It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 151 Don't Leave Tonight

Chapter 151 Don't Leave Tonight

Shen Yun walked back to the hotel one step ahead of Su Mu, opened the door and snorted proudly at Su Mu who was one step behind, and then quickly entered the room and closed the door.

Su Mu shook her head dotingly, not as knowledgeable as her.

As soon as she got back to the house, Shen Yun found a horrible thing, her clothes were still with Su Mu.

Shen Yun secretly opened the door a crack, just in time to see Su Mu enter the room and close the door.

However, this time he didn't close the door tightly.

Shen Yun sneaked into Su Mu's room secretly, first poked his head out to check the enemy's situation, then glanced around the room, but did not see Su Mu.Shen Yun tiptoed into the room and closed the door carefully, lest it make any noise.

The light in the bathroom is on, so Su Mu should be going to the bathroom.She had to find her clothes quickly to prevent Su Mu from finding her after going to the toilet.

"Strange, where did you put it?" Shen Yun searched through the room, but he couldn't find any clothes, not even a bag.

"What are you looking for?"

The sudden voice from behind startled Shen Yun.As soon as he turned around, he almost bumped into Su Mu's chest, and Shen Yun quickly took two steps back.

"Aren't you in the toilet?" Shen Yun pointed to the toilet next to it which was still lit, and suddenly realized that Su Mu would lie to her again and deliberately turned on the toilet light to let her in.

"You deliberately."

Su Mu raised an eyebrow, which seemed to acknowledge Shen Yun's words.He did it on purpose, how could the fish take the bait if he didn't do anything.

"Give it to me." Shen Yun stretched out his hand to grab the bag in Su Mu's hand, but Su Mu quickly avoided it, and Shen Yun fell into Su Mu's arms when his center of gravity was unstable.

Su Mu naturally hugged Shen Yun's waist, and when he let go, the bag in his hand fluttered to the ground.

"What are you doing!" Shen Yun looked at the bag on the ground and asked Su Mu angrily, feeling that he was being played like a monkey.

"I'm lying to you, there's nothing in that bag." Sensing Shen Yun's temper, Su Mu quickly explained.

"Excessive, what do you want to do?" Shen Yun asked Su Mu coquettishly, she was so sleepy now, she wanted to take a shower and sleep quickly.

"Don't leave tonight, okay?" Su Mu said softly, holding Shen Yun in his arms.

Hearing Su Mu's words, Shen Yun felt his head explode with a bang, put his hands on Su Mu's chest, shook his head like a rattle, and rejected Su Mu.

"No, absolutely not."

"Don't do anything, I just want to sleep with you in my arms." Su Mu persuaded Shen Yun.He looks like a big bad wolf coaxing the little white rabbit to open the door.

"That's not okay." Shen Yun refused righteously, but after listening carefully, she could still notice that her tone was a little loose.

"Is it really not good? But I can't sleep without holding you." Su Mu's voice softened, with a hint of coquettishness.

I believe you ghost, you usually sleep well, but now you can't sleep if you don't hug me, who would believe this.

Shen Yun complained silently to Su Mu in her heart, but she still hesitated.I'm usually too sleepy, and the two of us will occasionally fall asleep on the same bed, so this time it shouldn't be a problem.

"Okay, I promise you, I don't think I'll do anything. I respect your wishes, and if you say you don't want to, I will definitely not touch you." However, simple kisses, hugs and holding high are no problem Yes, sleeping with your arms around doesn't count as breaking your promise.

"That's fine." I don't know whether it was Su Mu who persuaded Shen Yun, or Shen Yun who persuaded himself and reluctantly agreed.

Su Mu smiled triumphantly, finally let go of Shen Yun, and quickly locked the door.

"Then you don't have to go back. Anyway, your change of clothes is here. I just took them out and put them in the bathroom." Su Mu stood in front of the door to prevent Shen Yun from escaping.

Premeditated, all premeditated, Su Mu must have guessed that he would be soft-hearted and agree with him.Shen Yun looked at his series of actions after agreeing to Su Mu, and suddenly felt as if he had entered a wolf's den, and he couldn't escape.

Shen Yun was forced to go to Su Mu's bathroom to take a bath.Su Mu was suddenly very excited when he heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom.

"Huh." Su Mu took a deep breath, picked up the mobile phone beside the bed and began to divert his attention, trying to ignore the sound from the bathroom.

The reason why I am like this is not because of self-inflicted.However, he likes to do it to himself.

He was excited at the thought of being able to sleep with Shen Yun in his arms at night.Shen Yun's body is very comfortable and soft to hold, and there is a unique fragrance on his body.

Shen Yun came out of the bathroom after taking a shower and saw Su Mu rolling on the bed, without noticing her arrival at all.

"Well, I've finished washing, you go and wash." Shen Yun said, interrupting Su Mu.

Hearing Shen Yun's voice, Su Mu immediately sat upright on the bed, stood up solemnly, and walked straight past Shen Yun.If you watch carefully, you will find that Su Mu walked with the same hands and feet.

Shen Yun walked directly to the bed and sat down.Seeing Su Mu's mobile phone on the bed, she suddenly wanted her mobile phone to be taken away by her room.Shen Yun got up and wanted to go back to the room to check the phone.

As soon as the door was opened, Su Mu's head poked out from the bathroom.Because I had already taken off my clothes, I had no way to go out, so I could only poke my head outside.

"What are you going to do?"

"I'll get my phone." Shen Yun didn't expect Su Mu to be so sensitive, so she unlocked it and he heard it all.

"Don't go, I'll go with you after I wash up." Su Mu was afraid that Shen Yun would run back to her room and never come out, and he would have no choice but to chase after him.

"Okay, okay, I won't go out. You go take a shower, and you'll catch a cold again." Shen Yun saw Su Mu's little girl clearly, but what can he do, let's pamper him.In fact, since she agreed to Su Mu, she didn't think about going back, but Su Mu didn't seem to believe it.

Su Mu stared at Shen Yun without speaking, nor did he turn his head away.Shen Yun understood Su Mu's thoughts, and sat back on the bed under Su Mu's gaze.

Su Mu then retracted his head in peace, and came out of the bathroom after taking a quick shower.

Then he accompanied Shen Yun to the opposite side and brought her mobile phone, presents and so on back to her room.In this way, Shen Yun had no excuse to go back.

Shen Yun saw Su Mu's childish behavior and didn't say a word, just letting him pack everything up.

Back in Su Mu's room, Su Mu threw the things in the corner and quickly lay down on the bed.He also deliberately lifted the corner of the quilt beside him, patted the bed, and looked at Shen Yun.

"Come on, sleep."

Shen Yun secretly laughed at Su Mu's childishness, because he promised to sleep together, he was so excited.Shen Yun also didn't want to spoil Su Mu's elegance, so he walked to the bed, the corners of the quilt had already been lifted by Su Mu, she could just lie down in it.

As soon as Shen Yun was lying on the bed, Su Mu leaned over and hugged Shen Yun.

"Sleep." Su Mu rubbed on Shen Yun's back twice, really did nothing, and lay down to sleep obediently.

(End of this chapter)

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