It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 166 2 Years 08 Months 3 Days

Chapter 166 Two Years Eight Months Thirteen Days

Still no one responded, Pan Sheng smiled smugly, probably in the early hours of the morning he was still lying in the hospital.After all, he watched Chenchen fall from the fourth floor to the second floor, and he fell quite hard.

Wang Kaile was puzzled for a moment, it should be here by this time, why is there still no one here at this point.

There was no other way, Wang Kaile could only skip the early morning, calling the name of the next person.His name seemed random, so everyone looked at Wang Kaile with trepidation, fearing that he would be the next one to be drawn.

"Next, Pan Sheng."

Pan Sheng got up and walked towards the door.Wang Kaile saw that Pan Sheng and Su Mu exchanged glances. Su Mu nodded to Wang Kaile. Wang Kaile immediately understood what Su Mu wanted to express, and returned a firm look to Su Mu.

Pan Sheng followed Wang Kaile to the classroom next door. This classroom was not as big as the one he had just now, but after hesitation, there were only three teachers sitting in the front row, which still seemed empty.

Wu Kexiang sat in the middle, looked at Pan Sheng with a smile, and asked him to stand in the middle of the blackboard.

"Only you?" Wu Kexiang asked Pan Sheng.

Pan Sheng was a little puzzled, didn't he just call someone over every time?Can there be someone else?

But I still answered honestly, "Only myself."

"Okay then, let's start." Wu Kexiang nodded and called everyone to start.

"In the coupled pendulum experiment, when the coupled pendulum vibrates with the same amplitude and direction, is the simple harmonic frequency related to the coupling length? Why?" The teacher sitting on the left was the first to ask.

Pan Sheng squeezed his ears together before he began to answer.

Wang Kaile noticed Pan Sheng's small movements, carefully observed his ears, and could vaguely see a black object.If he didn't look specifically, he really wouldn't notice it.

After Pan Sheng answered the question, he noticed that Wu Kexiang was looking at Wang Kaile, and Wang Kaile nodded slightly towards Wu Kexiang.Pan Sheng was secretly happy, he knew that his interview was going well.

Little did they know that his little secrets were no longer secrets in their eyes.

After waiting and waiting, it was finally Su Mu's turn to reply.On the way, Su Mu handed the Bluetooth headset to Wang Kaile.

The two of them didn't communicate at all along the way, worried that the people in the earphones could clearly hear what they said now.

Su Mu went into the classroom to start his defense, while Wang Kaile stood by and studied the Bluetooth headset.As expected of a rich family, he has never seen such a small Bluetooth headset.Wang Kaile stuffed the earphones into his ears, and his eyes widened in surprise. It was very comfortable to put in, and there was no strange feeling at all, and it would not be easy to fall off.

A mechanical voice came from the earphones, it was Wu Kexiang's reply to the question raised just now.

So, there are robots, not real people.Wang Kaile listened carefully to the sound in the earphones and determined that it was a mechanized sound.

Wang Kaile was still studying the surprises of the Bluetooth headset. He didn't even pay attention to the end of the defense. He discovered that the headset could also play songs automatically.

"Instructor, you can go." Su Mu came to Wang Kaile and gave him a light push.

Wang Kaile looked up and saw that the four people present were looking at him, only then did he realize that the defense was over.He took off the earphones and put them in his pocket. Although the earphones are good, the future of these children cannot be delayed. He will study the earphones after they all finish their exams.

Wang Kaile and Su Mu went to the classroom together. On the way, Su Mu reached out to Wang Kaile. He still needs to take the earphone back.

"Let me play for a while." Wang Kaile covered his pockets, not wanting to hand the earphones to Su Mu so soon.

Su Mu didn't speak, just kept stretching out his hand, looking at Wang Kaile with a half-smile.

Silent refusal is the real refusal, Wang Kaile reluctantly took the earphone out of his pocket and put it in Su Mu's hand.

Su Mu put away the earphones in satisfaction, before Wang Kaile stepped into the classroom.

"Is Chenchen here? Morning?" Wang Kaile entered the classroom and called out Qingchen's name, but no one answered.

Wang Kaile had no choice but to call another person's name.Why are children nowadays so unpunctual and late for such a big event, do they still want to enter the newcomer training?

Everyone finished their defense and sat in the classroom anxiously waiting for Wu Kexiang to come to announce the result.

Compared with the nervousness before the defense, Su Mu was suddenly relieved, and felt relaxed all over his body.

Pan Sheng was the only one who was not as nervous as Su Mu. He was sitting calmly on his seat alone, obviously ready to be No.1.

Su Mu glanced at Pan Sheng, then looked out the window, and saw Shen Yun waving at him, followed by He Yan.

Shen Yun raised the phone in his hand to Su Mu. Su Mu understood what Shen Yun meant and turned on the phone.

As soon as he opened it, he saw the message Shen Yun sent to himself.

"Even if we can't see the picture of you and Professor Wu together on TV in the future, we may add our children, and we can still sit together and watch TV happily."

Seeing Shen Yun's news, Su Mu smiled warmly, put his hand on the phone and tapped the keyboard, "Then can I see this picture earlier?"

"At least you have to wait three years."

"No, two years, eight months and thirteen days."

Shen Yun saw the message from Su Mu, put down his phone and looked at Su Mu, and found that he was looking at him.Shen Yun smiled at Su Mu, pointed to the side, and wanted to tell him that Professor Wu had come out.

Su Mu nodded and looked back, and swallowed nervously. He found that the most tormented moment was when the result was about to come out.

Wu Kexiang pushed open the door of the classroom, and the classroom fell silent instantly, his gaze followed Wu Kexiang's footsteps to the podium.

With a stack of documents in his hand, Wu Kexiang took out his usual posture of giving a speech, and said to the students below, "Students have worked hard, and some people have traveled all the way to University B for this exam. Thank you very much for your support. My love, being able to recognize me, is stronger than anything else."

"Okay." One person took the lead, and everyone applauded together.

Wu Kexiang pressed his hands kindly to the people below, and waited for the applause to stop before he began to speak, "Okay, then I will make a long story short and start announcing the results now."

As soon as these words came out, it was obvious that the atmosphere below began to become tense.Everyone was silent and stared at Wu Kexiang intently.

"We don't beat around the bush and announce the top ten students directly."

"No.10, Qin Tianyou."

"No.9, Zhang Haojie."


Everyone could clearly hear that every time a name was read, there was a burst of sighing from below.

"No.3." Wu Kexiang paused, Su Mu stared at Wu Kexiang intently, and has not read his name yet.

"Lin Xi."

(End of this chapter)

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