Chapter 148 Happy Birthday
"Oh." Everyone present couldn't help but sigh when they saw the cake.

I have to say that Su Mu really put his heart into it, and the person who drew it looks just like them.

"How can I find a boyfriend like Su Mu." Guan Junyue looked at Shen Yun enviously, she was so sour.

It is estimated that there is no girl present who does not envy Shen Yun. She is good-looking and has good grades. The key is that her boyfriend is also very handsome and loves her very much.

Gao Zeyu heard Guan Junyue's words, looked down at her, and smiled dotingly.

"Sister Yun, hurry up and make a wish." He Yan lit the candle, turned off the light, and urged Shen Yun to make a wish.

Shen Yun closed her eyes and began to make a wish, and the light of the candle opened her face.Su Mu stood opposite Shen Yun, picked up his mobile phone and secretly took a lot of photos.

After making the wish, Shen Yun opened his eyes and blew out the candle.

He Yan turned on the light again, and the light returned to the room.

Shen Yun gestured on the cake with a knife, but she didn't know where to cut it. It was so beautiful that she couldn't bear to do it.

Looking at Su Mu for help, Su Mu came over and took Shen Yun's hand, scraped the two people and the house down first, and then started cutting the cake.

Now that Su Mu came to cut the cake, Shen Yun stepped back and gave Su Mu the home court, allowing him to cut the cake and distribute it to others.

"Happy birthday." It was a message from Han Chenxi.

"Thank you." Shen Yun hesitated for a while, and then added, "You put the gift?"

"You guessed it?" Han Chenxi didn't deny it, it's strange that Shen Yun couldn't guess it with his IQ.

"Why didn't you show up when you came?" Neither of them directly answered the other's question, but they knew the other's answer.

"I was driving. At such an exciting moment, I couldn't bear to disturb you, so I just let you go." Han Chenxi still lied. Since he chose to let go, there is no need to tell the truth.

In this way, it is good for everyone.

Shen Yun took a picture of the cake and sent it to Han Chenxi, "It's a pity that I can't eat the cake anymore."

Han Chenxi was dumbfounded, and when he clicked on the picture sent by Shen Yun, it was so cut that he couldn't see the original appearance.However, Han Chenxi still noticed the straight villain and the house standing on the plate next to him.

"Then you have to buy another compensation for me when you go home on vacation."


"Here." Su Mu handed the cut cake to Shen Yun, who put the phone in his pocket and took the cake with both hands.

After scooping up a spoonful of cake and putting it into his mouth, Shen Yun narrowed his eyes in enjoyment.

"Really delicious!"

Su Mu smiled, and gently wiped off the cream that accidentally rubbed the corner of Shen Yun's mouth.

"Sister Yun, you are rubbing cream on your nose." He Yan suddenly appeared from the side, wanting to spread the cream on Shen Yun's face while Shen Yun was not paying attention.

Shen Yun retreated subconsciously, but He Yan failed.While retreating, Shen Yun also saw the cream on He Yan's fingertips, and looked at He Yan questioningly.

When the deeds were revealed, He Yan smiled slightly, and put his hands behind his back to hide his evil fingers.

"I don't know why I got the cream." He Yan was still defending himself.Shen Yun and Su Mu looked at each other, and while He Yan was talking, they put a piece of cream on He Yan's face at the same time.

The sneak attack failed but was attacked, He Yan felt that he should not provoke these two ancestors.

"You two are too bullying, I won't play with you anymore." Can't afford to hide from him if he can't be provoked?He Yan quickly found his next target, Zhang Shiya who was sitting quietly by the side.This kind of thing is to find a soft persimmon.

After He Yan left, Shen Yun and Su Mu looked at each other, and at the same time reached out and wiped the little cream left by He Yan on their fingertips on each other's face.

"Hahahahaha." Shen Yun pointed at the cream on Su Mu's face and smiled presumptuously.

Su Mu looked at Shen Yun with a sullen face, and took advantage of Chen Yun's unpreparedness to smear cake on her face.

This time it was replaced by Su Mu's triumphant smile.

Shen Yun was not convinced either, the two started playing as they went back and forth.

While playing, he joined the melee of everyone, and a two-layer cake was obliterated by them.There was cream all over her face, clothes, and hair.

A few people who are all freshmen and sophomores had a great time playing with cream.

Tired from playing, He Yan wanted to find a chair to sit for a while, but almost all the chairs were more or less covered with cream.He Yan resignedly took out two pieces of paper and wiped off the creamy-looking chair, and found a corner to sit quietly for a while, trying to hide himself from them.

He Yan sat in the corner, looked at Shen Yun who was running around chasing others with a cake, and smiled gratifiedly.

It's rare to see Sister Yun so happy.Usually, Shen Yun always held his hands up, never opened his heart in front of outsiders, even he and Zhu Yiyi couldn't say that they had seen Shen Yun completely relaxed.

Usually, only Su Mu has this right.

"He Yan." Shen Yun suddenly appeared in front of He Yan, and wiped another smear on the only space left on his face.

"Sister Yun, this is the only clean spot on my face." He Yan roared happily, picked up the cake that was just placed beside him and was about to wipe Shen Yun's face, but Shen Yun turned sideways to avoid it.

Shen Yun looked at He Yan with disdain, and ran away in a huff.

Think He Yan can bear this anger, decisively, He Yan joins the chaos again.

A big battle finally came to a halt. Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, looking at the opponent with many records and the box that was implicated.There were cakes all over the wall, on the table, and on the floor. In the end, they decided to stay and clean up the cream on the box before leaving.

In order not to be a light bulb, several people went back directly when Su Mu and Shen Yun went to pay the bill together, leaving behind Shen Yun, Su Mu, and a bunch of gifts.

Su Mu stood at the door of the hot pot restaurant with a bag full of hands in both hands, and Shen Yun took a piece of paper to help Su Mu wipe off the cream on his body.

In the cream battle just now, the two of them had the least amount of cream.Even if there is cream on the body, it is almost all painted by the other party.

"Are you happy today?" Su Mu bent slightly so that Shen Yun could rub cream on him.

"Happy." Shen Yun was really happy, and his voice was full of joy.

"Just be happy, I hope you can be so happy every day." Su Mu put the gift on one hand, and freed one hand to wipe off the dirty cream on Shen Yun's hair.

"With you here, I am very happy every day." Shen Yun hugged Su Mu into his arms, looking at Su Mu with a smile like a flower.

"Stupid." Su Mu tapped Shen Yun's forehead, and put his hand on Shen Yun's shoulder when he fell down.

Shen Yun put his arms around Su Mu's waist, Su Mu put his arms around Shen Yun's shoulders, and the two walked towards the school like glue.

(End of this chapter)

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