It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 168 Don't Be So Rampant in Other People's Schools

Chapter 168 Don't Be So Rampant in Other People's Schools

After watching Shen Yun's video, everyone looked at Pan Sheng with strange eyes, and the students who sat close to Pan Sheng silently changed their seats.In an instant, there was no one around Pan Sheng except Su Mu.

The classmates in the classroom looked at Pan Sheng and whispered to the people around him.

"Why does this person look like this? It's terrible."

"This is considered a crime, can you call the police and arrest him?"

Pan Sheng was still standing, looking around in confusion, the current situation was not friendly to him at all.

Pan Sheng gently covered his ears with his hands, hoping that the earphones could give him a solution.As a result, before the voice in the earphone finished speaking, a hand reached out from the side and took his earphone away.

"Do you still want to cheat at this time?" Su Mu was thinking about the earphones he just took from Pan Sheng's ears, walked to the podium, and handed the earphones to Wu Kexiang.

After listening to Su Mu's words, there was another sigh in the classroom.

"What do you mean by that just now? Did you say he cheated?"

"It seems to be, didn't you see that boy take out a small earphone from his ear?"

"I heard that that person is the young master of the Pan Group. Tsk tsk, it turns out that the Pan Group is at this level."

The earphones were taken away by Su Mu. Pan Sheng looked at Su Mu in disbelief. When all the people left and only Su Mu didn't move, he was still a little moved.Unexpectedly, it turned out to be waiting for him here.

"Since a video was played just now, I have a recording here for you to listen to." Su Mu looked at the bewildered Pan Sheng below, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

He said, don't be so arrogant in other people's schools.

Su Mu turned on the phone and played the recording of him and Pan Sheng last night, fully exposing his crimes.

As soon as the recording came out, the others moved a little further away from Pan Sheng, especially those who had made deals with Pan Sheng, for fear of implicating themselves.

"Su Mu, why do you accuse me? Didn't you agree to my request and cheated with a Bluetooth headset?" Pan Sheng lowered his head, his long bangs blocking his gloomy expression.

"You say I cheated, do you have any evidence?" Su Mu looked at Pan Sheng without any panic.

"Oh, do you think you are the only ones who can record?" Pan Sheng sneered contemptuously, and suddenly raised his face to look at Su Mu.

Su Mu was very scheming, and his recordings were only recorded on the things he admitted he had done. Later, Su Mu agreed to his request, but did not record them.However, Su Mu may not know that the success of Sheng's now depends on the high quality and high design of their products.

His Bluetooth headset also has the function of recording, and it will be automatically uploaded to his mobile phone.

Pan Sheng took out his mobile phone and released the conversation between the two.Since he can't go in, then Su Mu can't go in either.

After listening to Pan Sheng's recording, the melon eaters present became excited. So many people cheated in this defense, is it possible to take the exam again.

If you take the test again, does it mean that you still have a chance?

"Is this the earphone you're talking about?" Wang Kaile also stood up, pinching the earphone with two fingers and asking Pan Sheng.

Just when Su Mu came to the stage, he passed by him and handed him the headset again.As for why Su Mu asked for the earphones back before, it was to show Pan Sheng deliberately to make him feel at ease.

Seeing this, Pan Sheng knew that he was being tricked by Su Mu. From the beginning, Su Mu had no intention of agreeing to him. All of this was to trick him into the game.

"Okay, Pan Sheng, do you have anything to argue with?" Wu Kexiang questioned Pan Sheng aloud.

Everything is traceable.During the written test at that time, Wu Kexiang noticed Pan Sheng's small movements of touching his ears in the surveillance, but he didn't do anything else except small movements, so Wu Kexiang didn't care.

If he knew that Pan Sheng's small movement of touching his ear was because he had a bluetooth headset in his ear, he would definitely not have given him the written test.

Even in this defense, when I knew that Pan Sheng was cheating, I didn't intend to expose him in front of so many people, but I wanted to give him a word of caution when no one was around.Things happened like this, and I didn't expect it, but since it happened, I hope Pan Sheng can realize his mistake.

Pan Sheng had nothing to say, he had no excuses now.

"If you don't have anything to say, sit down first."

Hearing the words, Pan Sheng sat down dejectedly.

"I can understand your desire to enter training. Since you want to enter training so much, you must improve your abilities. If you use some despicable methods to enter, won't your conscience be disturbed by this? In Mandarin, you He is a thief who stole other people's grades and achievements, and I hope that what happened today will be the first and last time." Wu Kexiang was very angry, and his tone of voice was subconsciously heavy.

Wang Kaile immediately stepped forward to help Wu Kexiang with his back, calming his anger.I was not in good health, what if something happened to me.

Wu Kexiang gradually calmed down, and gently pushed Wang Kaile away.Come on, he still hasn't announced the results.

"Next, I will start announcing that the person selected for the freshman training is, early morning, Su Mu."

As soon as the words fell, the whole class burst into thunderous applause. Although I was not selected, I still need to congratulate others.

Hearing his name, Su Mu immediately looked at Shen Yun, and found that she was also looking at him.

"I can see you on TV now." Shen Yun clapped his hands and said with a smile.

"With our children."

"Okay." Shen Yun nodded slightly with shame on both sides.

Now that the results have been announced, it's meaningless for the others to stay here. They all left one by one, and some of them have to rush back to their schools.

Wu Kexiang kept Pan Sheng. Although the matter of his cheating was resolved, he said that the matter of pushing him downstairs in the early morning has not yet been resolved.

Since Wu Kexiang still has important matters tomorrow, he needs to catch a plane overnight to return to his laboratory. Everything here is handed over to Wang Kaile.

"Which school do you belong to? Who is the tutor who accompanied you?" Wang Kaile cut to the chase and asked Pan Sheng step by step.

"Don't you just want compensation? I'll just give it to you. Why are you looking for a teacher?" Pan Sheng leaned arrogantly on the back table without a trace of apology.

He was played around by Su Mu this time because he underestimated the enemy too much. If he could do it again, he would definitely not be so careless and tell all about himself.

"We definitely need compensation. Look at what you have done to our child. I need to find your instructor and ask him how he educated the students to make them look like this." Wang Kaile did not show any weakness. Whose child Who doesn't feel sorry for being bullied like this in his own school, he must find the other party's instructor to teach him well.

(End of this chapter)

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