Chapter 178 I am Consummated
After listening to Han Chenxi's story, Xia Wei was silent for a long time. She knew that the little boy in the story was himself, and she could guess that the little girl should be Shen Yun.

She looked at Han Chenxi, completely unexpected that the person in front of her had suffered so much pain when she was a child.

Feeling Xia Wei's gaze, Han Chenxi laughed at himself, "Are you sympathizing with me?"

"No, I didn't." Xia Wei hurriedly explained, she just felt sorry for him, but he was confiscated the right to laugh at an age where he laughed unscrupulously.

Han Chenxi raised the corners of his mouth silently, looked up to the front, and talked to Xia Wei.

"There is no need to sympathize. I am living a good life now. The old man is still a little sympathetic. Even if he was dizzy, he didn't give up raising me, and he didn't force me to go back to learn things I didn't want to learn. Moreover, I have reached consummation. , I did what I wanted to do, and I met the people I wanted to see, which is very good.”

Han Chenxi said these words for Xia Wei, but also for himself.He has always warned himself in his heart since he was a child, not to be greedy, not to pursue too much.

Although this sentence was lost for a while, when he saw Shen Yun again, he greedily wanted to have more, he was no longer satisfied with the days when he could only see her every day.He also wants to be her boyfriend, he wants to hold her in his arms, hold her when she's scared, and tell her, don't be afraid, I'm always here.

At that time, he still naively thought that he could defeat Su Mu and become Shen Yun's next boyfriend. Now that he thinks about it, he was so naive and stupid.If he hadn't said anything at that time and didn't show it, maybe he and Shen Yun wouldn't have become like this, but there would also be no results.

Han Chenxi took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

That's it, maybe when the time is long abroad, I will forget everything.

"Xia Wei, I want to ask you to do me a favor."

"What's the matter, tell me. As long as I, Xia Wei, can do it, I will do my best to finish it." Xia Wei patted her chest heroically, agreeing to Han Chenxi's request.

"Don't tell others everything I told you today, especially Shen Yun. Also, don't tell everyone about my going abroad. Everyone is very busy, so don't waste their time."

"Okay, I promise to complete the task." Xia Wei agreed readily, and she probably didn't expect that she would tell Shen Yun the news in a few days, even though she accidentally let it go.

"Thank you, then I'll be leaving first." Han Chenxi nodded to Xia Wei to thank her, and started to board the plane with her luggage.

"Then can I ask you a question?" Xia Wei stood up anxiously and said to Han Chenxi.

"Of course." Han Chenxi raised an eyebrow, looked at Xia Wei again, and waited for her to ask a question.

"Where did you go abroad?"

"I don't know about that either." Han Chenxi smiled soothingly and shook his head lightly.

He really hasn't decided where to go yet, the air ticket is booked by himself, and there is only one thought in his mind, that is, he wants to go out for a walk, the farther the better.

"Well, no matter where you go, I wish you a happy life. Also, don't forget our group of friends."

"of course not."

Xia Wei stretched out her fist at Han Chenxi, and Han Chenxi also stretched out her fist, and lightly touched Xia Wei's fist.

"Let's go." Han Chenxi waved at Xia Wei, this time he really left with the suitcase.

Xia Wei still stood where she was, looking at Han Chenxi's slender back, and sighed softly.Emotions are really tormenting.

Xia Wei woke up from the memory, and turned her head to look at the empty table behind her, which was full of paintings that Han Chenxi drew when she was bored in class.Needless to say, the painting is quite beautiful.

He Yan called Xia Wei's phone for a long time and it was still turned off. He knew that Xia Wei must be in a bad mood, and the reason for this bad mood probably had something to do with him.

Knowing that Xia Wei would never answer the phone no matter how many times she called now, He Yan simply didn't call and sent her a message instead.In this way, Xia Wei can see his news as soon as he turns on the phone.

Xia Wei turned on the phone when she got home, and the moment she turned it on, the notification tone of the message kept ringing, which made Xia Wei turn off the phone again.

But just thinking about it, what would she do if something happened?After thinking about it, Xia Wei decided to turn on her phone to see who sent her the message.

Dude, there's nothing else to say except for a few newsfeeds.

Sure enough, the university is very busy, what is it if you have time to send so many messages?
Xia Wei clicked on the dialog box, read He Yan's message from beginning to end, and found that there was nothing but nonsense in it.If he had to say what was inside, it would be the first sentence he said, and he said sorry to himself.

Xia Wei felt that she didn't need to read He Yan's message, and returned to the phone very speechlessly, with no intention of replying to him.

After a tiring day, Xia Wei just wanted to brush her teeth, wash her face, and then go to bed.

Everything was ready, Xia Wei turned off the lights, closed her eyes and prepared to sleep.Suddenly the phone rang, Xia Wei opened her eyes suddenly, she was startled by the singing.

Xia Wei picked up the phone and frowned and glanced at who was calling, and as expected, what did she say.

Xia Wei had no choice but to answer the phone, and the words came out like a broken pillar.

"If you're asking me about Han Chenxi, I'm sorry, I don't know. If you're talking about yourself, I'm sorry, I don't want to hear it. If you're here to apologize, I can reluctantly listen."

"Just kidding, what can I say, how can I apologize to you. I'm sorry, I was wrong."

? ? ? ?The topic changed so quickly that Xia Wei didn't react for a while.She also thought that if He Yan didn't apologize, she would hang up the phone directly, but why did this sentence suddenly come later.

"Don't be angry, anger is not good for the skin, it's easy to get old, and it's easy to get angry and get acne." He Yan said seriously to Xia Wei Cobb about the harm of being angry, and Xia Wei just wanted to go to bed quickly.

"Next time when you are about to fall asleep, I will call you to wake you up, and then tell you not to sleep. Sleeping is not good for your health." Xia Wei yawned and said He Yan listlessly. I was too sleepy to keep my eyes open.

"No, I was wrong. I was worried that you would not be able to sleep well when you were angry, so I specially called you to comfort you."

"I received your apology, hang up, I'm going to sleep." Xia Wei supported herself to make a call at this time, she felt that she would fall asleep in the next second.

He Yan, she was already asleep by now.In fact, she wasn't angry with He Yan, but when he asked Han Chenxi a question, she didn't know what to say, so she just hung up the phone directly to prevent them from asking.

(End of this chapter)

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