Chapter 228 Study Abroad
In the lab, Su Mu yawned, turned on his phone and checked the time, it was 23:45.

"Su Mu, if you are sleepy, go back first." Qingchen saw Su Mu's fatigue and said to him.

"It's okay, I'm almost done." Su Mu waved his hand, and went into the experiment again.

In the early hours of the morning, I didn't speak any more, and I also concentrated on the experiment. The classroom fell into silence again, only the nib of the pen writing on the notebook made a swishing sound.

"It's finally over." Su Mu put down his pen and stretched.

"Have you checked your calculations?" Chen Chen raised his head and asked.

"Forget it, that's right." Su Mu withdrew his hand, ready to pack up and go home.

"Wait for me, I'm almost done, let's go back together."

"Okay." Su Mu put everything into his schoolbag, sat down by himself and checked the calculated data again.

"I'm fine too, let's go." Chen Chen put down his pen and packed his things.

"Let's go." Su Mu just finished checking the calculation, closed the pen, and put the data and pen into the schoolbag.

In the early morning, I put my hands on my neck, moved my already sore neck, and turned on my phone to check the time. It was almost one o'clock.

"My God, it's really not easy."

"The professor said that we can come to class later tomorrow." Su Mu replied to Shen Yun's message and told her that he would go back soon.

"That's really great. I'll definitely fall asleep when I get back."

"Well, I'm so sleepy." Su Mu nodded in agreement, he is also very sleepy now.

The origin of all this dates back to this morning.

He came to the laboratory as usual and changed his clothes.

"Morning." Seeing Su Mu in the early morning, he greeted him.

"Morning." Su Mu changed his clothes, walked to the experiment table, and continued to complete the experiment that was not completed yesterday.

Wu Kexiang came to the laboratory with a piece of paper and looked excited.

"Stop it, you two, stop it."

Su Mu and Chen Chen stopped their experiments at the same time and looked at Wu Kexiang.

"Do you know what this is?" Wu Kexiang looked at the two of them mysteriously.

"I don't know." Qingchen shook her head.

"This is a project I applied to your school. If this project is completed, the school will fund the opportunity to send you to study abroad at J University."

"Really?" Chenchen asked Wu Kexiang excitedly.

J University should be their dream school for physics majors, because the physics majors of this school are among the best in the country.

"Of course, can I still lie to you?" Wu Kexiang handed them the application form in his hand, "Here, take a look at this project."

In the early morning, I took the application form and looked at the project with Su Mu. The more I looked at the two, the more ugly their faces became.

"Professor, let's not say that this project is beyond our scope of cognition. In the end, we will publish a paper of category B. Category B, usually our papers are at most category D." Qingchen looked at Wu Kexiang in disbelief .

"Otherwise, you think studying abroad is easy."

"Ah, kill me. It's better not to tell us before. It gave us hope and drove us into the abyss." Early morning wanted to cry without tears, this task was simply impossible to complete.

"How come, don't you still have me here? And I have won a month from your school for you, which should be enough."

"But it's too much work."

In the early morning, I sighed, but sat down honestly and started to look up information.

Su Mu didn't speak from the beginning to the end. He must be happy to go to J University, but if he goes abroad, it means that he will be separated from Shen Yun again.

Mainly, I don't know how long it will take to go.

Su Mu stared at the information in front of him in a daze. He couldn't put all his energy into the experiment now.

"What's the matter, you don't seem very happy?" Wu Kexiang noticed Su Mu's absent-mindedness, and walked to him to ask about his situation.

"It's okay." Su Mu shook his head.

"Let me guess, is it because of your girlfriend? Worried about dating your girlfriend in a foreign country after going abroad?" Wu Kexiang asked Su Mu with a gossipy face.

"Yes." Su Mu nodded.

"Oh, you have to have confidence in yourself. You think that for a perfect person like you, who else can pry your corner." Wu Kexiang patted Su Mu on the shoulder.

"I'm not worried about that." Su Mu smiled, realizing that Wu Kexiang had misunderstood.

"Then what are you worried about?"

"I just don't want to be away from her for that long."

"Oh~ young couples in love, I understand." Wu Kexiang looked at Su Mu with an expression that I understood and smiled mysteriously.

"Do you really understand?" Su Mu always felt that Wu Kexiang's eyes were strange, and asked Wu Kexiang suspiciously.

"Oh, don't worry about whether I understand it or not. What you want now is to complete this project. After completion, you can consider going abroad."

Su Mu felt that what Wu Kexiang said was right, so he finished the project first.If it is completed, then consider the issue of not being able to live. If it is not completed, then it is acceptable, and it is an opportunity to exercise.

After figuring it out, Su Mu put it down instead and began to devote himself to the experiment.

This investment lasted until one o'clock in the morning.

When Su Mu came to the community, the lights in the surrounding rooms had been turned off, except for one room, which was still on, and it was the light left by Shen Yun for him.

Su Mu's heart warmed up. This was like their life after marriage. He was away from work and came home late, and she left a lamp for him at home, waiting for him to come back.

Su Mu came to the door and took out the key to open the door. Before the key was inserted into the lock, the door was already opened.

"Come back!" Shen Yun stood at the door, looking at Su Mu excitedly.

Su Mu looked at Shen Yun, and was inexplicably touched, his nose was sour, and the circles of his eyes were instantly red.

"It's so late and you haven't slept yet?" Su Mu hugged Shen Yun to prevent her from seeing it.

"If you don't come back, I won't be able to sleep." Shen Yun hugged Su Mu back, resting his chin on his shoulder.

"It's good to have you." Su Mu stood up, lowered his head and kissed Shen Yun's mouth.

"You must be hungry. Try the noodles I made for you." Shen Yun dragged Su Mu to the living room, brought a bowl of noodles from the kitchen and put it in front of Su Mu.

"Try it quickly." Shen Yun urged Su Mu expectantly.

Su Mu lowered his head and glanced at the prostitute on the face. He felt that it was not bad, and there was a poached egg on it.

Picking up the chopsticks, he lowered his head and took a bite. The taste was surprisingly good.

"Well, it's delicious." Su Mu was really hungry, gobbled up the noodles, and gave Shen Yun a thumbs up.

"I originally planned to cook something for you, but I forgot to add water and it burned." Shen Yun lowered his head guiltily.

"It's okay, this noodle is delicious, it's the best noodle I've ever eaten." Su Mu finished the noodle in two mouthfuls, picked up the bowl and got up to wash the bowl.

"Let me come, you go take a shower first." Shen Yun stretched out his hand, suddenly thought of something, and immediately withdrew his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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