Chapter 162

"Hahaha, isn't it funny?" Su Mu laughed from ear to ear, seeing Shen Yun's speechless expression, and immediately withdrew it.

"Hey, it's not that funny."

"Pfft." Seeing the change in Su Mu's expression, Shen Yun couldn't help laughing.

"You laughed, you laughed." Su Mu pointed at Shen Yun, as excited as if he had discovered a new continent.

"Then I'm not amused by your joke, this doesn't count."

"I don't care, you just laughed." Su Mu proudly raised her neck, not listening to Shen Yun's explanation.

Su Mu got up from his stool, sat next to Shen Yun, straddled her arm and acted like a baby to her.

"Just tell me you laughed, tell me soon."

"Okay, okay, I laughed, you go back." Shen Yun was beaten by Su Mu, so he quickly agreed to let him go back.

Judging by Su Mu's current appearance, he should be a little more relaxed, not as tense as before.Moreover, Shen Yun didn't want to delay Su Mu's progress, so it was better for him to go back quickly.

"Hey, I knew you were the best." Su Mu smiled triumphantly. He knew that Shen Yun didn't let him go back because he was worried about him. He also knew that there might be something wrong with his mentality. He was trying to adjust his mentality. , Let yourself not take the result so important.

"Of course I do, woo." Shen Yun looked up at Su Mu as he spoke, but Su Mu bowed his head and kissed everything in his throat.

This time the kiss was not as long as usual, after all, it was still in the cafeteria, so Su Mu lowered his head and pecked lightly.

"The library is waiting for you." Su Mu let go of Shen Yun, gave her a wink, then turned and left.

Shen Yun lowered her head shyly, did she want to be crooked?Why do I feel that Su Mu's words are so charming, bewitching her to think about some messy things.

Really, how can a big man be so tempting.

Now that Su Mu had left, Shen Yun felt that eating was not interesting, so he speeded up his meal.Just now, in order to let Su Mu rest for a while, Shen Yun deliberately ate very slowly.

"Hey, how is the investigation that you were asked to investigate?"

"Then it's best. You can also investigate No.5 this time. I heard that he is only a sophomore with unlimited potential. He is also a threat to me."

Shen Yun, who was planning to leave after getting up after eating, heard that No.5 sat back again, not to blame her for thinking too much, this description really resembles Su Mu.

Shen Yun pretended to be still eating, but her attention was all on the caller behind.

"You send me the information of the top few first, and I will definitely get the training places this time."

Hearing this, Shen Yun was sure that the No.5 he mentioned was Su Mu.The person who called should also be a person who participated in Professor Wu's training, but why does he want the information of the top few?
It stands to reason that the defense is not your own business?Looking for the top few can't solve any problems, it can't be for them to train.

Shen Yun was confused, and when he wanted to continue listening, that person had already hung up the phone.

Seeing the man get up and leave, Shen Yun quickly got up, and sent the plate to the recycling place one step ahead of the man, and followed the man to see what he was doing.

But the man walked back to the dormitory directly. The school has prepared dormitories for those who take the exam, because they all come from all over the world, and there is no place to live.

Shen Yun waited downstairs in the dormitory for quite a while, but the man did not come down.

No way, let's tell Su Mu to be more careful first.

"Why did you take so long?" Su Mu watched Shen Yun come back, and asked her, it is absolutely impossible for Shen Yun to eat for so long at the usual speed.

Shen Yun told Su Mu what she had just heard, and told him to be careful these two days.

"Are you sure he is a student taking the exam?" Su Mu asked with a hint of doubt after hearing Shen Yun's words.

"For sure, I heard what he said about the training quota with my own ears, and he entered the dormitory for the people they trained at the school." Shen Yun nodded and said firmly.

"Strange, then why does he want our materials? These materials can't decide the defense." Su Mu became confused, and he couldn't figure out what this person wanted the materials for.

"I don't know either. In short, you should be careful these two days, especially before the defense. Don't trust anyone except me." Shen Yun looked at Su Mu seriously. The most important thing for Su Mu now is to protect his body. Don't let the bad guys take advantage of it.

"I know, I won't touch anyone except with you these two days."


"Then what should I do when I go to bed at night? Or are you with me?"

Shen Yun glared at Su Mu shamefully, this man was unreliable no matter what he said.

"Enough is enough, it's still in the library."

"Then you can agree if you're not in the library?" Su Mu nodded understandingly, and started to pack his things as he spoke.

"What are you doing?" Shen Yun looked at Su Mu suspiciously, why did he suddenly start packing up again.

"Get out." Su Mu answered it as a matter of course, without any problem at all.

"Have you finished?" Shen Yun found that he couldn't keep up with Su Mu's brain circuit, and he looked like he was going to die soon, saying that he still had some knowledge points that he hadn't finished and wanted to come back to study.Why did he just come back, and he started to pack his things and leave again.

"I'm tired of studying, and I want to find a place to relax." Su Mu stared at Shen Yun meaningfully, with a smile on his face.

Shen Yun didn't expect that one day he would be caught by Su Mu's eyes.

"Stop joking, hurry up and learn." Shen Yun raised his hand and hit Su Mu, warning the dishonest person in front of him.

"But I'm so tired. You were worried that I was under too much pressure just now, so let me relax. How come it's not like this in a blink of an eye. Do you not love me anymore?"

Shen Yun Fu's forehead, who is it that turned into another person in the blink of an eye?
"Let's go, let's go back if we don't want to learn." Shen Yun compromised, and she found that she really had nothing to do with Su Mu now, as long as he acted like a baby, she would immediately compromise.

Shen Yun packed up the books and dragged Su Mu towards the door.

"Then can you agree?" Su Mu immediately asked Shen Yun after leaving the library gate.

"Agreed to what?" After Su Muna made a fuss, Shen Yuna still remembered what he said, and looked at him suspiciously.

"Stay away from me for a moment."

"No, I can send you downstairs in the dormitory." Shen Yun refused without thinking.

"Then what if something happens to me in the dormitory?"

"Shut up, I still don't understand you. How many times can an ordinary person get close to you?" Shen Yun really couldn't listen anymore. She learned Sanda with Su Mu when she was a child, and no one knew the other. what.

"Okay then." Su Mu sighed regretfully when the plan failed.

Living in a dormitory is not good at all, he can't see Shen Yun all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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