Chapter 165 Happy Cooperation
After seeing off Pan Sheng, Su Mu studied the earphones in his hand, it was indeed very small, only as big as the cap of his little finger.

"If I knew this kind of guy, I shouldn't have let him in. Really, I still want us, Su Mu, to give in and help him cheat. Bah." Zhu Wensheng wiped the chair and said angrily.

"That's right, I thought he was looking for Su Mu for something. Like a big boss, he would sit on a chair after entering the dormitory and ask who Su Mu was." Zhao Xiaoxiao echoed, thinking of Pan Sheng. When he came in, he was arrogant and domineering.

Those who didn't know thought that Su Mu owed him money.It made them treat Su Mu well at first, fearing that he would offend him and treat Su Mu badly. Later, when he was inquiring about Su Mu's physical defense, his words revealed contempt.

"Then how do you know he's here to find fault?" Su Mu asked them curiously.Judging from his usual situation just now, he should know what Pan Sheng wanted from him.

"That's what I said. The grandson didn't know what to say, so he just said it all." Zhu Wensheng finally wiped the chair from the top to the bottom, wiped it with his fingers, and sat down at ease when it felt clean.

"I look down on people like this. If I don't work hard, I just think of crooked ways to win. I seriously doubt that his fourth place in the written test was also copied." Zhao Xiaoxiao said indignantly, looking at Su Mu who was silent at the side, "Su Mu, you will get No.1 in this defense and see what he does."

Su Mu didn't answer Zhao Xiaoxiao's words, but asked the three people in the dormitory with the earphones. "You said that the earphones won't fall into your ears after you put them on?"

"You really don't plan to use this to cheat, do you? Cheating is shameful." Zhu Wensheng was still mentally coping with that Pan Sheng sat in his chair, feeling that his chair was stained. Hearing Su Mu's question, asked him in disbelief.

"I promised him, of course I will use this." Su Mu put the earphones back into the box and said.

... There was silence in the dormitory, Zhu Wensheng held back for a long time and said, "Then be careful, don't be found out. If you are found out, say it's all Pan Sheng's fault, he forced you."

"It's not for me." Su Mu knew that Zhu Wensheng had misunderstood, and explained to him with a smile. Why did he feel that Zhu Wensheng was cute for no reason?

"Let me just say, how can someone like Su Mu cheat." Hearing Su Mu say that he doesn't need it, Zhu Wensheng was relieved.

It's not that Su Mu is shameful for cheating, the main reason is that if he is caught, he may never have a relationship with Professor Wu for the rest of his life.

"Then how are you preparing for your defense? No problem, can you beat that thief Pan Sheng?" After a while, Zhao Xiaoxiao had already changed two names for Pan Sheng.

"I'm really not sure about this. Since Pan Sheng told me that Professor Wu only needs two people, he should tell them as well. So, for them, the No.1 is given to Pan Sheng, and they should all cut their heads to fight for it. No.1." Su Mu said uncertainly, not because he didn't have confidence in himself, but mainly because he didn't know the real level of the rest of them.

Well, to put it bluntly, I just have no confidence in myself.

"It's okay, I believe in you, it's absolutely possible. But it will amaze the audience." Zhu Wensheng stretched out his arm and scanned the front, as if he had already seen the scene of Su Mu amazed the audience.

"Stop talking, I'm going to take the exam." Su Mu picked up a stack of materials, where he could hold the Buddha's feet temporarily and read for a while.

"Oh, by the way. Zeyu, don't forget to send me that recording." Su Mu walked to the door, suddenly remembered the recording, and shouted at Gao Zeyu.

"Oh, yes. I'll send it to you right away." If Su Mu didn't remind, Gao Zeyu would have forgotten it too.If they really forgot, then the ones they said at noon are useless.

Su Mu looked at the phone, and had already received the recording from Gao Zeyu, so he clicked on it to play it again, and took it back after confirming that it was correct.

Su Mu walked into the examination room and found that a group of people had already come inside.But everyone sat obediently in their seats and read books, and didn't even have time to look up to see who came in. It didn't matter that much to them.

They were all hugging each other temporarily, so Su Mu found a random place to sit down, and Pan Sheng immediately surrounded him.

"You are sure to let me take the first place in the exam, and you can't go back on your word."

"Of course, I keep my word." Su Mu opened the book without even looking up at Pan Sheng.

"That's good, when the time comes, I will be first and you will be second. We will take care of each other when we are admitted to Professor Wu's freshman training." Pan Shengxiao's entire face was wrinkled, and he had already begun to fantasize about the future of the two of them. The screen is gone.

"No problem." Su Mu lowered his head, and quietly curled the corners of his mouth at an angle that Pan Sheng couldn't see, but his voice was as usual without any fluctuation.

"Happy cooperation." Pan Sheng stretched out his hand towards Su Mu.

Su Mu smiled, but didn't shake Pan Sheng's hand back, and said to Pan Sheng, "It's better to avoid shaking hands. There are many people here, and it is easy to attract attention."

"That's right, look at my brain, I can't think that much at all." Pan Sheng nodded affirmatively, why didn't he think of this.

Su Mu focused on reading and ignored Pan Sheng.Mainly, he didn't want to talk to Pan Sheng either.

"Oh, what are you still reading? It's all settled. Why are you still reading?" Pan Sheng stretched out his hand to snatch the book from Su Mu's hand, but Su Mu dodged it and looked at Pan Sheng impatiently.

"If you want everyone to know that you cheated, you might as well say it a little louder."

Pan Sheng knew he was wrong, so he obediently shut his mouth and stopped talking.

The ears were finally cleared, Su Mu breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to read his book.

Not long after, a man who looked like a teacher walked in. Su Mu took a closer look, and it was Wang Kaile.

"Next, the students whose names I have called will follow me, and the students who have not been named will stay in the classroom." Wang Kaile stood at the door, calling the name "Zhang Jiayin" solemnly.

Looking at this system, Su Mu probably understood that their defense this time was conducted privately by one person.Isn't this just right, it's just convenient for him to do things, and he doesn't have to worry about being peeped by Pan Sheng.

Since Wang Kaile was inside, Su Mu sent him a message to greet him in advance, just in case Pan Sheng listened to their conversation with the earphones on.

The speed of the defense was quite fast. One person came out in about 10 minutes and changed to the next one.

"Qingchen." Wang Kaile stood at the door and called Chenchen's name, but no one responded for a long time, so he called again.


(End of this chapter)

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