It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 146 Will You Marry Me Later?

Chapter 146 Will You Marry Me Later?

Why hasn't Su Mu come back yet?Shen Yun propped his chin with one hand in boredom, and tapped the table with the other.

"Shen Yun" a light voice came into Shen Yun's ears, just as Shen Yun wanted to turn around to see who it was, a beam of light suddenly hit her.

Suddenly there was a bright light from the dark environment, Shen Yun closed his eyes uncomfortably, and opened them slowly after a long time.

Then I found that Su Mu was standing on the stage of the performance, holding a microphone, and looking gently at her.The two looked at each other for three seconds, Su Mu smiled at her, and turned his face to the front.

"Hello, everyone, I'm Su Mu. I believe that some people here must know me, and some people don't know me. But it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whether you know me or not, but I hope everyone can help me together. Witness this historic moment."

Needless to say, Su Mu looked like a host on stage.

"We all know each other." The people in the audience followed suit, and the venue was immediately bustling.

"It's okay if you don't know each other, but it's better if you all know each other."

Shen Yun looked at Su Mu who was trying to adjust the atmosphere on the stage, and for some reason, his eyes suddenly turned red.

"I'm really sorry today. I could have gone back, but I was called back. Thank you all for agreeing to my request and returning to your seats to listen to my nagging. Thank you." After finishing speaking, Su Muchao He bowed deeply to the audience.

Immediately, applause resounded through the sky, and some people shouted that it doesn't matter.

Su Mu stood up, looked at Shen Yun, picked up the microphone and started talking.

"Actually, today is my girlfriend's 18th birthday. From today onwards, she is no longer a person protected by the Law on the Protection of Minors. Time flies so fast. I feel that she still stumbled and ran away yesterday. Come over and hug my leg and call me brother Su Mu's child; a child who doesn't want to go to the hospital because he is afraid of getting an injection; little girl.

In a blink of an eye, she became an adult, started to think about others, stopped worrying about everything, started to hide her preferences, started to stop showing her heart, and started to become a cold-blooded animal in the eyes of some people who is indifferent to everything.

Actually, you don't even know her.She is really not indifferent at all, she is very simple and easily deceived.She will also express all her emotions on her face, she will also act cutely, act cute to you, and say that she likes this thing too. "

Su Mu choked up his sobs, and then looked at Shen Yun in the auditorium, who was already sobbing.

Su Mu adjusted his mood and continued, "It is no exaggeration to say that we have been together almost every day for the past 18 years. The longest time we have been apart is probably last year when I was a freshman and she was still a sophomore. At that time we We have been separated for nearly a year. If you ask us who is more inseparable from the other, I think I can't do without her. During this year, I have always worried about whether she is eating well at home and studying. Are you tired, did you wear long johns when it was cold, did you have a good rest. "

As if thinking of something, Su Mu lowered his head and smiled.Then he looked at Shen Yun seriously, and Shen Yun also looked back at Su Mu, but his eyes were always blurred by tears, and he couldn't see Su Mu's face at all, and could only roughly see where he was. "

"What I want to say the most is, Shen Yun, I can't leave you, not even for a moment. Between us, it's like I am a fish and you are water. If I leave you for too long, I will die. So, can you make water that can only keep me warm?"

"Promise him, promise him." The audience all stood up excitedly and shouted in unison for Shen Yun to promise Su Mu.

I don't know when, many people came to the studio and booed together.

Shen Yun could cry at this moment, and couldn't hear what Su Mu said at all.It felt like he was calling his own name and asking himself a question.Just kept nodding wildly.

Su Mu walked to Shen Yun from the stage, took her hand and pulled her onto the stage.

Kneeling down on one knee, he took a ring out of his pocket.

"Will you marry me later?"

"it is good."

Shen Yun wiped away his tears, stretched out his right hand to Su Mu, and asked him to put it on for him.

She had guessed what surprise Su Mu would give her for this birthday, and she thought a lot about it.It would be a lie to say that he didn't look forward to it, but when he saw Su Mu and handed her a photo album full of her dirty stuff, Shen Yun's inner disappointment was also real.That feeling, how should I put it, is like finally buying the last ice cream that I have been thinking about day and night, but at the moment it is about to reach my mouth, it falls.

Climb up the mountain with full of joy, what you get in return may not be the beautiful scenery on the top of the mountain but the bottom of the valley that has plummeted.However, if you take a closer look, the scenery at the bottom of the valley may actually be more beautiful.

Su Mu's sudden marriage proposal was never expected by Shen Yun, and everything today was never expected by Shen Yun.She once thought that when Su Mu reached the age of marriage, they would go to get a marriage certificate.

But she never thought that on the day she turned 18, she could get a marriage proposal.

In fact, Su Mu was also very nervous. He had always had the idea of ​​proposing marriage, but today's proposal was his temporary idea.His original plan was to take Shen Yun to a picnic and live a two-person world.But Xu Ruohan's matter disturbed his plan, and at the same time gave him an idea.

Since the wedding dress is already worn today, why not just ask for the marriage directly.

As soon as he said it, Su Mu bought a diamond ring with the pocket money he usually saved. Although it was not big, it almost spent all of his money.

Then Su Mu decided to give Shen Yun a surprise. Shen Yun also guessed that he would be surprised on his birthday, so he made a photo album and gave it to Shen Yun first, and then said it was her birthday present. The idea of ​​surprise.

However, as for the photos in the album, they were all carefully selected by Su Mu. Shen Yun didn't actually read them all. There were two photos in each album, but one of them was placed below.This, let's wait for Shen Yun to discover it slowly, there are other surprises in it.

What worries Su Mu the most in this session is the audience, because there are too many people, but when the finals are over, a large group of people will come out of the door directly. He cannot stop him alone, and may need the help of others.

Su Mu called He Yan, Zhu Wensheng, Zhao Xiaoxiao, and Gao Zeyu out to help her stop her, and tried hard to lobby for them to stay for a few more minutes when they went back.

Fortunately, the audience was quite cooperative this time, and they came back after saying a few words.

Shen Yun could clearly feel that Su Mu was also nervous because his hands were shaking.

(End of this chapter)

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