Chapter 153 Newcomer Training
"Pfft." Zhao Xiaoxiao on the side finally couldn't hold back the ridicule.

"You still have the nerve to say that you were the one who encouraged me to talk to Su Mu." Zhu Wensheng became annoyed instantly, walked behind Zhao Xiaoxiao and strangled his neck, diverting all the oppression from Su Mu On Zhao Xiaoxiao.

"I was wrong, I was wrong." Zhao Xiaoxiao broke Zhu Wensheng's arm and apologized quickly.

Su Mu came out of the dormitory and went straight to the counselor's office. Just now, the counselor sent him a message saying that he needed something to ask him to come over.

"Tour guide."

"Here we come." Wang Kaile looked up to see Su Mu, stopped what he was doing, brought Su Mu to the table next to him, and the two sat down to talk.

"Do you know Professor Wu Kexiang Wu?" Wang Kaile didn't directly say why he called Su Mu here, but asked him some questions.

"En." Su Mu nodded. How could he not know that it was because of Professor Wu that he chose the Department of Physics.

Wu Kexiang, a professor of University B, accidentally discovered a rare element that had never been seen before in a research.

At that time, Su Mu saw this report on TV. Seeing him with mottled white hair but high-spirited appearance on the stage to receive the award, his radiant look has been deeply imprinted in his heart. At that time, he was thinking about his future Grow up to be that guy on TV.

"If you know him, I'm afraid you also know that he plans to find new people for training recently."

"Yes." Su Mu nodded again.

In fact, everyone knows that when it is said to be training for newcomers, it is actually to find a successor.Because of long-term research in the laboratory, Wu Kexiang's health is not as good as before, but he still has experiments to complete, and he wants to find someone to train and continue to complete his experiments.

"What do you think about this?" Wang Kaile asked Su Mu. He was very optimistic about the young man in front of him. He had a high understanding and was very smart.

"If there is a chance, I can go for it." Su Mu wanted to give it a try when he saw the news at that time, but he had been suffering from no news and didn't know how to sign up for this.

"Coincidentally, he came at this opportunity." Wang Kaile was very satisfied with Su Mu's answer, and Su Mu's willingness was better than anything else.

"Registration is a national unified registration, and I will tell you in our class at that time. However, the admissions test is in our school, and when Professor Wu comes, someone needs to go to the school gate to meet him. Is it okay for me to send you there? "

"No problem." Su Mu agreed, knowing that Wang Kaile was giving him a chance.

"That's fine. I'll let you know the exact time. Just pay attention to your phone." Seeing Su Mu agree, Wang Kaile was also relieved. With Su Mu's aura, there must be a first impression.

"Okay." Su Mu agreed excitedly, he was finally going to meet his idol.

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, you can go back first."


When Su Mu came out of the office, he immediately called Shen Yun.

Shen Yun was in class when the cell phone in his pocket rang suddenly, attracting the attention of the whole class.Shen Yun quickly took out his mobile phone, hung up the phone, and sent a message to Su Mu.

"I'm in class, what's wrong?"

Su Mu looked at the message from Shen Yun, and then remembered that Shen Yun had a class today, and he was so excited that he forgot about it.

"I'm going to meet Professor Wu."

"Really!" Shen Yun knew that Professor Wu Su Mu was talking about was Professor Wu Kexiang. Shen Yun had heard Su Mu talk about Professor Wu since he was a child, and Su Mu's eyes lit up every time he said it.

"Yeah, just now the instructor asked me to go to the office to talk about Professor Wu, and he asked me to meet Professor Wu at the door."

"That's really great, so you've already brushed your face in front of Professor Wu." Shen Yun was also happy for Su Mu, "It just so happens that my part-time salary has also come down today, so I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

"Okay, I'll find you when you finish class."

Su Mu has been in a state of excitement and has not recovered. He finally understands Xia Wei's feeling when he sees Mu Sibai, that kind of excited but uneasy mood.

In the evening, the counselor posted in the class group that Professor Wu wanted to select newcomers for training, and posted it in the group together with the URL for the registration. Anyone who volunteered could sign up.

"Wow, Professor Wu, is that the Professor Wu I know?" Zhu Wensheng looked at the news and asked in disbelief.

"Yes, otherwise there would be Professor Wu who can recruit newcomers for training." Zhao Xiaoxiao replied to Zhu Wensheng's words. Those who go to the physics department generally know Wu Kexiang, after all, he is a role model in many people's hearts.

"I heard that Professor Wu personally prepared the examination papers and invigilated the examination." Gao Zeyu told the gossip he had heard, and Zhu Wensheng became even more crazy, and decided to sign up.

It doesn't matter whether you pass the exam or not, the main thing is to meet the male god in your heart.

"You don't necessarily meet Professor Wu when you sign up." Seeing Zhu Wensheng's excited look, Gao Zeyu couldn't bear to discourage him, but he still had to say, "This admissions assessment is divided into three parts, practice, test, And Q&A. Professor Wu is in the third part, so you have to go through the first two parts before meeting Professor Wu."

"Ah, then I'm out of luck." Zhu Wensheng sat on the bed discouraged, and began to regret why he didn't pay attention in class.

"Well, it's hard to say. At present, we are not sure how many new students Professor Wu will recruit. What if there are too many people?" Gao Zeyu thought for a while, and comforted Zhu Wensheng.

"Hey, it would be great if Su Mu was here at this time. Let him ask the counselor to know some gossip." Zhu Wensheng was very hungry and missed Su Mu at this time, and the counselor liked Su Mu very much. They all knew it. Moreover, Su Mu is the monitor of their class. Usually, whenever there is anything, they will ask Su Mu to find a counselor, and they will ask for one.

"Wait for Su Mu to come back. He just told me that he was downstairs in the dormitory." After hearing Gao Zeyu's words, Zhao Xiaoxiao also thought of Su Mu immediately, so he sent a message to Su Mu asking when he would come back.

After Zhao Xiaoxiao sent the message, the phone did not stay on this interface, and directly opened other software and waited for Su Mu to reply.

Because Su Mu is usually very slow to reply to messages, every time I send him a message, I have to wait for a long time before he can reply, but what I didn't expect this time is that Su Mu replied to him as soon as he sent the message.

"Really, that's great." Zhu Wensheng poked his head out, looking eagerly at the door, waiting for Su Mu to come back.

Su Mu had just opened the door of the dormitory and hadn't entered the dormitory when he looked up and saw Zhu Wensheng and the three of them staring at him at the same time.Su Mu blinked his eyes, entered the dormitory calmly against the eyes of the three, and closed the door.

(End of this chapter)

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