Chapter 227
"What about He Yan, aren't you two together?" Seeing that Xia Wei was alone, Shen Yun looked around, but he didn't see He Yan either.

"He, maybe um, can't come." Xia Wei paused to organize her words.

"What's wrong?" Shen Yun asked Xia Wei suspiciously.

"It's nothing, I just can't walk. Leave him alone, let's go first." Xia Wei said haha, trying to bring the matter over.

"Okay, let's go first." Shen Yun had some doubts, but he didn't say anything. At worst, he would send a message to He Yan and ask him to go directly to them.

Finally going to leave, Xia Wei breathed a sigh of relief, she really didn't know how to describe this to Shen Yun.

Xia Wei glanced back, still a little worried, and finally decided to send a message to He Yan to ask about his situation.

"are you OK?"

After a while, He Yan's message came back.

"What do you mean, tell the truth, do you want me to have no children or grandchildren?"

Seeing He Yan's message, Xia Wei felt a little guilty. She felt that she didn't use much effort, how could she be in such pain.

Turning off the phone, Xia Wei hesitated for a moment, but decided to go back and check He Yan.

Xia Wei stopped and said to Shen Yun and Su Mu, "Why don't you go first, I'll go and see He Yan, and we will go find you together later."

"Alright then, I'll send you a message then."

"it is good."

After finishing speaking, Xia Wei ran over to find He Yan.

Xia Wei ran to the place before, but there was no sign of He Yan.He looked around, but there was no sign of He Yan.

Xia Wei went around the reporting place again, but still didn't see He Yan.

There was no way, Xia Wei took out her mobile phone and called He Yan.

"Where are you?"

"Sister Yun, I, and Su Mu are at the hot pot restaurant. I'm just waiting for you, and I don't care if I send you a message." He Yan's voice was extremely innocent, but Xia Wei always felt that he did it on purpose.

"Are you kidding me?" Xia Wei gritted her teeth and narrowed her eyes dangerously.

He Yan, it seems that your injury is not serious enough, just wait for me.

Xia Wei hung up the phone angrily, and saw a message from Shen Yun on WeChat, telling her to go back, saying that He Yan had arrived.

He Yan also sent her a message, but it was 10 minutes late after Shen Yun sent her a message.

With this, Xia Wei can be more sure that He Yan did it on purpose.

Angrily, Xia Wei came to the hot pot restaurant they posted, and pushed open the door of the room.

"He Yan, I think you are courting death." Xia Wei threw herself on He Yan and grabbed his hair.

"Let you lie to me, I feel guilty to go to you, but you play me."

"Sister, sister, I was wrong, I don't dare anymore, let go." He Yan grabbed Xia Wei's wrist and kept apologizing.

Facing the scuffle in front of them, Shen Yun and Su Mu looked at each other, and they both moved the stool back silently.

"Here." Shen Yun stretched out his hand in front of Su Mu.

Su Mu looked down and put a handful of melon seeds in Shen Yun's palm.

Su Mu followed Shen Yun to eat melon seeds and watched the excitement.

"Sister, I was really wrong." He Yan kept apologizing, keeping his body leaning back to reduce the pain on his head.

"Now I know I was wrong, it's too late for me to tell you." Xia Wei squeezed her hands hard, screaming He Yan.

"Excuse me, excuse me, the bottom of your pot." The waiter held the bottom of the pot and pushed open the door. Looking at the scene in front of him, he was stunned for a moment.

Seeing the waiter come in, Xia Wei retracted her hand resentfully, glanced at the hair in her hand, and clapped her hands in disgust.

"Sister, you are simply the beauty in my heart, my savior." He Yan rubbed his head, gratefully held the waiter's hand, and almost cried.

The waiter was startled by He Yan's sudden action, and waved his hands again and again, "It's okay, it's okay."

"That's enough." Xia Wei couldn't stand it anymore, and raised her hand to slap He Yan on the arm.

He Yan pouted aggrievedly and let go of his hand.

"Use it slowly." The waiter bowed slightly to them and nodded, and hurried out of the room.

"Hahaha, He Yan, you must be scaring people because of your ugliness." Xia Wei pointed at He Yan and laughed mercilessly.

"You still have the nerve to laugh, why don't you say that you are too tough and scare people." After He Yan finished Xia Wei, he turned his head and shouted at the two people who had been watching the show opposite him, "And you, see how I suffer so much. The bully doesn’t know how to help me, I don’t know that I major in computer science, is hair very precious?”

He Yan stroked his hair aggrievedly. Fortunately, he still has a lot of hair, and he is not troubled by hair loss yet.

"You asked for it yourself, you can't blame others." Shen Yun moved the chair to the table again, and put the unfinished melon seeds into the melon seed plate.

"It's too much, you guys are bullying too much, and you gang up on me to bully me." He Yan pouted.

He Yan was wronged, but He Yan couldn't complain.

"It's almost enough, obviously you deceived me first."

"If I didn't kick me, then, I can deceive you? He Yan paused, swallowed what he wanted to say, and expressed it cryptically.

"Then you are the one who beat me first, if you don't beat me, shall we kick you?" Xia Wei argued with He Yan with her neck stuck.


As soon as they heard it, there would be melons to eat, Shen Yun and Su Mu leaked excited smiles, they looked at He Yan in sync, and then turned to look at Xia Wei after a while.

"That's why you said that you are immune to these, let me test you."

"If I say you are immune, you just test it. If I say you are not afraid of death, do you have to hit the wall?"

"I, I, can hit you against a wall."

Xia Wei's chest fluctuated violently, she took a deep breath, trying to restrain the urge to strangle He Yan.

"Ah, He Yan, are you sick?" Unable to bear it any longer, Xia Wei lowered her head and shouted.

He Yan shivered in fright, and immediately raised his hands to his chest to prepare for defense.

"Excuse me, excuse me." The waiter opened the door again and brought over all the dishes they ordered.

"Sister, I don't think beautiful women are enough to describe your beauty. You are simply a fairy." He Yan looked at the waiter sincerely, who lowered his head in embarrassment.

"Thank you." After the waiter finished speaking, he left quickly.

Xia Wei was still staring at He Yan, telling herself in her heart, don't be angry, don't be angry, for the sake of hot pot, don't be angry.

"Okay, let's have a truce, I'm a little hungry." Shen Yun got up and poured the vegetables into the pot, and said to the two people in front of him.

"It's the same as arguing with him. If it wasn't for him looking for trouble, I would have stopped." Xia Wei squinted at He Yan and rolled her eyes.

"Hmph, I don't care too much." He Yan snorted coldly.

Xia Wei and He Yan looked at each other, snorted at the same time, and turned their heads to the other side.

"I'm rare, I'm rare, okay, you two stop talking, and eat quickly." Shen Yun interrupted the conversation between the two, for fear that they would quarrel again.

Xia Wei and He Yan glared at each other again, picked up the chopsticks, reached for the hot pot at the same time, and caught the same piece of meat.

"Let go, I'll clamp it first." Xia Wei looked at He Yan.

"Why should I loosen? Let's loosen together." He Yan was not to be outdone.

Shen Yun and Su Mu looked at each other, helped their foreheads helplessly, and started again.

(End of this chapter)

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