It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 152 It's Really Good

Chapter 152 It's Really Good

Because the two of them slept too late yesterday and had a great time playing together, they didn't wake up until noon the next day.

When Shen Yun woke up, she found that she and Su Mu were hugging each other face to face, and her legs were still on Su Mu's waist.Shen Yun wanted to retract his leg in embarrassment, but Su Mu grabbed it and put it back.

"Are you awake?" Su Mu opened his eyes, his eyes were clear, and it seemed that he had been awake for a long time.

"You still don't open your eyes when you're awake, liar." Shen Yun was dissatisfied with being cheated by Su Mu again, and withdrew his hands and feet from Su Mu's body, and was about to get up when he sat up.

"It's still early, let's go to bed later." Su Mu grabbed Shen Yun's wrist and pulled her back.

Shen Yun glanced at his phone, it was almost 1 o'clock.

"Strange, why the hotel staff didn't call us." Shen Yun was puzzled. Logically speaking, the rooms were all booked until 12 o'clock. Now it's 1 o'clock, so why didn't they come to wake them up.

"I went to renew the lease."

"Oh, it's going to sleep." After saying that, Shen Yun was about to lie down and sleep again, but was picked up by Su Mu.

"Don't sleep, the takeaway I ordered is coming soon, go to bed after eating."

Shen Yun was helpless, it was you who let her sleep just now, and you were the one who refused to let her sleep, but she dared not say Su Mu.She was afraid that Su Mu would tell her how harmful it would be if he didn't eat.

Shen Yun obediently got up to wash up, while Su Mu cleaned up the table outside and prepared to serve takeaway.The doorbell rang, and the takeaway had arrived. Su Mu went to the door to get the takeaway.

The bathroom door was not closed, and Shen Yun could see Su Mu's every move outside by looking slightly sideways.Looking at the busy Su Mu, Shen Yun suddenly had a thought in his mind, the two of them really look like a couple who have been married for many years.

After the two of them finished their meal, they packed up their things and went back to the dormitory. As soon as Shen Yun arrived at the dormitory, he was dragged over to question him.

"You and Su Mu last night, you understand." Cui Ying asked Shen Yun curiously with an expression that everyone understood.

"Probably not." Zhang Shiya looked at Shen Yun's body up and down, and did not see any suspicious traces.

"Ah, it's all like this, not yet." Cui Ying sat back on her stool with some disappointment, thinking that there was something to eat today.

"By the way, is there something wrong with Su Mu?" Cui Ying asked Shen Yun puzzled.It stands to reason that this is all soft jade and warm fragrance in his arms, so how could he not be moved, unless there is a physical problem.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Shen Yun slapped Cui Ying lightly in embarrassment. This question was too shy, but the point was that she understood it.

"Isn't it? With the way you are in love now, you shouldn't be indifferent." Cui Ying was still struggling with this problem, she quietly approached Shen Yun's ear, and asked her in a low voice, "Have you ever seen Su Mu's love for her?" Have you reacted?"

Hearing Cui Ying's words, Shen Yun blushed and lowered his head shyly.Unexpectedly, the little girl Cui Ying looked honest and honest, and unexpectedly asked such a question.

"Why are you shy? We are all adults, and you should know about some problems." Cui Ying looked like someone who had come here, and patted Shen Yun's shoulder earnestly.

Zhang Shiya couldn't stand it anymore, and said to Cui Ying, "Stop talking, don't spoil our pure Shen Yun, be careful that Su Mu finds you."

"I didn't, don't talk nonsense." Cui Ying quickly denied.I don't know why she is a little afraid of Su Mu, maybe because of his strong aura and calm expression.

With Su Mu as a threat, Cui Ying didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, and simply said a few words to end the topic hastily.

Like Shen Yun, Su Mu was ridiculed by his roommates as soon as he answered the dormitory.

"Hey, what time is it until I come back. You probably didn't sleep last night." Zhu Wensheng spoke first, followed by Zhao Xiaoxiao and Gao Zeyu.

"One moment at the dawn of spring is worth a thousand gold, so it must be because I didn't sleep all night."

"That's right, you single dog, what do you know?"

"Gao Zeyu, what you said is too much, why are you still attacking personally? Besides, you don't have a partner." Zhu Wensheng is now sensitive to the word "target", because yesterday his favorite girl officially announced .

Su Mu looked up at the three of them, and said, "I still have to settle accounts with you, but you came to me first."

Listening to Su Mu's tone of voice is not right, a little... dissatisfied with desire.It stands to reason that Su Mu shouldn't thank himself, why should he ask him to settle accounts when he comes back.

Gao Zeyu sensed something was wrong vigilantly, and his brain turned very fast. He felt that it would be good for everyone to shut up properly at this time.

"Why don't you talk anymore? Don't you have anything to say to me?" Su Mu first came to Zhu Wensheng's bed and questioned them.

"Well, what did we do yesterday? Not very good, how well prepared, even Shen Yun's ID card, just in case." Zhu Wensheng questioned Su Mu, without feeling anything wrong .

Suddenly, the tough Su Mu laughed, "It's really good."

"Oh~" The three people in the dormitory booed together.

"Tell me, did you have anything yesterday?" Zhu Wensheng sat up from the bed gossipingly, and raised his eyebrows at Su Mu.

"Why, do you want to play games?" Su Mu put away his spring-like expression and looked at Zhu Wensheng.

"If you don't say it, then don't say it. Really, the face changes so quickly." Zhu Wensheng re-lyed on the bed and pretended to be invisible while complaining.

Later, when Zhu Wensheng learned from Cui Ying that Su Mu hadn't done anything, he proudly ran back to the dormitory and laughed at Su Mu for a long time.In the same way, the consequence of ridicule is that it ends badly.

Being abused by Su Mu with continuous games for a week is not counted, and Su Mu forced him to do English test papers all day long, in the name of helping him study.But no one in the dormitory knew that Zhu Wensheng was good at everything but English.

When Zhu Wensheng was forced by Su Mu to do the eighth set of test papers, he finally couldn't take it anymore and decided to revolt.Where there is oppression, there is resistance, and he must resist this time.

Zhu Wensheng strengthened his determination, and suddenly put down his pen and looked at Su Mu who was reading a book beside him, "Su Mu, let me tell you."

"Huh?" Su Mu looked up from the book and looked at Zhu Wensheng.

After being seen by Su Mu, Zhu Wensheng immediately faltered, changed his tone, and smiled flatteringly at Su Mu, "Say, can you lend me your book."

Su Mu raised the book in his hand, and asked Zhu Wensheng uncertainly, "Are you sure? I think you should change to another one. You may not understand this one."

"I don't understand any books. You can say that my English is not good, but you must not insult my IQ." Zhu Wensheng felt that he was being scorned, and he spoke with arrogance.

"Okay then." Su Mu had no choice but to hand the book to Zhu Wensheng.

"Hmph, I want to read it. I don't understand any books." Zhu Wensheng took the book, opened the first two pages, and stopped talking immediately.Who would have thought that Su Mu read all the books in English now.

"Look carefully, when I come back tell me what I said." Su Mu said to Zhu Wensheng.

After speaking, he opened the door and went out.

(End of this chapter)

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