It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 154 I Can Practice With You 1

Chapter 154 I Can Practice With You

"Tell me, what's the matter." Su Mu cut to the chase and asked the three people who were still staring at him.

Once these three people find him, there must be something wrong.

"Hey, we just want to ask, do you know how many people Professor Wu will choose for training?" Zhu Wensheng laughed twice and told their purpose.

"I really don't know." Su Mu shook his head. He was so excited about meeting his idol today, how could he think of asking the director how many people he would choose in the end.

"Then you ask the instructor." Zhao Xiaoxiao advised Su Mu to ask Wang Kaile.

Su Mu nodded, picked up the phone and asked Wang Kaile how many people Professor Wu would choose this time, both Zhu Wensheng and Zhao Xiaoxiao stretched their necks to see how the counselor would respond.

Wang Kaile got back the news very quickly, but even he didn't know how many people to choose this time, Professor Wu didn't disclose.

Su Mu showed them the news and shrugged helplessly, saying that he had no choice.

Zhao Xiaoxiao and Zhu Wensheng lowered their heads regretfully. They thought they could know the inside information in advance.

"You just apply directly. You will take the exam directly. Just make sure you pass it." In fact, Su Mu didn't care too much about how many people were selected, as long as he was good at himself, and strived to do well. Well, it’s not easy for others to surpass it if they want to surpass it.

"That's what I said, but we're worried that we won't do well in the exam. What if we don't even pass the first part?" Zhu Wensheng said worriedly.This assessment is open to the whole country. When the time comes, students from all over the country will take the exam with them. If they are eliminated in the first part, it will be too shameful to say it.

"How come, it's still some time before the exam, I can practice with you."

After Su Mu finished speaking, Zhu Wensheng, Zhao Xiaoxiao and even Gao Zeyu looked at him with bright eyes.Su Mu usually has a good teaching style. They have seen it before. It was Su Mu who pulled them back from the verge of failing in the final exam.

"That's easy, then we don't have to worry about it." Zhu Wensheng felt much more relaxed in an instant. With Su Mu around, he didn't have to worry about the first level, and he would definitely be able to pass it.

"Don't be too excited. This assessment should be difficult. We still have a part to learn. It's a difficult problem." Su Mu said something disappointing, but he was right.

They are still in their sophomore year, and they have not yet learned some professional courses and basic theories. This time, even Su Mu may not be able to do it.

"Then let's start practicing tomorrow, otherwise I worry about not having enough time."

"Well, okay."

As soon as they said it, Su Mu and Gao Zeyu got up early. To be precise, they were woken up by Zhu Wensheng's alarm clock.However, Zhu Wensheng and Zhao Xiaoxiao were still sound asleep without being affected at all.

Su Mu pointed at Zhu Wensheng, implying that he told Zhu Wensheng to get up.Gao Zeyu made an ok gesture, then he called Zhao Xiaoxiao to get up.

Su Mu approached Zhu Wensheng's ear, Gao Zeyu also approached Zhao Xiaoxiao's ear, the two of them glanced at each other, and compared a three at the same time as if they had negotiated.



On the count of one, the two turned around at the same time, shouting into their approaching ears. "Get up."

Zhao Xiaoxiao was so frightened that she quickly got up from the bed and covered her ears in a daze.

On the other hand, at Su Mu's place, Zhu Wensheng turned over and continued to sleep, even snoring.

…Su Mu was speechless. He yelled so loudly, but he still didn't wake up. He really lived up to his name.

"You can't use this method to deal with him. I'll do it." Zhao Xiaoxiao woke up, saw Su Mu's frustrated appearance, got up from the bed decisively, stood on the escalator and whispered a few words into Zhu Wensheng's ear.

Unexpectedly, this trick was quite effective, and Zhu Wensheng sat up from the bed immediately.

"Eat, where to eat?"

"Go to the laboratory, are you going?" Su Mu stood in front of Zhu Wensheng's bed, with his hands folded around his chest, looking at Zhu Wensheng indifferently.Last night, he was the one who yelled the most because he was afraid that he would fail the exam, but he couldn't get up the next morning.

"No, no, no food is allowed in the laboratory." Zhu Wensheng is now in the power-on state, and did not realize the true meaning of Su Mu's words, so he rejected Su Mu solemnly.

As he said that, Zhu Wensheng pulled up the quilt and wanted to lie back on the bed and get back to sleep.Seen by Su Mu, he grabbed his pillow and threatened Zhu Wensheng.

"If you don't get up again, we'll leave first, and leave you daydreaming in the dormitory alone."

Without a pillow, Zhu Wensheng couldn't sleep, so he could only lean against the head of the bed, his eyes closed again uncontrollably.In this winter, I really don't want to crawl out of the bed at all.

After sitting for a while, feeling the cold air outside the bed, Zhu Wensheng woke up slowly, and got up to wash in a daze.

The other three had already packed up and sat in the dormitory waiting for Zhu Wensheng to pack up and go to the laboratory together.

"Xiao Xiao, I'm curious, what did you say close to Zhu Wensheng's ear just now?" Gao Zeyu asked Zhao Xiaoxiao curiously, what kind of words could make Zhu Wensheng get up immediately.

"I just said that Qi Xiwen wanted to have dinner with him, and she would not be happy to leave any later." Zhao Xiaoxiao told Gao Zeyu his original words.

"No wonder, I just said why he sat up immediately." Gao Zeyu nodded knowingly, don't look at Zhu Wensheng who usually looks very carefree, he can't move when he sees beautiful women, but he likes Qi Xiwen in the dormitory It's no secret.

"Let's go." Zhu Wensheng packed up, picked up his schoolbag and shouted to the three people who were still chatting.

Zhao Xiaoxiao is not chatting, and goes to the laboratory with Su Mu because there are still people in the laboratory to teach in the laboratory. This laboratory is Su Mu looking for a counselor to manage the contact information of the teachers here, and negotiating with the teacher for a long time to decide.

Su Mu opened the door with the key that he asked the teacher for, and he was greeted by endless dust and spider webs.All four of them smacked their noses in disgust.

"Su Mu, are you sure you chose the right place?" Zhao Xiaoxiao pointed to the dusty experimental bench and asked Su Mu in disbelief.

"No, that's what the teacher said." Su Mu looked around the laboratory, and there was nothing but the table.

"This seems to be an old laboratory. After the new laboratory, basically no one comes to this laboratory, so it will be abandoned after a long time." Gao Zeyu knocked off the dust on the right hand side, and explained to the three road.

"No wonder it's so dilapidated, the co-authorship was given to us because we don't want it."

"Because someone is teaching the new one, so we have no choice but to use the old one." Su Mu had already cleaned up his desktop, and looking around, there was nothing in the whole laboratory.

(End of this chapter)

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