Shen Yun was dizzy from being kissed, and followed Su Mu's words.

After finishing the sentence, Su Mu kissed her lips again.

"Are you disobedient?" Su Mu pressed Shen Yun's forehead, his slightly magnetic voice seduced Shen Yun.

"No." Shen Yun shook her head slightly, she really couldn't think of where she was disobedient, she was fine just now, why did she suddenly say that she was disobedient.

Hearing Shen Yun still stubbornly saying no, Su Mu's head was about to lower again, Shen Yun quickly covered his mouth, and nodded frantically at Su Mu.

"Yes, yes, I am disobedient." Because he was afraid of Su Mu's sneak attack, Shen Yun didn't let go of his hands when he spoke.

The corner of Su Mu's mouth rose, and he asked Shen Yun maliciously, "Then are you disobedient?"

Shen Yun wanted to cry but had no tears. How did she know that she was disobedient? Didn't he force himself to admit that she was disobedient?

"Huh? I don't know?" Su Mu raised his voice at the end and looked at Shen Yun dangerously.

"I, shouldn't I call Han Chenxi?" Shen Yun made a random guess and asked Su Mu cautiously.

Su Mu shook his head lightly, letting Shen Yun continue to guess.

Shen Yun thought for a long time, she didn't do anything else besides this!What is it?

"Oh, I don't know, just kiss." Shen Yun smashed the jar, put down his hands, closed his eyes, and raised his face to Su Mu.

Su Mu was amused by Shen Yun's cute movements, and there was no reason not to kiss him when he offered him a kiss.

This kiss lasted for a long time, so long that Shen Yun felt that if Su Mu didn't let go, he would suffocate to death.

Shen Yun's whole body went limp from Su Mu's kiss, and he lay in Su Mu's arms and took a deep breath.

"So, what did I do wrong?" Shen Yun recovered, remembering that the fundamental problem had not been resolved, and raised his head to ask Su Mu.

Su Mu licked his lips in satisfaction, raised an eyebrow evilly when he heard Shen Yun's question, and approached Shen Yun's ear.

Shen Yun also thought that Su Mu was going to kiss her again, so he took a step back reflexively, and was pulled into his arms by Su Mu hard.

"Hey, don't smile so happily when you talk to other men next time."

...So, it's because of jealousy, right?
(End of this chapter)

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