Chapter 216 Insecurity

Perhaps Zhang Shiya really ate the bullfrog in front of him as chicken, and ate it with relish, not at all in the state of wanting to vomit just after hearing it.

"Ah, it's so supportive. I have to say that Su Mu's cooking is really delicious." Cui Ying put down her chopsticks, stood up, walked to the balcony and looked down.

"Hey, Shen Yun, is that Su Mu?" Cui Ying pointed down and turned to ask Shen Yun.

"Let me take a look." Shen Yun got up, and looked down when he came to Cui Ying's side.

Sure enough, it was Su Mu, with his back turned to him.But he wasn't alone, there was a girl standing opposite him, and the two of them standing below didn't know what they were doing, they should be talking.

Shen Yun didn't care much about these things, but this girl looked familiar.

It seems to be, Qi Xiwen.

Shen Yun squinted his eyes, trying to see the girl's face clearly.The girl who was talking below seemed to glance towards this side, and Shen Yun just took this opportunity to see her face, it was really Qi Xiwen.

Strange, why is Qi Xiwen looking for Su Mu at this time.

I don't know what the two of them said, but I saw Su Mu pointing in her direction.Qi Xiwen seemed to be acting like a baby, and grabbed Su Mu's arm with both hands.

Shen Yun narrowed his eyes dangerously, staring at the hand holding Su Mu's arm.

Damn Su Mu, why don't you break free?

Su Mu didn't expect that Qi Xiwen would suddenly grab his arm, and broke free immediately after reacting.But in Shen Yun's eyes, it took Su Mu a long time to break free.

Shen Yun took out his mobile phone to take a picture of the evidence in front of him, and he will definitely question Su Mu when he goes back.Hmph, as soon as I sent myself back with my front feet, I was flirting with other girls on my back feet.

Why haven't you finished talking? What are you talking about? The two of you don't have the right majors. What's there to talk about?

Shen Yun stood on the balcony for a while, Qi Xiwen finally left, Su Mu didn't, but turned back to look in her direction.

Shen Yun squatted down reflexively, and felt something was wrong after squatting down, why did she squat down, and she didn't chat with other boys.

"Well, it's out." Zhang Shiya, who was eating the bullfrog, shouted excitedly holding her mobile phone.

"What came out?" Cui Ying was immediately attracted by Zhang Shiya and asked her.

"The MV of Shen Yun and our family Si Bai is out, it just went live." Zhang Shiya stared at the phone and clicked on the MV.

"Ah? Oh." Shen Yun suddenly realized, Zhang Shiya didn't say that she forgot that she had filmed this, it seems that Mu Sibai told him before that the MV will be released today.

However, she never cared about these things and had long forgotten about them.

"That's not the MV of me and Mu Sibai, I only appeared for three seconds at most."

"That's also the MV for you two." Zhang Shiya looked at the MV and forgot to eat.

Shen Yun was still squatting under the balcony. After Zhang Shiya interrupted, she forgot about Su Mu downstairs.If it wasn't for Su Mu who was not afraid of death and sent herself a message, she might have really forgotten about him and went back to the chair directly.

"Isn't your leg numb from squatting all the time?"

Shen Yun looked at the message, inexplicably feeling a wave of anger welling up in his heart.

I saw myself before cooperating with him, and I was flirting with girls below.

Although it might not be chatting, just chatting, but in Shen Yun's eyes, it was chatting.

"No, it's you, did you enjoy the chat?" Shen Yun stood up and faced Su Mu who was below.

"Unhappy, not chatting with you, how could I be happy." Su Mu told him with a strong desire to survive, now that Shen Yun is angry, the consequences are very serious.

Shen Yun snorted coldly, and sent him the picture just now.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I'm holding hands, I'm not happy."

"I didn't, I didn't, I avoided it immediately." Su Mu explained in a panic, he actually didn't know when Shen Yun watched it.

He just happened to see Shen Yun's squatting figure when he turned his head, so he knew that Shen Yun had been watching.

"Hmph, if you don't listen, don't listen, bastard chant the scriptures."

"Come down." Su Mu sent a message to Shen Yun and waved to Shen Yun.

"I won't go." Shen Yun resolutely refused, turned around, and sat down on the chair.

Although she knew that there was nothing in her heart and believed in Su Mu very much, she was suffocating when she thought of the hand holding Su Mu's arm.

Moreover, Su Mu didn't explain to her what they were talking about just now.

"Don't, I was wrong. I'll go back and change my clothes, and then wash them, okay?" Su Mu also sensed Shen Yun's emotions.

"Oh, I'm just kidding you, go back quickly. I'm not angry, really, trust me." Shen Yun quickly adjusted his mentality. This kind of mood can be adjusted by himself, and there is no need to lose his temper with Su Mu.

Shen Yun is actually afraid, she knows what kind of temper she is, she is not as cold as outsiders say, she doesn't care about world affairs.

Her temper is actually not good, she is jealous, angry, lazy, knows nothing, and needs Su Mu to take care of her everywhere.

Su Mu is so good, she was worried, what should she do if Su Mu really got bored with her that day.

She couldn't even imagine this. What would she do without Su Mu by her side.

But she knew that everything she thought about it had nothing to do with Su Mu.It's because she thinks too much sometimes, because she doesn't feel safe. She always feels that Su Mu is too good for him.

"No, I won't go back until you come down."

"What am I going down for? You're going back after you see me, and I have to come up again."

"Maybe, you can go back with me, anyway, you can sleep with me."

"Hmph, put away those little thoughts of yours."

"Yeah, I just have small thoughts. So, come or not?"

"Go, wait for me." Shen Yun agreed, got up, and moved the chair back to the dormitory.

"Come on, I'll be waiting for you downstairs."

Shen Yun quickly put on his shoes and rushed downstairs impatiently.

"Shen Yun, are you leaving?" Hearing the sound of closing the door, Zhang Shiya raised her head and asked Shen Yun.

"It seems so, after all, Su Mu is below."

"Oh, no wonder. Then she walked too fast, and I wanted to tell her that the bullet screens behind were asking who she was, saying she was so beautiful."

"Is it true or not? Let me see." Cui Ying moved her head curiously to look at Zhang Shiya's phone.

"Look, they are all asking Shen Yun through bullet screens." Zhang Shiya handed the phone to Cui Ying to see.

"Is this understandable that Shen Yun is going to be popular?" Cui Ying felt excited even thinking about it.

If Shen Yun is really popular, will she be the envy of thousands of people, and being a roommate with a celebrity, even thinking about it makes her feel excited.

"Although I don't think it's possible, after all, it's just this shot, but I think Shen Yun will definitely have another group of admirers."

Cui Ying and Zhang Shiya looked at each other, and they smiled tacitly.

(End of this chapter)

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