Chapter 167 I Have Questions
This kind of moment is getting more and more difficult in the end.

The top two have not been announced yet, and Su Mu's nervous palms are sweaty, and the next moment will determine his fate.

Su Mu was not the only one who was equally nervous, Shen Yun and He Yan were also nervous standing outside the window.

"No. 2."

Shen Yun cupped his fists, praying that it must be Su Mu, it must be.

"Oh, don't worry, No.2 must be you." Pan Sheng leaned against the wall and said casually to Su Mu behind him.

Su Mu glanced at Pan Sheng and said nothing, but pressed his lips together, waiting for Wu Kexiang to announce his name.

"Su Mu."

"Huh!" Hearing his name, Su Mu heaved a sigh of relief, and Shen Yun and He Yan outside the window also heaved a sigh of relief.

"Next, start to announce No.1."

Pan Sheng sat up straight suddenly, straightened his clothes, and waited for Wu Kexiang to call his name.

"No.1, early morning."

Pan Sheng, who was already in a state of excitement, was taken aback when he heard that it was not his name, and couldn't believe his ears.But it was true, it was Chen Chen's name that was shouted.

The students sitting below were also very confused, and gradually began to boil, wasn't it the one who didn't come after shouting several times in the early morning?Why did he become No.1 as soon as he turned around?

"What's the situation? Why let someone who didn't come be the first?"

"Could it be a default decision?"

"Are you kidding? If Professor Wu wants to make an appointment, he can just call someone over. Do we still need to take this national exam?"

"makes sense."

Pan Sheng listened to the conversation among the people in the class, and looked at Su Mu suddenly, "You know that, right? Do you know?"

"This ranking is all made by Professor Wu, how could I know?" Su Mu chuckled and looked at Pan Sheng like a fool.

"No, he didn't show up in the early hours of the morning. How did he get No.1 in the exam, and I definitely can't be in the top ten." Pan Sheng still couldn't accept this fact. What went wrong here? He obviously saw it Professor Wu and the male teacher looked at each other and nodded.Why did he turn around, he didn't even make the top ten.

"I have doubts." Pan Sheng stood up, and he decided to ask clearly, if there is an internal decision, it is also a mistake between them.

"This student, please tell me." Professor Wu pointed at Pan Sheng.

The moment Pan Sheng stood up, the class fell silent and looked at Pan Sheng.They all admired his courage, and dared to question Professor Wu.

"Why did a person who didn't come at all get No.1? I still hope that Professor Wu can explain it to us." Pan Sheng questioned Wu Kexiang. He can be sure that Chenchen didn't come, because he pushed Chenchen down with his own hands.

"Why are you so sure that he didn't come?" Wu Kexiang looked back at Pan Sheng, his eyes were not sharp, but Pan Sheng felt inexplicably that he had seen through him.

Pan Sheng squeezed his palms tightly and told himself not to panic.

"I think everyone knows that the teacher called Chenchen's name three times, but he didn't show up, and he hasn't shown up now."

As soon as Pan Sheng's words came out, there was another commotion in the class.

"Yes, he did not show up."

"That is, how can a person who never showed up from the beginning to the end become the number one."

"Who told you that he didn't come? Come in." Wu Kexiang asked Pan Sheng four times, and raised his head to let Chen Chen, who had been waiting at the door for a long time, come in.

Everyone looked at the door for a moment, wanting to see where this morning was.But the people who came in disappointed them very much. They saw Qingchen limping into the classroom with gauze on his forehead and a bandage on his left hand.

Pan Sheng looked at Chen Chen who came in in disbelief, what happened and why did Chen Chen come back? Could it be that he didn't push hard enough?
"Hello everyone, I am early morning. I think everyone has seen my current appearance. I was pushed down the stairs when I was in Building B this morning and rolled down from the fourth floor, so I may be a little late. I'm really sorry for wasting everyone's time." Chenchen walked to the center of the podium, said a series of words, bowed to the people below, and then stood up a little bit with his right hand on his waist.

"It's okay." Others didn't have much to say when they saw Qingchen like this, and they rushed to the exam like this, and even got No. 1 in the exam. May I ask who among them can achieve it?

"Thank you everyone." Qingchen nodded gratefully towards the bottom, then limped to the first row of empty seats and sat down.

"Do you have anything else to say?" Wu Kexiang asked Pan Sheng after sitting down early in the morning.

"No more." Pan Sheng shook his head and sat down.He never imagined that Chenchen would wrap it up so quickly, and even participated in the defense.

"I have." Shen Yun pushed open the door, his eyes fixed on Pan Sheng immediately, and then he turned his eyes away to Professor Wu.

"You are?" Wu Kexiang had never met the girl in front of him. Although he and his students had only met once, he could be sure that he didn't know this girl.

"Hello, Professor Wu. My name is Shen Yun, majoring in psychology." Facing Wu Kexiang, Shen Yun put away his tough aura just now, and respectfully introduced himself to Professor Wu.

"Hello, what did you say you have?" Wu Kexiang asked, not forgetting what Shen Yun said when he came in just now.

"I said, I have a video of me being pushed downstairs in the early morning." Shen Yun raised her phone, she didn't just come to cheer for Su Mu this time, she had more important things to do.

Being able to play this video in front of everyone is not in vain. She woke up early this morning and waited downstairs in the boys' dormitory.

She guessed that Pan Sheng would never let it go so easily last night, so she squatted with Su Mu in the grass opposite the dormitory early the next morning and waited for Pan Sheng to show up.

The hard work paid off, and Pan Shengli came over not long after, and met with Qingchen downstairs in the dormitory.

Speaking of which, Shen Yun inserted the USB flash drive she had copied into the computer. Of course, this kind of good thing should be shared with everyone.

Shen Yun clicked on the video. From the perspective of shooting in front of her, she was hiding not far from them.The video content is very high-definition, and their faces can be seen clearly.

In the video, we saw that Chenchen followed Pan Sheng to an empty classroom in Building B to have a conversation, but they couldn't see or hear the specific conversation, because Shen Yun couldn't get in, so they could only quietly hide in another empty classroom. Stretched out his hand quietly, waiting for Pan Shenghe to come out in the early morning.

The two seemed to be arguing inside, their voices could be vaguely heard in the video, Qingchen came out of the classroom first, followed by Pan Sheng.

Next, the people present saw what they had been waiting for. Chen Chen was going downstairs, and Pan Sheng stretched out his hands behind his back, pushing Chen Chen down.

(End of this chapter)

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