It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 177 The Story of Han Chenxi

Chapter 177 The Story of Han Chenxi
After Xia Wei turned off the phone, she didn't have the heart to do her homework any more, and lay on the table in discomfort.

She actually knew everything, she knew when Han Chenxi got on the plane, she knew why Han Chenxi went abroad, and she also knew the story of Han Chenxi and Shen Yun when they were young.But she couldn't say anything, even when Han Chenxi went abroad, she accidentally let Shen Yun know about it.

She still can't forget that day, when Han Chenxi stood alone at the airport gate, let go of the bangs he had combed up, put on the glasses he had just started school, wore the school uniform of Nancheng No. [-] Middle School, and smiled at her.

It's very strange, it's obviously the same clothes and the same outfit, but this time, Xia Wei saw a different Han Chenxi.Oh, maybe the only difference is that Han Chenxi is wearing a peaked cap this time.

Han Chenxi has been wearing a peaked cap recently, almost like the hat is on Han Chenxi's head.

The long brim of the hat blocked Han Chenxi's expression. Although he couldn't see clearly, Xia Wei could feel that Han Chenxi's smile didn't reach his eyes.

He seemed to have become another person after returning from B University, gloomy and restrained a lot.Although Han Chenxi didn't talk much in the past, he could see that his sparkling eyes would stare at them and laugh, and make trouble with them.But now, Han Chenxi is smiling from the bottom of his heart, Xia Wei can count them all.

"What's wrong with you? Did you get bullied at University B?" Xia Wei asked Han Chenxi, taking advantage of Han Chenxi's inattention and took off his brain.

After taking off the hat, Han Chenxi was exposed in the air, and the dark circles under his eyes were so heavy that they almost reached his nose. Xia Wei stared at Han Chenxi's dark circles and froze in place.

"Give it to me." Han Chenxi frowned dissatisfiedly, snatched the hat from Xia Wei's phone and put it on his head again.

He has been suffering from insomnia since he came back from University B, especially after seeing the old man, his insomnia got worse, and he could barely sleep for less than an hour a day.Han Chenxi felt that if he continued, sooner or later he would die suddenly in bed.

"What's the matter with you? It's okay to go abroad quietly, why do you still have such thick dark circles, is something wrong?" Xia Wei asked Han Chenxi worriedly, the dark circles looked really scary .

She suddenly understood why Han Chenxi's same outfit gave people different feelings.

Han Chenxi, who has just transferred to another school, is full of spirits, but now he is extremely haggard, and his aura must be different.

Han Chenxi looked at the time for some time, it was still early before he boarded the plane.

"Let me tell you a story."

"Once upon a time, there was a little boy who had a sad life experience. His mother was a mistress, and he was a so-called illegitimate child. The little boy had never seen his father, nor heard his mother mention his father. Until one day , A group of people came to their house, and the leader told the little boy that he was his father. The little boy was very excited, his father came to him, he is not a child without a father, he will not be caught next time he goes out He laughed at him every day for not having a father.

His father asked the little boy if he would like to go back with him, and the little boy nodded happily immediately. The three of them will live together, how wonderful.The little boy ran to his mother excitedly. He urgently needed to share his joy with someone. He hugged his mother and kept saying that he had a father and that his father was here to pick him up.Mom seemed very happy too, smiling and responding to herself over and over again.However, the mother smiled and burst into tears. The little boy didn't know why his mother was crying, but thought it was tears of joy.The mother's crying infected the little boy, and he also hugged his mother and began to cry. The older and the younger hugged and cried.

The man got a little impatient and asked the people around him to forcibly separate him from his mother.He was resisted and got into the car, but his mother did not follow.At that time, the little boy didn't know that it was the last time he and his mother met, and he didn't know that his mother's tears were not happy tears at all, but full of reluctance.

The little boy was sent to a villa with nothing but a housekeeper.At first, the little boy was very excited. He had only seen such a big house, such a beautiful sofa, and such a beautiful scene on TV.

The little boy never dreamed that such a beautiful place would become his nightmare in the future. There are countless books to memorize. There are many teachers teaching him different knowledge every day. He must finish a book within the specified time. If you haven't finished learning, you will hit your palm with a bamboo pole as thick as a baby's arm.

He repeats his life day after day, living in such a beautiful town, but he has never officially taken a look at it.

Until one day, when he was looking out through the iron gate at the door, a balloon rolled to his feet.

He looked at the ball, and the long-lost feeling came out instantly.Since he came to this ghost place, he has never played with toys again.The teacher said that he will face the upper class in the future, so he can't be so childish.

The little boy stared at the ball in front of him for a long time, then stretched out his hand to touch the ball, but just as he was about to touch it, a girl's voice suddenly came to his ears.

She was coming to get the ball, the little boy lowered his eyes regretfully, and handed the ball to the little girl.The girl took the ball happily and thanked him. Just when the little boy thought he was going to be lonely again, the little girl didn't leave.She chose to sit on the ground and chat with him, she said she is now the little boy's first friend.

After that day, the little boy sat at the iron gate every day waiting for the girl's arrival, but the little girl didn't come every day.But it doesn't matter, as long as he can see the little girl, it will be worth waiting for him for so many days.

The little girl told him many things, such as the delicious candies bought at the shop across the square, the fact that many lanterns will be hung on the street during Chinese New Year, and the cats of her classmates like to hang around her.

Then one day, the little girl ran over and told herself that she was going back, and that she would never come to play with him anymore.He also specially asked him to be happy every day and live his life according to his own ideas.

That sentence has been remembered in the little boy's heart for a long time, and even in order to be able to live according to his own ideas, he fainted his father when he was in junior high school, gave up the knowledge he had learned for so many years, and chose to be a gangster.His idea is very simple, the more that man wants him to do something, the less he will do it.

The little boy grew up, and he always thought that one day he could meet that little girl again, but when he really met the little girl, he was afraid again, he was afraid that the girl would look down on him, so he chose to use another An identity to approach girls.

Originally, the clothes she made were perfect, but she didn't know that the girl saw through her disguise when they met, but she didn't say anything to him, because the girl already had someone she cared about by her side. "

(End of this chapter)

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