It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 160 Maybe They Have Children

Chapter 160 Maybe They Have Children

On the day of welcoming Professor Wu, a banner was hung at the gate of B gate a day earlier.

Su Mu and Wang Kaile stood at the door waiting for Wu Kexiang.

"Instructor, when will Professor Wu arrive?" Su Mu stood outside shivering from the cold. He had been waiting for an hour and a half without seeing a car.

"Don't worry, let me ask." Wang Kaile also stomped his feet from the cold, it was really too cold today.

Before Wang Kaile took out his phone, he heard someone calling him from behind.

"Instructor, the dean asked you and Su Mu to go there."

"Oh, good." Wang Kaile agreed, and pulled Su Mu over with him.

"Then what should I do? What if Professor Wu comes at this time?" Su Mu asked Wang Kaile, who actually wanted to stay at the door and wait for Professor Wu.

"Don't you understand? Can't wait anymore." Wang Kaile smiled, and the little old man made another move for himself.

"Ah? Professor Wu isn't coming?" Su Mu asked in frustration. Does it mean that he won't see Professor Wu today.

"You'll find out if you come with me." Wang Kaile pretended to be closed, and Su Mu had no choice but to follow Wang Kaile to the dean's office.

Before they reached the dean's downstairs, they saw the dean and Professor Wu standing downstairs from a distance, and Su Mu and Wang Kaile hurried over.

"Hello, Dean, and Professor Wu." Su Mu greeted the two of them, and stood obediently beside Wang Kaile.

"Let me introduce you. This is Su Mu, a sophomore in the Department of Physics." The dean nodded, pointing to Su Mu to introduce to Wu Kexiang.

"Oh, he's Su Mu." Wu Kexiang smiled at Su Mu. He often heard Wang Kaile say that there was a student named Su Mu in his major, so he was very curious about how good that Su Mu was. .

Coincidentally, this time there is an opportunity for him to see how good this young man named Su Mu is.

"Yes, yes, I am Su Mu." When Su Mu met Professor Wu for the first time, he was unavoidably a little cautious. Except when talking to him, he stood obediently beside Wang Kaile the rest of the time.

Wu Kexiang smiled at Su Mu, and then looked at Wang Kaile who had been silent at the side, "How long have you been waiting outside?"

"Two hours." Wang Kaile was still sulking, and he could hear the elements of anger when he spoke.

Really, every time I come back, I make a set.

"Hahahaha, it must be cold outside." Wu Kexiang's hearty laughter didn't sound like a person who was about to retire at all.

"Didn't you say yesterday that you would come at 10 o'clock this morning?" Wang Kaile questioned Wu Kexiang. He was still on the phone yesterday and said that he would come at 10 o'clock today, but it turned out that it was already 12 o'clock, making him wait for two people Not to mention the hour, I haven't entered through the gate yet.

"I came here at 10 o'clock, you didn't see who I blamed." Wu Kexiang spread his hands, his expression was extraordinarily innocent.

"Then why did you call me over at 12 o'clock?" Wang Kaile became even more angry, and came at 10 o'clock, but finally called him over at 12 o'clock.

"Then why are you at the door?"

Wang Kaile choked when Wu Kexiang turned against the general.Can he say that he went to the door to trick Wu Kexiang?Certainly not.

Wu Kexiang always likes to keep a low profile. He doesn't like any big gestures such as joining the road to welcome him. If he goes to a place, he will go there quietly every time without making any noise.

Of course Wang Kaile knew this, but he did it on purpose.He made such a big fanfare on purpose, just to provoke Wu Kexiang, so that Wu Kexiang would make fun of him every time he came back.

But it turns out that Jiang is still old and hot, and he never expected that he would still be turned against him.

"Okay, what do you two look like in front of Su Mu?" The dean couldn't bear to watch, and reminded.Usually it's just the three of them, it's fine if two of them mess around a bit, but now there's a junior around, so they're not afraid of making jokes.

Su Mu listened to the conversation between the three, especially Wang Kaile and Professor Wu, his big eyes rolled around, looking at Wang Kaile for a while, and Professor Wu for a while.It seems that the three of them are familiar with each other.

"Hahaha, Su Mu must be confused." Wang Kaile looked at Su Mu with a smile, and explained to him, "Professor Wu used to be my teacher, and our dean and Professor Wu are classmates."

Su Mu nodded in surprise. He didn't expect that the counselor and dean around him were all related to Professor Wu.

"Don't stand outside, it's too cold, go up." The dean said, naturally everyone followed, and it was really cold outside.

"Then I'll go back first." Su Mu understood very well that his original mission was to pick up Wu Kexiang, and since Wu Kexiang was here, there was no need for him to stay any longer.

"Okay, you go back first."

"Well, Dean, goodbye, Professor Wu, and instructor." Su Mu waved to them, then turned and left.

"How is it? Isn't this young man smart?" Wang Kaile pointed to Su Mu's back and asked Wu Kexiang.

"Smart is smart, but you don't know how your grades are." Wu Kexiang nodded. This young man is still very discerning.

"Not to mention the grades, the practical test ranked third in the school." Wang Kaile was even more proud when mentioning the grades. As a sophomore, Su Mu was able to squeeze into the third place in the school, which can be said to be a very good grade.

"It's useless for you to praise anything. I'll just wait for his performance in the exam."

After Su Mu left, he contacted Shen Yun immediately. The exciting moment of seeing an idol must be shared with the people around him.

When Shen Yun came down from the dormitory, Su Mu saw that Shen Yun hugged her excitedly. Shen Yun hugged Su Mu back and patted him on the back to calm him down.

"I'm so happy. I really met Professor Wu. He is more energetic, handsome, and easy-going than I imagined." Su Mu was full of praise when he mentioned Wu Kexiang. Now thinking about him, he is very excited.

"That's true! I want to meet you so much." Shen Yun echoed Su Mu.

"When I enter the training of Professor Wu, I will take you to meet."

"Okay, I'm still waiting to see the picture of you standing with Professor Wu on TV with you."

Su Mu looked forward to the future, and Shen Yun accompanied Su Mu to look forward to the future.

"Then will we be married by then? Maybe we all have children." Su Mu imagined that he and Shen Yun would sit on the sofa together, with their children sitting in the middle, and the three of them would happily watch together television.

This picture, no matter how I think about it, I feel very beautiful.

"Did you miss it?" Shen Yun asked Su Mu with a smile. She couldn't figure out how Su Mu jumped from the joy of seeing an idol to having a married child in the future.

"No way, we can achieve these things in the future." Su Mu put his arms around Shen Yun and shook his head gently.

(End of this chapter)

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