Chapter 145

After the performance, Shen Yun changed his clothes and was about to go back. Su Mu held Shen Yun and asked her to wait a little longer.

"What are you going to do?" Shen Yun vaguely guessed that Su Mu must be busy, and probably planned to surprise her after the end.

"At the end, there will be a group photo of the actors. You can see that they all left." Su Mu pointed to Xu Ruohan and Xie Nanfeng and said seriously.

Shen Yun took a look, and indeed he didn't leave.

"Okay." Shen Yun was a little disappointed. Really, he thought there was some surprise, so he looked forward to it in vain.

"What are you thinking?" Su Mu saw what Shen Yun was thinking, and deliberately teased Shen Yun.

"I thought you would at least give me a birthday present." The wind turned and Shen Yun looked at Su Mu to see how he would answer.

"Of course there will be a gift, why is your gift missing?" Su Mu handed a big paper bag to Shen Yun and asked her to open it.

Shen Yun took the bag in surprise, thinking that Su Mu would have to wait until the evening to give her the gift, but after asking, she gave it directly.

Shen Yun curiously opened the bag, and inside was a black and white minimalist cardboard box.Shen Yun pulled out the paper box, and Su Mu took the paper bag away.

"Have I opened it?" Shen Yun put his hand on the box and asked Su Mu for his opinion before opening it.


Shen Yun opened the paper box full of joy, and a photo album lay neatly inside.Shen Yun took out the photo album and flipped through the first page, which was a sentence written by Su Mu.

"From babbling to slim, my little friend, you will be a big kid from today on."

Seeing this sentence, Shen Yun let out a chuckle, and then flipped to the next photo, which was a photo of her when she was just born.The flushed face was wrinkled together, eyes were closed and weeping loudly, the newborn was so ugly, Shen Yun looked at the next photo with disgust.

The next photo, taken at the hundredth day, was taken by Jiang Lianlian and Shen Liedong taking her to a photo studio.

She remembered taking a lot of photos at that time, but why did Su Mu post a photo of her lowering her head and chewing on her feet, and she was still drooling.I seriously suspect that Su Mu is reminding himself of this dark history when he was a child.

Shen Yun continued to scroll down, and there were photos of her sitting on the ground crying, her whole body eating, and her face covered in mud when she fell into a puddle.

The more you scroll down, the darker Shen Yun's face becomes. Could this album be a record of her dark history?If this is the case, she will publish the photos of Su Mu in women's clothes when she was a child, who has not had a dark history.

With her trust in Su Mu, Shen Yun flipped through the entire photo album. She felt that she might have to reconsider her trust in Su Mu today, because these are really all black photos of her.

A nice photo both!No!Have!
Shen Yun looked at Su Mu suspiciously. Although she didn't think she was very beautiful, she didn't have a good-looking photo.Shen Yun felt that the photos taken by passers-by usually looked better than any of the photos in this album.

"You, did you write me such touching words on the first page so that I wouldn't beat you to death?" Shen Yun smiled at Su Mu, but his eyes revealed danger.

"Don't you think it's cute?" Su Mu asked Shen Yun solemnly, as if this album was really prepared by him.

"Cute? Where did you feel cute?" Shen Yun's face was full of question marks. Now she had to doubt not only the trust with Su Mu, but also Su Mu's aesthetics.

"Isn't it cute?" Su Mu looked at Shen Yun with a hurt face, as if Shen Yun's dislike had broken his heart.

Shen Yun looked at Su Mu, endured it but still couldn't calm down her anger, she was 18 years old, and the gift she received from her boyfriend was her complete collection of black material.

"If you really think it's cute, can I trouble you to make it out and see it for yourself instead of giving it to me."

"Do you really not like it? I'm sorry, did I give you a bad birthday today?" Su Mu bowed her head and apologized to Shen Yun with guilt.

Seeing Su Mu's guilt-ridden face, Shen Yun began to reflect on whether his reaction was too extreme. After all, this was also a gift he carefully prepared.Even if you really don't like it, there's no need to spoil his interest.

"It's not bad at all. In fact, I like this gift very much. I just wanted to make a joke for you. Why do you take it seriously?" Shen Yun looked at Su Mu sincerely, almost saying that I really like it. Engraved on the face.

"Really?" Hearing that Shen Yun said he liked it, Su Mu immediately became energetic and looked at Shen Yun full of vigor.

"Well, really. So I was pretty cute when I was a kid, with extra rich expressions." Shen Yun nodded and looked at Su Mu seriously.

"I like it very much, thank you, Su Mu."

Su Mu lowered his head in shame for Shen Yun's sudden thanks.Shen Yun is really easy to be satisfied, it is obviously a gift that he doesn't like, but he can still be so satisfied and say thank you to himself.

From Shen Yun's perspective, Su Mu bowed his head in embarrassment.Shen Yun smiled, and couldn't help but raised his head and rubbed Su Mu's hair.

Su Mu paused, then raised his head slightly to rub against Shen Yun's palm.

"Childish." Xu Ruohan, who had just come off the stage, saw the actions of the two of them, snorted coldly, and sat in front of them.

Out of sight, out of mind, she didn't want to see these two people show their affection openly in front of her at all.

"Thank you for watching. This is the end of tonight's competition. Please take a group photo with all participating members."

Shen Yun reluctantly walked up to the stage to take pictures. Anyway, there were so many people, and when the time came, he would randomly choose a tall person to stand behind him and he would not be able to see himself.

Thinking this way, Shen Yun did the same, found a place diagonally behind, and stood behind a boy casually.I don't know where Su Mu went. He got up and went out when the final was about to end, and he hasn't come back until now.

Shen Yun sent a message to Su Mu, telling him to come back early, and everyone is going to take pictures.

"You shoot first, I'll be right there."

Shen Yun turned off the phone, she seriously suspected that Su Mu came late on purpose to avoid taking pictures, if that was the case, why didn't she bring her along.She had just left before she knew she could leave, and she was still waiting here for so long.

It's all Su Mu's fault. He obviously left himself to say that he would take a group photo, but he didn't come.

"All the girls came from the front, and they were all blocked from behind." The photographer put down his camera and shouted to the crowd.

Shen Yun walked from the back to the front silently. Although the camera brother didn't say anything, she knew it was her own, because there were no other girls behind her.

"That's right." The camera brother saw Shen Yun coming out, nodded in satisfaction, took a few more photos and sent them back.

Shen Yun sat on the audience stand and waited for Su Mu, looking suspiciously at the doors where people kept coming in and out.It's strange that everyone who went out just now seems to be back.

(End of this chapter)

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