Chapter 215 I Love You

Shen Yun never believed in ghosts and gods, but she always felt that she must have saved the whole world in her previous life in order to have such a beautiful life in this life.

There is a warm and happy family, intimate friends, and most importantly, a childhood sweetheart boyfriend who I love and love myself.

Thinking of this, Shen Yun looked up at Su Mu.Sensing Shen Yun's gaze, Su Mu also looked down at her.

"What's wrong?" Su Mu asked Shen Yun.

"It's nothing, I just want to see you." Shen Yun smiled and shook his head.

"Look, your boyfriend is so handsome, you really should take a good look." Su Mu turned back and looked forward.

"Cheek-skinned." Shen Yun scolded with a smile.But his face didn't turn away, he was still staring at Su Mu's boyfriend sideways.

Her boyfriend's side profile is really pretty.

After staring at it for a while, Shen Yun called out Su Mu's name.

"Su Mu."

"Huh?" Su Mu turned his head slightly and looked at Shen Yun.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Su Mu smiled and said slowly.

Shen Yun also laughed and leaned on Su Mu.

It's good to hold hands like this, from childhood to old age.

"Ouch!" Zhang Shiya squatted in front of the toilet, with both hands lying on the edge of the toilet.

"Shiya, are you feeling better?" Cui Ying stood at the door and asked Zhang Shiya worriedly.

"I, vomit!" Zhang Shiya turned her head, and just about to speak, she couldn't help turning her head and vomited out.

"Why is this?" Shen Yun just came back from the outside, closed the door behind his back and asked Cui Ying.

"Shiya, they had anatomy class today, and they have been throwing up here since they came back." Cui Ying looked at Shen Yun and explained to her.

"Oh, that Shiya, are you feeling better now?" Shen Yun let out a long sigh, and asked Zhang Shiya with concern.

"It's okay, it's almost done." Zhang Shiya stood up with a pale complexion, and pressed the toilet flush switch.

"I have water here, you can rinse your mouth." Shen Yun took out a bottle of water from the bag in his hand and handed it to Zhang Shiya.

"Thank you." Zhang Shiya took the water, thanked Shen Yun, and went to the bathroom to rinse her mouth.

"It's just an autopsy, and the reaction is so big." Xu Ruohan sat at the table and glanced in Zhang Shiya's direction.

"Your psychological quality is quite good, nothing happened." Shen Yun put the bag in his hand on the table, and yelled at Xu Ruohan.

"Hmph, what a joke, I'm a first-class scholarship holder in our major, so of course my mental quality is strong." Xu Ruohan sneered, with a hint of unstoppable pride in his tone.

Shen Yun was speechless, what is the relationship between the two?Don't you just want to show off that you have won a first-level scholarship?

She didn't bother to answer such mentally retarded words.But in the end, someone still fell into the trap and went to deal with that mentally handicapped person.

"Wow, first-level scholarship, it's amazing." Cui Ying echoed Xu Ruohan's words, her tone full of envy.

"It's okay." At this time, Xu Ruohan became humble again.

Of course, she was only superficially modest, but when she heard Cui Ying's praise, she couldn't help being proud inside.

"In this way, our dormitory and all the scholarships, national scholarships, first-level scholarships, second-level scholarships, and third-level scholarships, happen to be one for each of the four of us."

"Who is the national scholarship?" Xu Ruohan, who was still smiling up at first, gradually withdrew his smile and glanced at Shen Yun with a premonition.

"Shen Yun." Cui Ying didn't know Xu Ruohan's flamboyant nature, so she replied naturally.

Damn it, being overwhelmed by Shen Yun again, it's really funny to think of how complacent he was just now.

Zhang Shiya was already throwing up so hard that she couldn't straighten up, and she just vomited several times after rinsing her mouth.

"Is it better?" Shen Yun has been paying attention to Zhang Shiya's situation, seeing her come out, and asked hurriedly.

"It's much better." Zhang Shiya replied feebly, she returned to the chair and sat down, she didn't even have the strength to speak now.

"Are you hungry? I brought you charcoal-roasted bullfrogs. Do you want to eat them?" Shen Yun took out the packed bullfrogs from her bag and asked them.

Without saying a word, Zhang Shiya quickly ran back to the toilet and vomited it out.


"Why did you vomit again?" Shen Yun was a little confused, holding the bullfrog at a loss.

"Their anatomy class is dissecting frogs." Cui Ying looked at Shen Yun and explained.

"I'm sorry, Shiya, I don't know." Shen Yun put down the bullfrog, walked to the toilet door and apologized to Zhang Shiya.

"It's okay, just don't show me that bullfrog." Zhang Shiya wiped her mouth and came out of the toilet.

"Oh, okay." Shen Yun returned to his seat, brought the bullfrog to Xu Ruohan, and asked her innocently.

"Do you eat?"

"Get up." Xu Ruohan turned his head to talk to Shen Yun, but when he turned his head, he saw the bullfrog in Shen Yun's hand.

Finally couldn't bear it any longer, pushed Shen Yun away, ran to the toilet, and vomited wildly.


Shen Yun put the bullfrog on the table, listening to the sound of the toilet, a cunning flashed in her eyes, she did it on purpose.

"Shen Yun, I'll eat." Cui Ying poked Shen Yun quietly and whispered to her.

"Then let's eat on the balcony." Shen Yun pointed to the balcony and suggested.

"it is good!"

The two moved the chairs and took the bullfrog to the balcony.

"Eat bullfrogs, eat bullfrogs." Cui Ying closed the balcony door, and in order to prevent Zhang Shiya and the others from seeing it, she even drew the curtains, and she was extremely excited.

"Hey, what a pity, such a delicious bullfrog is not a blessing." Cui Ying squinted her eyes contentedly as she ate the bullfrog.

I haven't eaten bullfrog for a long time, I miss it so much.

"You guys are not at home today, have you gone out for dinner?" Cui Ying asked Shen Yun.

"Eat at home, that's what he made."

"He did it? My God, did Su Mu do it?" Cui Ying was a little shocked, pointing at the bullfrog and asked Shen Yun in disbelief.


"Did you buy the bullfrog live or dead?" Cui Ying's focus was rather peculiar. She was more curious about how the hand that usually did the experiment killed the bullfrog with a knife.

"I don't know, he didn't have class this morning, and he had already done it when I went back."

"Wow, I'm suddenly curious." Cui Ying raised her hand to speak, and the chopsticks holding the bullfrog suddenly loosened and fell on her body.

"Well, my God!"

"I'll get the paper." Shen Yun got up to get the paper.

Opening the balcony door and pulling the curtains, Zhang Shiya stood at the door and looked at her eagerly, "My God, you scared me."

"It smells so good." Zhang Shiya rubbed her stomach. She didn't eat lunch today, and she vomited up early in the morning.

"Go and eat." Shen Yun held the paper, raised his head towards the balcony, and suddenly remembered that she couldn't eat it. "Oh, sorry I forgot again, you can't eat."

Zhang Shiya lowered her head and pondered for a while, then raised her head abruptly, and looked at Shen Yun firmly, "It's okay, as long as I don't think about it, that's fine."

"Okay, then you can treat it as chicken." Shen Yun smiled, and said with Zhang Shiya.

(End of this chapter)

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