It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 163 Tomorrow's defense, let me win

Chapter 163 Tomorrow's defense, let me win
Shen Yun did what he said, and really sent Su Mu downstairs in the dormitory.

"Go up quickly." Shen Yun looked at the boy's apartment building and said to Su Mu.

"Did we switch identities before, shouldn't I send you off?" Su Mu looked at the dormitory and smiled lightly.

"Aren't you afraid? I have to protect your safety." Shen Yun deliberately imitated Su Mu's way of acting like a spoiled child in the afternoon, and spoke with his voice squeezed.

"Stop making trouble, I'll take you back." Knowing that Shen Yun was imitating himself, Su Mu was a little embarrassed, and quickly walked ahead of Shen Yun.

"Su Mu." Before Su Mu had gone far, he heard Shen Yun calling his name softly behind him.

"What's wrong?" Su Mu stopped and looked back at Shen Yun.

"I saw him." Shen Yun stared at the sneaky boy in front of him who was talking to others, and said to Su Mu.

"Who is it?" Su Mu followed Shen Yun's gaze, but found nothing unusual.

"It's the boy who asked for information."

While talking, the boy left with another boy, and Shen Yun quickly followed.

Seeing this, Su Mu also followed.

That boy and the other came to the school playground, and the two found a remote corner and talked in a low voice.

Shen Yun couldn't hear what they were saying, and he didn't dare to rush forward for fear of attracting attention.Let's not talk about their purpose, the other boy came down from the dormitory of the school, and it is very likely that he knows Su Mu, if they rush forward, they will only startle the snake.

As soon as he turned around, Shen Yun saw the young couples who were molesting and fighting on the playground, and he had a plan in mind.

Shen Yun pulled Su Mu to a distance not far from the two of them, and then she hugged Su Mu.Su Mu immediately understood Shen Yun's thoughts, hugged Shen Yun back, and the two of them moved towards the two people who were talking little by little.

Sensing a similar distance, Shen Yun and Su Mu stopped at the same time.Su Mu turned around, turned his back to them, and at the same time held Shen Yun in his arms.That way, even if those two find out and can't see their faces, they'll just think they're a young couple flirting on the playground.

Su Mu pricked up his ears, and could vaguely hear their previous conversation.

"What do you want me to do?"

"It's very simple. Let me win in the defense tomorrow afternoon."

Su Mu narrowed his eyes slightly, so the purpose of looking for their information was to contact them so that they would deliberately lose their defense.

"Impossible. We all know how rare this opportunity is. I will definitely not give up easily."

"I'll give you 5 yuan." The man said directly.

"This is not something that can be solved with money." The speaker sounded a little impatient, and his words were a little more forbearing.

Well, it's a bit of a moral.Hearing the man's refusal, Su Mu nodded affirmatively.

"Fifty thousand is not enough? One hundred thousand."

Tsk tsk, really vulgar, directly increased the price.

"I've said it all, it's either money or a solution, and this competition should be fair and open. I believe that if other people stood here, they would not agree."

awesome!There should be such awareness.What the man said was impassioned, and Su Mu's blood was surging when he heard it. If it wasn't easy to expose, Su Mu would have wanted to go up and make friends with that man.

"Heh, you're still too naive, let me tell you that simply, among the top three of you, the other two were bribed by me." The person who spoke sneered, his tone full of disdain.

These people have always only valued immediate interests.At the beginning, they put on airs, saying that this was his ideal, and they would not trade it for anything.Afterwards, he simply raised the price, and each of them let go immediately.What kind of shit is ideal, but the money is not enough.

"They are them, and I am me. I will not lie and lose on purpose. At the same time, I would like to advise you that some things are better to be true. After all, you can go further if you keep your feet on the ground, right?"

After speaking, the man left directly.When he came to Su Mu's side, he deliberately turned his head to look at Su Mu's eyes.

Su Mu knew that he had been exposed.In this case, there is no need to pretend, Su Mu greeted Na generously.

The man smiled at Su Mu, nodded, and left directly.

"Damn, it's really a toast and you don't eat or drink fine wine. It seems that you can't do something." The negotiator didn't notice the small gestures between Su Mu and Liren, and he was still angry that he was rejected.

"Some people, I would like to advise, it's better to be careful, and don't be so arrogant in other people's schools." Su Mu heard the man's words, turned around, and looked at him half-threateningly and half-warningly.

"Who are you, you are crazy." The man didn't have too much entanglement with Su Mu, he gave Su Mu a look, and walked away cursing.

To be honest, he still has some fears. He interrupted the person just now to say that he was reminded. This is someone else's school. It is better to be more cautious in what you do.

"He investigated me, but he doesn't know who I am?" Su Mu pointed at the man's back and complained to Shen Yun.

"I don't know if it's good, wouldn't it be more exciting this way?" Shen Yun sneered as he heard the conversation between the two clearly.

"Let's go back too." Shen Yun stretched, turned and walked towards the dormitory.

Su Mu followed Shen Yun, sent her back to the dormitory, and returned to his own dormitory.As soon as he arrived downstairs in the dormitory, he was stopped by the person who had just confronted him.

"You're Su Mu, right? My name is Chen Chen, and the name sounds a little funny." Chen Chen has been waiting for Su Mu outside since he came back from the playground, but fortunately he was able to wait.

"Well, it's okay, it sounds good." Su Mu opened his mouth to speak, his expression didn't change a bit.In fact, if he didn't say it in the early morning, Su Mu wouldn't have noticed the homonym of the name.

Looking at the indifferent Su Mu in the early morning, he thought that this person was indeed similar to what he had inquired about. He looked gentle and elegant, but in fact he was as cold as ice.

"I'm a senior who is a year older than you, and then, I'm also a student participating in freshman training."

"Hello, what's the matter?" Su Mu asked straight to the point in the early morning. It was a bit cold, and he didn't want to stand outside all the time.

"You also saw the scene tonight, and then worried that he might find you tomorrow, so I just want to remind you, don't be tempted by him."

Su Mu smiled, this early morning is really smart, and I am talking to him now because I am afraid that the person who finds fault today will trouble him tomorrow, and I want to bring someone to accompany him.

I think so, but since people kindly reminded you, you should say thank you no matter what, "Okay, I see, thank you senior."

"It's okay, I just want to remind you, I don't think he is a good person." Chenchen smiled and talked to Su Mu, and the two went back to the dormitory immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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