It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 174 Who Are You Showing Off With?

Chapter 174 Who Are You Showing Off With?
"You single dog is just jealous." Having said that, Shen Yun let go of Su Mu and stood beside him instead.

The originally warm embrace suddenly turned cold, and Su Mu gave He Yan a dissatisfied look.Pass the box in his hand to He Yan and let him hold it.

The box was caught by He Yan, and Su Mu moved his sore palm quietly. The box was a bit big, and it was a bit reluctant to hold it with one hand all the time.

"What is this?" He Yan looked at the box curiously, wanting to tear it open to see what was inside.

"Hold it well, don't take it apart and don't look at it." Su Mu gave He Yan a warning look, and then dragged Shen Yun to the cafeteria.

"No, why do you two show affection and give gifts? I want to help you get them later. Isn't it a bit too bullying for single dogs?" Live to complain.

"Yes, if you don't want to be bullied, you just look for someone." Shen Yun turned around and said to He Yan.

"I want to look for it too. It's not that no one is looking for me."

"I think the girl who brought you water on the basketball court that day is pretty good. Have you tried it?" Shen Yun asked He Yan gossipingly. As far as He Yan's little thought was concerned, she seemed genuine, but Xia Wei She already has a partner, otherwise she would have matched the two of them.

"Oh, sister Yun, have you noticed that you have become more and more motherly after you went to college? Why do you start gossiping?" He Yan said to Shen Yun in anger.

"What do you mean? You said I wasn't a woman before! What do you mean I'm getting more and more motherly? Where was I not a woman before?" Shen Yun's soul asked three times, so shocked that he dared not speak.

Su Mu snickered while listening to the conversation between the two.

"You're still laughing!" Shen Yun glared at Su Mu, and ran out from under Su Mu's umbrella angrily.

Seeing this, Su Mu and He Yan quickly chased after him.

Shen Yun ran to the front, picked up a ball of snow on the lawn that no one had stepped on, formed two snowballs, and threw one at Su Mu and He Yan.

Both snowballs won the bid accurately, one was thrown on Su Mu's down jacket, and the other was thrown on He Yan's lap.

"Hahahaha" Shen Yun succeeded, pointing at the two people and laughing extravagantly.

"Let the two of you, one say me, one snicker, you deserve it."

The snow had already lightened, and only scattered bits were still floating in the air.Shen Yun didn't take this bit of snow seriously at all, and ran away before Su Mu came to hold an umbrella for him.

Shen Yun ran into the cafeteria within a few steps, and stood at the door waiting for Su Mu and He Yan.In fact, they have already reached the entrance of the cafeteria, and there is no need to go to Su Mu to hold an umbrella.

"No, Sister Yun, even if you want to prove that you haven't changed your mother, you don't have to run into the snow to prove it." He Yan came to the entrance of the cafeteria, closed the umbrella, and teased Shen Yun.

Shen Yun stretched out his fist at He Yan threateningly, warning him not to talk nonsense.

"You are alive and kicking now, when you catch a cold and have a fever, I will take you to the hospital for an injection." He Yan ignored Shen Yun's warning and continued talking about Shen Yun.

"He Yan, I think you really have a lot of free time every day, or you can go to help Xiaowei's homework from today on. If she doesn't make it into the top ten in the final exam this time, I will blame you." Shen Looking at He Yan, Yun really gave him courage and started to scare himself.

"Don't worry, it's okay if I'm wrong. It's better to let me help Han Chenxi with her homework. At least Han Chenxi still has a lot of room for improvement." He Yan followed behind Shen Yun, thinking about his own Apologize quickly.

"Then you may have no chance. Han Chenxi may be going abroad in a few days."

The three of them took their trays and found an empty seat to sit down.

"Ah, so suddenly, I don't know why. Su Mu, do you know?" He Yan was a little shocked, and looked at Su Mu who was on the side.The news was too sudden, and why didn't I tell him, did he not treat him as a friend?
Su Mu shook his head, he didn't know the news either.

"I also knew about this from Xiaowei. Han Chenxi didn't even tell Xiaowei at first, but Xiaowei got the news from Principal Xia."

"Then when will he leave, do you know?" He Yan asked Shen Yun, why everyone around him went abroad, Zhu Yiyi was like this, and so was Han Chenxi.

Shen Yun shook his head. Principal Xia didn't tell Xia Wei what time it was, maybe he was worried that it would affect her grades.

"Why do they all have to go abroad? Yiyi didn't know when she would be able to come back when she went abroad this time, but she left another Han Chenxi." He Yan was a little bit reluctant, his whole face wrinkled together, and he sniffed to keep himself from crying.

"I don't know, maybe each of them has their own plan. Not everyone is the same as you, and you can easily pass the B University without studying in class."

"Hey, you can't blame me for this. If you want to blame it, you can blame my damn IQ for being too strong." He Yan was intoxicated and silent amidst Shen Yun's praise, without any modesty at all.

Shen Yun and Su Mu lowered their heads silently at the same time, ignoring anything and focusing on eating.

"What's the matter with you two, do you disagree with my opinion?" He Yan looked at the two who were obediently eating with their heads down, and asked them pretending to be angry.

"Who are you showing off to?" Su Mu looked up and asked He Yan.He was ashamed to remind He Yan that the two people sitting in front of him were B majors who directly passed the second year of high school.

He Yan choked for a moment, feeling that a person who is very powerful in the eyes of others, as long as he appeared in front of two people, he would be compared instantly.

After thinking about it, there should not be many students in the whole school who were directly recommended for the second year of high school and then scored more than 650 points in the college entrance examination.And there were two sitting in front of him, and it was really nothing compared to their own IQ.

This time, it was replaced by He Yan who ate obediently and stopped talking. Talking to them sometimes really hurts my heart.

After dinner, Su Mu sent Shen Yun downstairs to the dormitory, while He Yan took Su Mu's gift and went back to the dormitory first.Before leaving, Su Mu also specifically asked not to move around, it is best to hold it carefully, if there is a mistake in the box, what can he say?

"I'm here." Shen Yun turned around and looked at Su Mu expectantly. Su Mu hasn't given her her gift yet.

"Well, let's go back. You'd better take a hot bath when you go back, so you don't catch a cold." Su Mu nodded, without giving any gift at all.

Seeing that Shen Yun hadn't left yet, Su Mu looked at her suspiciously.

"what happened?"

"Do you know why I gave you a gift?" Shen Yun asked Su Mu. She didn't believe that Su Mu didn't know.

"I know, Christmas Eve." Su Mu understood Shen Yun's hidden meaning, pretended not to know, and deliberately teased her.

"What about my Christmas Eve gift?" Shen Yun tilted her head and asked Su Mu. She never beat around the bush when talking to Su Mu.

"Here you are." Su Mu took out an orange from his pocket and handed it to Shen Yun. This was the one he secretly hid while giving out oranges to the class in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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