It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 147 It's time to let go

Chapter 147 It's time to let go

Su Mu finally put the ring on under the operation of a trembling hand.

Su Mu hugged Shen Yun excitedly, and the two of them hugged each other tightly, feeling as if their hearts were connected together, and they both beat at the same frequency.

The audience applauded excitedly, and some even blew hooligan whistles.Knocking cp is finally getting married, and he still proposes in front of his face, just think about it, who wouldn't be excited.

"Kiss one, kiss one."

As he wished, Su Mu lifted Shen Yun's chin, lowered his head and kissed it.Shen Yun hooked Su Mu's neck, and responded to Su Mu shallowly.

"Oh~" The audience became excited.

Since then, girls from University B have added a standard when looking for a partner, that is, dare to propose in front of all the students.

"Thank you everyone for coming to join us. When you get married, I invite you to eat wedding candy."


After watching the excitement, it's time to go back, there is no need to stay any longer.

Shen Yun returned to her previous seat and took away the photo album she put there.Suddenly found a gift box on her table, and there was a note on the gift box, which said happy birthday.

The handwriting was very familiar, Shen Yun raised his head and looked around, but did not see any suspicious persons.

"What's the matter?" Su Mu was waiting for Shen Yun at the door, but seeing that she was standing still, she came over to ask her about her situation.

"Who gave this to you?" Su Mu also saw the gift box and asked Shen Yun curiously.

"Hmm." Shen Yun handed the note to Su Mu to read.

Su Mu took the note and looked around the studio. The people had almost left, and now there were only the two of them in the whole studio, and there was no suspicious person at all.

"Do you know who it is?" Su Mu asked Shen Yun suspiciously, maybe it was her suitor again.

Shen Yun remained silent, then shook his head.But in fact, she almost already had the answer in her heart, but she didn't tell Su Mu because she was not sure yet.

"Let's go back first." Su Mu didn't ask any more questions, and went out with Shen Yun with the gift.

After Su Mu and Shen Yun left, the studio returned to the usual darkness and tranquility, as if the grand competition and marriage proposal just now did not exist anymore.

Han Chenxi walked into the studio through the back door, yes, that gift was given by him.He has been there since the beginning of the game, sitting at the back corner of the studio, watching Shen Yun and Su Mu go on the catwalk in their wedding dresses, watching the two look at each other as if they were drowning in each other's eyes, watching Su Mu Mu gathered the audience who had left the venue here again, watched Su Mu propose marriage, watched Shen Yun agree, and he saw everything that happened here tonight.

Originally he wanted to celebrate Shen Yun's birthday, but in the end he chose to run away. He still couldn't face the intimate relationship between the two of them.

Thinking about how high-spirited person Han Chenxi was before, he was not afraid of anything before meeting Shen Yun again, but he was always looking forward to meeting Shen Yun at that time.After meeting Shen Yun, he became cautious, he was afraid that she would not like her, he was afraid that she would be sad, he was afraid that she would hate him.But he never regretted meeting Shen Yun again. If time could be turned back, he hoped that he could meet Shen Yun earlier, and he would be with Su Mu even before Su Mu.

Han Chenxi was sitting in the seat where Shen Yun was sitting just now, and he was sitting behind Shen Yun just now, and called her name, but she didn't seem to hear it.Or maybe she heard it, and Su Mu took all her eyes before she came and turned around.

Sometimes Han Chenxi didn't understand whether he was obsessed with Shen Yun when he was a child or really liked him, but now he should let go of both obsession and liking, she doesn't need herself.There is always someone beside her who loves her more than herself, no matter whether it is obsession or liking, it is great, at least there is still someone in this world who can truly love her.

Hey, it's getting dark, it's time to go back, this school may never come again.

I heard that the old man was seriously ill and was about to die, should he also go and see.After all, he has indeed raised himself for so many years, and he has a heart attack, which is usually not slack.

Han Chenxi clicked on the photo of Shen Yun wearing a wedding dress just taken, it's so beautiful!I have to admit that Shen Yun's glance and smile can directly arouse his heart and soul.

After Shen Yun and Su Mu went out, they didn't go back to the dormitory directly, but went to the hot pot restaurant.

Don't ask why it's a hot pot restaurant, it's because Shen Yun wants to eat hot pot.

Su Mu brought Shen Yun to a box, which was already full of people, including Su Mu's roommate, Shen Yun's roommate, He Yan, Xie Nanfeng, and Guan Junyue.Everything has already arrived, and they are waiting for Su Mu and Shen Yun to come over.

Seeing Shen Yun and Su Mu pushing open the door, He Yan quickly asked them to sit next to him.

"Su Mu, aren't you being too mean? You didn't tell me such a big thing as a marriage proposal." As soon as Su Mu sat down, He Yan began to attack him.

Although he also watched the whole process, it was because Su Mu didn't have enough manpower to stop him.Otherwise, he might have heard about it through school forums and other places like everyone else.

It's so infuriating, fortunately he regards Su Mu as a good brother, if it's not because today is Sister Yun's birthday, to give Sister Yun face, he would never come to eat this hot pot.

"Do you think your mouth, let me tell you that there are still surprises to prepare?"

Su Mu said to death, He Yan was choked, and tried to find an excuse to defend himself, "Yes, at least you can tell me a little bit, so that I don't want to know nothing like an outsider."

"Didn't I tell you in the end?" Su Mu asked He Yan.

He Yan was completely speechless, and could only say dryly, "Let's eat."

The others laughed when they heard the conversation between the two.

"What are you eating? Today is my younger brother and sister's birthday. After all, we should all toast her." Zhu Wensheng picked up the wine glass and stood up, and the others followed Gao Zeyu to stand up.

"No, let's drink together." Shen Yun also stood up, but this time she served drinks.

With the lessons learned from last time, she will never drink again.

Su Mu noticed Shen Yun's point and snickered, but Shen Yun noticed and gave him a warning look.

After they sat down, they were ready to eat, and each of them was already hungry with their chests sticking to their backs.

The atmosphere of eating is quite harmonious. In fact, as long as Xu Ruohan doesn't speak, the atmosphere of everyone being together is very harmonious
When it was almost time to eat, Su Mu found the waiter and brought in the cake he had stored here.

This cake was made by Su Mu himself, and he also learned the patterns and patterns on it from the master.

It was a two-tiered cake with a man and a woman on top standing in front of a house.Both of them were wearing white coats, but one had a doctor's loose-leaf notebook in his hand and the other had nothing in his pockets.

(End of this chapter)

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