It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 144 Imagining Your Marriage Day

Chapter 144 Imagining Your Marriage Day

There was less than an hour before the start of the competition, Shen Yun hurriedly went to the fitting room to change clothes, she still had to put on makeup.

This is Shen Yun's first time wearing this wedding dress. Before, Xu Ruohan kept saying that she should keep a sense of mystery, and she never let her try it on. She didn't know if it fit or not.

Shen Yun changed into her clothes, fortunately, it happened to be her size.I have to say that Xu Ruohan is still smart, let's not talk about what she said, but the black wedding dress is the first to leave a deep impression on people.

Since the competition was about to start, there were quite a lot of people in the fitting room, all of them were changing the clothes they wore during the competition, including Xu Ruohan.

When Shen Yun came out of the fitting room, the originally noisy fitting room gradually died down, and they all stared at Shen Yun intently.

She looks good, even without makeup.

This wedding dress is really for the right person for Shen Yun. The powerful aura on her body controls this dress perfectly, domineering yet elegant.

Shen Yun didn't care about these gazes, and sat down on an empty seat and asked the makeup teacher to help her make up a makeup that fit her clothes.

The make-up teacher agreed, she likes to make up people like Shen Yun, because she doesn't need to make up too much, just a few simple strokes will do.

Seeing that Shen Yun came out of the fitting room and got everyone's attention, Xu Ruohan buckled the back of the chair angrily.How could this happen? She couldn't control that wedding dress well. Why did it feel like it was tailor-made for her when it fell on Shen Yun? There must be something wrong.

"Miss, please relax, or my makeup will be bad." When Xu Ruohan was angry, his expression was ferocious. If he didn't relax, his eyeliner would be easily distorted.The makeup artist really couldn't help it, so he kindly reminded Xu Ruohan.

"Sorry." Xu Ruohan took a deep breath, trying to relax herself.

Don't be angry, Shen Yun is the model she invited, and it's for her own good to be stunning.Thinking about it this way, Xu Ruohan took it easy, even though she couldn't crush Shen Yun, Shen Yun couldn't crush herself, so let it be.

"Miss, your skin is so good, you can't see any pores at all, and you don't need to use concealer." Shen Yun's makeup artist sighed from the bottom of his heart, Shen Yun's clothes are really good, and she seems to understand what it means to be flamboyant.

"Thank you." Shen Yun smiled slightly, being praised by others, he was still very happy in his heart.

"You look good when you smile, so cute."

Shen Yun was not far away from Xu Ruohan, the conversation between her and the makeup artist drifted into Xu Ruohan's ears, Xu Ruohan opened his eyes and stared at his makeup artist.

The make-up artist was stared at inexplicably, took a sneak peek at Xu Ruohan, and praised Xu Ruohan, "Miss, your skin is also good."

Hearing the praise, Xu Ruohan closed her eyes in satisfaction, and let the makeup artist do the makeup for herself.

The praise from Shen Yun continued, Xu Ruohan refused to admit defeat and asked her makeup artist to continue to praise.Of course, I can't say it clearly, I just opened it again and looked at the makeup artist.

The makeup artist also understood what Xu Ruohan wanted, and she was full of compliments.Xu Ruohan nodded reassuringly, she was very satisfied.

After putting on her makeup, Shen Yun came out of the fitting room, and ran into Su Mu who had already changed and was waiting for her at the door.

Su Mu stared at Shen Yun, his eyes were shining brightly, such Shen Yun really surprised him.

"It's so beautiful, I can even imagine what it was like on the day I married you." Su Mu raised his arm, waiting for Shen Yun to put it on.

If Su Mu was surprised by Shen Yun, then Shen Yun was handsome by Su Mu.

Su Mu's ancient attire has the feeling of an ancient emperor, proud and flamboyant, but also a little gentle.

"You are handsome too." Shen Yun naturally held Su Mu's arm, and the two of them looked at each other and smiled, really like a pair of newlyweds who are about to enter the palace.

Xu Ruohan was the third to perform, so when the others came on stage, Shen Yun and the others sat backstage and waited.

Although it's late autumn, it's still a little cold to dress like this, and the air conditioner in the backstage today doesn't seem to be working well, the whole backstage is terribly cold.

Shen Yun suddenly felt that she was wearing the right dress. Although it was cold, it was at least long-sleeved, and those who were wearing half-sleeves or even sleeveless were shivering at the moment.

Xu Ruohan shuddered coldly, Su Mu took his coat out of the bag and put it on Shen Yun.

Xu Ruohan:? ? ?Shouldn't this dress be on her body?Wasn't she shivering?Why did the clothes get on Shen Yun's body?

"It's cold, blame me, I just remembered that I still have a coat in my bag." Su Mu held Shen Yun's hand, and sure enough, there was no warmth at all.

"It's okay, I'm wearing thick clothes." Shen Yun wanted to pull his hand back. Her hand was too cold, and then chilled Su Mu's hand that had finally warmed up.

Su Mu held Shen Yun's hand tightly, looked at her in warning, and refused to let her take it back.

Xu Ruohan looked at the actions of the two and rolled her eyes silently. Did the two deliberately show their affection in front of her?

Today's air conditioner is really not working. Why is it so cold? Xu Ruohan blamed everything on the air conditioner. If the air conditioner wasn't broken, she wouldn't have seen the suffocation scene.

Fortunately, they were the third, and Ren Yiren soon passed.

Suddenly a piece of clothing was draped over Xu Ruohan's body, Xu Ruohan looked over vigilantly, and it was Xie Nanfeng's smiling face that caught his eye.

"Xiao Xuemei, put on your clothes quickly, I will feel bad if it freezes."

"I don't want it, I'm not cold." Xu Ruohan didn't want to have anything to do with Xie Nanfeng
After more contact, take off the clothes and return them to Xie Nanfeng.

"You're cold and have goosebumps, and you're going to be on stage later, so how can you do it if you're not in a good state." Xie Nanfeng put away his usual unruly appearance, became serious, and put his coat on her again.

Usually Xu Ruohan saw Xie Nanfeng's hippie smiling face a lot, but today he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable seeing him getting serious.Xu Ruohan clutched the two corners of the skirt, and did not take it off this time, but wrapped it tightly.

Xie Nanfeng was right, she will be on stage soon, she must be in a good state.

There are only 10 minutes for everyone to speak, and it is their turn very quickly.

When they arrived, Xu Ruohan took the lead on the stage to introduce herself. Her black wedding dress caused quite a stir when she first appeared on stage.

When Shen Yun and Su Mu walked onto the stage hand in hand, the commotion below became even bigger. It has to be said that it exceeded Xu Ruohan's expected effect.

For a total of 10 minutes of speech, Shen Yun and Su Mu just went on stage for a show, and stood for a few minutes waiting for Xu Ruohan to introduce their clothes.

It can be seen that Xu Ruohan really put her heart into it. She even introduced the fabric, pattern, embroidery, and even the thread method clearly.

After a speech, all participants came to the stage and bowed to express their gratitude, and everyone below applauded.The loudest applause was in a corner at the rear left, but due to the needs of the performance, the auditorium lights were all turned off, so it was hard to see who was applauding so hard.

(End of this chapter)

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