Chapter 161

Seeing Professor Wu intensified Su Mu's determination to succeed. In order to better take the written test, he and Shen Yun seemed to be in the library.

Two people sat facing each other, one practiced physics, and the other took the time to do translation without interfering with each other.

On the day of the exam, Su Mu and Zhu Wensheng came to the exam room together, this time they were in the same exam room.This time they were going to compete with the top talents from various schools, and Su Mu was still a little nervous.

He was worried, what if he really didn't pass?If he really didn't pass, Su Mu felt embarrassed to appear in front of the counselor. He was so optimistic about himself that he even told her all the good things about meeting Professor Wu, but he still failed the exam.

The invigilator walked into the examination room and distributed their examination papers.There are two test papers in total, which are divided into AB papers.The two test papers are staggered and separated, because every student and their own test papers are different.

It's not time for the exam yet, so I can't write, I can only roughly browse the exam papers.

Su Mu took a cursory look at the test paper and felt that it was still within his acceptable range.On the other hand, when Zhu Wensheng saw the test paper, he had already planned to give up.These are a bit difficult for him.

"Jingle Bell."

When the exam bell rang, everyone started writing in unison.

Everyone was writing the test papers with their heads down, and never looked up at the classroom.So, they didn't know that in another classroom of the school, an old man sat watching their every move.

Wu Kexiang watched the video carefully. He hasn't decided how many students he will recruit this time, but he will definitely recruit people with excellent academic performance.

Wang Kaile said that there was no need for Wu Kexiang to stay here anymore. They were supervised by three invigilators, and all the students who came in were top students from each school, so there was no such thing as cheating.

But Wu Kexiang didn't listen, so he had to sit in front of the monitoring room and stare at the screen for two hours without blinking.When Wu Kexiang retracted his eyes after watching it, his eyes turned red when he looked away.

"It's useless, I will definitely not be able to pass the next test this time." Zhu Wensheng complained to Su Mu as soon as he left the examination room.

"Not necessarily. Didn't you go on smoothly last time?" Su Mu comforted Zhu Wensheng.

"Can it be the same? The last time I went in was because of the topic you picked up at that time, which happened to be what you talked about the night before, but this time it's different."

"Didn't I give you a lot of questions this time?" Su Mu exposed Zhu Wensheng, obviously giving him the questions twice.

"That's different, it's just different." Zhu Wensheng said that he couldn't act like a baby, but Su Mu quickly nodded perfunctorily, telling Zhu Wensheng to stop acting like a baby.It's just disgusting.

The results of their exam came out quite quickly, and they found out their own results the next day.

Not surprisingly, Zhu Wensheng did not enter the top 30, while Su Mu successfully entered the top 10 and entered the next stage with the fifth place.

In fact, Su Mu was a little dissatisfied with this result.His goal is No. 1, and at worst No. 2, otherwise, even if he defends, he won't be able to succeed.

"Su Mu, what's the matter with you, you are still looking sad after passing the defense, shouldn't you be happy?" Zhao Xiaoxiao noticed Su Mu's expression and joked with him.

"You don't understand this. This kind of thing gets more and more tense as it goes on. Often the people who fall to death are those who are about to reach the peak." Gao Zeyu answered Zhao Xiaoxiao's words while weaving a bag.

"Hey, people like me who just fell off the mountain really don't understand." Zhao Xiaoxiao sighed and turned back to focus on his game again.

The defense time was set at one o'clock in the afternoon two days later, and the exam was approaching. Su Mu stayed in the library all day and didn't even eat.

Shen Yun couldn't stand it anymore, and called Su Mu to accompany her out for dinner.

At first, Su Mu wanted to refuse. He still had some knowledge that he hadn't finished reading, but it was going to start tomorrow afternoon, so he didn't really want to go to dinner.But seeing that Shen Yun's face had already darkened, it seemed that as long as he dared to say no, Shen Yun would immediately get angry with himself.

Su Mu agreed to come down, and the big deal is to make a quick decision, and go back quickly after eating.

The two came to the cafeteria, ordered a meal each, found a seat and sat down.

"You haven't eaten all day, are you hungry?" Shen Yun asked Su Mu distressedly, feeling that he was under more pressure this time than during the college entrance examination.

"Hungry." Su Mu ate his food, and when he heard Shen Yun's question, he took the time to say something.

"Eat slowly." Seeing Su Mu eating so fast, Shen Yun thought he was really hungry, so he got up and brought him a bowl of soup.

When Shen Yun came back, Su Mu had almost eaten.It seemed that he was really hungry, Shen Yun looked helplessly as Su Mu approached the clean plate.

"Why are you eating so fast? Be careful of choking." Shen Yun handed the soup to Su Mu, who took it and drank it down in one gulp.

"I'm done eating, so I'll go back to the library first." Su Mu picked up the plate, trying to escape quickly before Shen Yun could react.

"sit down."

After Shen Yun gave an order, Su Mu sat back disheartened.

"I said, why are you eating so fast? It turns out that it's not because you're hungry, but because you want to hurry back." Shen Yun folded his arms around his chest and looked at Su Mu, who was facing him with his head bowed.

She also thought that Su Mu was really hungry, afraid that he would choke on eating, so she went to bring him a bowl of soup.Now I can't wait to let Su Mu choke and let him lie to himself.

"I haven't finished reading a little bit, so I'll finish it." Su Mu looked at Shen Yun pitifully, trying to get away with being coquettish.

"It's just one o'clock, what's the rush? Let's go back together after I finish eating."

Shen Yun opened his mouth to speak, but Su Mu dared not obey, and obediently sat on the stool and waited for Shen Yun to finish his meal.

Fortunately, he took pictures of those knowledge points with his mobile phone when he came.

"Don't play with your phone." Shen Yun looked at Su Mu and warned.

Su Mu pouted, and reluctantly put down the phone.

"How about this, I will give you a chance to go back to study, you tell me jokes, when I laugh you go back. How about it?" Shen Yun asked Su Mu's opinion with great interest.

"I think you are embarrassing me this time." Su Mu muttered softly.

"What did you say?" Shen Yun didn't hear Su Mu's words, so he leaned into him and asked again.

"It's nothing, I'll tell you." Su Mu smiled and shook his head, compromisingly telling Shen Yun a joke.

"Do you know what hiding a knife in a smile is?"

Shen Yun listened very seriously and shook his head cooperatively.

"Hiding a knife in a smile is, hahahahahaha knife hahahaha."

Shen Yun, who was expecting to listen to Su Mu's jokes, immediately collapsed.

It's so cold, where did he hear such a cold joke.

(End of this chapter)

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