Chapter 175 Chapter 175
Shen Yun took the orange, and was visibly happy.Put the orange under your nose and take a deep breath.

"It's delicious!"

"Why are you so worthless, an orange can make you so happy." Su Mu gently stroked Shen Yun's hair, and smiled at Shen Yun.She is really too easy to be satisfied, she is obviously looking forward to her gift, but it turns out that she can be so happy to give an orange.

"Ang, as long as it is a gift from you, I like it." Shen Yun nodded, she was really happy.No matter what it is, as long as it proves that Su Mu can still think about her.

"Why do these words sound so familiar?"

"It's not long because of you." Shen Yun sniffed his nose, and the frozen snot was about to flow out.

Su Mu noticed Shen Yun's small movements, took out a piece of paper from his pocket, wiped Shen Yun's nose clean, and said to her, "Okay, hurry back, it's too cold outside."

"Okay, then you should go back early." Shen Yun agreed, then turned and entered the dormitory.

Seeing Shen Yun go in, Su Mu turned and walked back to his dormitory.When he first arrived at the dormitory, He Yan hadn't left yet, and was sitting in his seat chatting with Zhu Wensheng and the others.

"Why haven't you left yet?" Su Mu said He Yan while chatting happily.

"Su Mu, you are too inhuman. I carried the courier all the way here for you. It's fine if you don't say thank you, but the first thing you say is to drive me away." He Yan said to Su angrily. Mu, hey, a piece of sincerity is a wrong payment after all.

Hearing what He Yan said, Su Mu looked at He Yan seriously, and thanked him.

"Thank you."

He Yan immediately shivered, rubbed his arms, looked at Su Mu with an uncomfortable face, raised his hand and wanted to put the back of his hand on Su Mu's forehead, but Su Mu moved back to avoid it.

"Could it be that you have a fever? Are you sick? Thank you for telling me something."

Originally, he was just joking, but when Su Mu really said thank you, he didn't know how to react.

"It's changed, everything between us has changed. You never said thank you to me before." He Yan looked forward melancholy, with a resentful look on his face, as if Su Mu was just a scumbag who always messed up and abandoned.

Su Mu was speechless, he had to ask himself every day, but why did he take the initiative to choose to be at the same table with this actor?

"Get up." Su Mu pulled He Yan's shoulder, and asked him to get up from his chair with a look of disgust.

"That's right, this is the Su Mu I know." Seeing Su Mu's disgusted look, He Yan was relieved and obediently got up from the chair.

"He Yan, you must be a masochist." Zhu Wensheng looked at He Yan with extreme disgust. It is true that if you are not happy to treat each other with nice words and nice words, you will have to beat Su Muji before he is willing to leave.

"If, Su Mu suddenly said thank you to you that day, what would it feel like?" He Yan felt terrible even thinking about it, let alone actually doing it.

Think of a smiling tiger like Su Mu, if he talks nicely to you that day, he must hide, or he may be useless.

Of course, all of this is except for Shen Yun.

The two have been together for so many years, and he has never seen Su Mu face Shen Yun with a black face. Usually, when Shen Yun is angry, he apologizes, and when Shen Yun is not angry, he also apologizes.

"Then I might be useless." Facing He Yan's question, Zhu Wensheng's first reaction was that he was almost dead.

"Look, you're still talking about me." He Yan and Zhu Wensheng clapped their hands together, and the two talked non-stop as if they had found an organization.As for Su Mu, who was the central figure in the discussion, he didn't have time to talk to them at this time, and he didn't even want to give them a look.

He still had to unpack the courier. Although he knew that Shen Yun bought a pair of shoes, he was still full of expectations for the inside.

After all, this was the first time Shen Yun bought himself a gift with the money he earned, and he felt happy just thinking about it.

Su Mu nodded to the box first, then opened the box carefully and reverently.

"Wow, Su Mu, what are you?" Zhu Wensheng noticed Su Mu's shoes and was instantly attracted. He walked over to touch them, but Su Mu knocked his hand off.

"My God, do you know? This is the latest version of Nike's shoes. I heard that only 50 pairs are pre-sold. I stayed up all night to grab them but you bought them." Zhu Wensheng stared at the shoes lingeringly, really Look good, he seems to want to.

"I really don't know." Su Mu's shoes are usually bought by his mother or his godmother. Every time they come back from a business trip, they will bring a pair of shoes or other gifts for themselves.

Therefore, he has basically never bought shoes by himself, and naturally he will not pay attention to the information about those shoes.

"Sister Yun just posted it. If I remember correctly, these shoes cost tens of thousands." He Yan was also attracted. He had seen these shoes before, but he was reluctant to buy them because they were too expensive.

"Is it that expensive?" Su Mu was also shocked. He can understand that there are thousands of shoes, but tens of thousands is really a bit expensive.

At the same time, Su Mu was also a little distressed. It took Shen Yun to write so many translations to make so much money.That little fool must have been writing translations every day and night regardless of his own health.

"Of course, the global sales volume is 50 pieces. Do you think it's expensive? Did this brother and sister buy it? Oh my god, it's amazing." Zhu Wensheng was still in shock and didn't recover. How could he not meet such a good fairy girlfriend? .

The more Zhu Wensheng said that Su Mu felt sorry for Shen Yun, he knew that Shen Yun was writing translation when he was busy training newcomers in physics.He originally thought that Shen Yun was simply idle and bored, that's why he thought of writing a translation as a part-time job.It can not only improve your learning ability, but also make money.Now it seems that one should be added, it should be able to make the boyfriend happy.

"How many translations did you write to buy these shoes?" Su Mu picked up the phone and asked Shen Yun.

"Do you like the shoes? Is the shoe size suitable? It's the first time I bought shoes for you. I didn't know if they would fit. I even asked my godmother about the shoe size." Shen Yun didn't answer Su Mu's words, but changed the subject directly. .

Su Mu knew from this that Shen Yun would not say how much he had done.Simply, just follow Shen Yun's words.But he hasn't tried it yet.

"Wait a minute, I haven't tried it yet." After sending the message, Su Mu put down the phone, took out the shoes and put them on for a try.

After putting on the shoes, Su Mu looked down at the shoes below and nodded in satisfaction. They really look good and match the clothes.Su Mu walked around the dormitory again, walking comfortably.

Su Mu handed the mobile phone to Zhao Xiaoxiao again, and asked him to take a photo for him to see what he looked like in his shoes.

"Isn't it just a pair of shoes? Look at you." Zhu Wensheng and He Yan leaned together, looking enviously at Su Mu who had walked many times in the dormitory.After thinking about it, if he had these shoes, he would be even crazier than Su Mu, and he would have to go in each dormitory one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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