Chapter 253 Five Years Later

Five years later,
Berlin Film Festival red carpet,
"Miss Zhu, how do you feel about participating in this film festival?"

Zhu Yiyi stood in the middle wearing a blue dress, holding a microphone in her hand and taking the reporter's questions seriously.

"First of all, I am very honored to be able to participate in this Berlin Film Festival, and I hope that everyone will pay more attention to my work "On the Road". I will meet you soon. I hope you will like it."

"I heard that you are going to join the filming team again recently, can you tell me who the leading actor is?"

"You can guess it, and I won't tell you if you guess it right."

Zhu Yiyi's funny answer made the reporters around laugh, and did not continue to ask this question.

"Huh." Zhu Yiyi returned to the lounge, lay down on the sofa, and breathed a sigh of relief.

In every interview, I have to mention 120 hearts, for fear of falling into the trap they have dug up if I am not careful.

"God, give me a cup of coffee, I need to live." Zhu Yiyi closed her eyes and stretched out a hand to her side.

"Okay, but you have to get up to drink coffee." Albert took the coffee from the little assistant, and kicked Zhu Yiyi's sole of the foot with the coffee, making her sit up.

Zhu Yiyi didn't want to sit up unless she asked, took a sip of coffee from Albert's hand, and complained to Albert.

"You said that there is something wrong with the director. The movie is almost ready to shoot, and you still haven't told me who the leading actor is. Is it because I have to wait until the movie airs to find out who I'm playing with?"

Albert was about to speak, but when he looked up and saw Mu Sibai coming in behind him, he coughed twice, reminding Zhu Yiyi.

However, Zhu Yiyi didn't understand what Albert meant, and looked at him innocently.

"You don't catch a cold, do you?" Zhu Yiyi threw off her shoes and jumped onto the sofa, huddled in a corner, "Get away from me, don't catch me with a cold."

Albert looked at Zhu Yiyi very speechlessly, what kind of gadgets did he bring? Seven years have passed, and his IQ has not improved at all.

"Hehe." Seeing this scene, Mu Sibai couldn't help laughing.

Hearing the familiar voice, Zhu Yiyi froze for a moment, got off the sofa, sat up straight, crossed her left leg over her right, and folded her hands on her lap.Everything is so calm and elegant, of course, it would be better if her bare feet were ignored.

"Mr. Mu broke into a female artist's lounge casually, isn't he afraid of rumors?" Zhu Yiyi adjusted her expression, smiled and looked back at Mu Sibai.

"I didn't break in, it was you who left the door open." Mu Sibai shrugged his shoulders, never leaving Zhu Yiyi's eyes.

He finally saw her again. Although Zhu Yiyi had come to the mainland to develop her career four years ago, the two had different paths and they never met each other.Only participated in the same event a few times, Zhu Yiyi left before he arrived.

Hearing what Mu Sibai said, Zhu Yiyi immediately turned to ask Albert for confirmation.

Albert thought about it for a while, and nodded at Zhu Yiyi, it seemed that the door was indeed open.

Zhu Yiyi glared at Albert, and cursed with her mouth, "I'll deal with you when I go back."

The door is left open, so you can just break into the female artist's lounge?Of course, these Zhu Yiyi can only secretly slander in her heart.

"I still want Mr. Mu to be self-respecting. I don't want to appear in the love news yet." Zhu Yiyi turned her head and smiled at Mu Sibai, lowered her head, put on her shoes, stood up, and glanced at Albert.

Albert immediately understood, took his coat and put it on Zhu Yiyi's body, carrying Zhu Yiyi's bag, and followed beside Zhu Yiyi.

"Mr. Mu, I have something else to do, so I won't accompany you. If you like this lounge, you can stay a little longer." Zhu Yiyi slightly bowed to Mu Sibai, got up and walked towards the door.

"Yiyi." Mu Sibai grabbed Zhu Yiyi's arm, turned around and looked at Zhu Yiyi's profile.

"Mr. Mu, please respect yourself." Zhu Yiyi stopped and said without turning her head.

Mu Sibai lowered his head, slowly let go of his hand, and watched Zhu Yiyi leave the room without stopping for a moment.

"My God, ancestor, I finally found you." Lin Yifan came out of the door panting, looking at Mu Sibai who was standing in other people's lounge.

"What are you doing here?" Lin Yifan went to Mu Sibai's side and asked him curiously.

Mu Sibai said nothing with a sullen face, turned around and left the room.

"I'll go, who has provoked this great god again." Lin Yifan looked at Mu Sibai's back, sighed with emotion, and hurriedly chased him out.

"Go slowly, wait for me."

Zhu Yiyi returned to the car and leaned back on the chair wearily.Although she knew that the two would meet sooner or later, she did not expect it to be so sudden.

"You have been hiding from that man just now, right?" Albert looked up, looking at Zhu Yiyi behind him through the rearview mirror.

"Albert, can you stop asking?" Zhu Yiyi took the brain from her bag and put it on her head, cutting off Albert's sight.

Albert withdrew his gaze and looked forward and stopped talking. It was like this again. Every time Zhu Yiyi encountered annoyance, she hid herself as if she was stealing the bell.

"Go to baby." After Zhu Yiyi said this sentence, she never said anything else.

"Doctor Shen, I feel that I'm almost recovered, should I continue to take this medicine every day?"

"You still have to continue taking the medicine, but you can reduce the dosage appropriately. Like before, you can take three pills at a time, but you can change it to two." Shen Yun handed the written case sheet to the patient.

"Okay, I see. Thank you, Dr. Shen." The patient took the case sheet and turned to leave.

"You're welcome." Shen Yun smiled and nodded.

Shen Yun leaned on the chair, rubbed his aching stomach, he was hungry.

"Crack." The door of the outpatient room opened.

When Shen Yun heard the sound, he immediately sat up straight and looked towards the door.

When the little girl at the door saw that Shen Yun had spotted her, she immediately stood there and didn't move until Shen Yun knelt down and opened her arms to her, then she ran to hug Shen Yun.

"Why are you here? Did I say that you don't need to come over to bother me during my working hours?" Shen Yun picked up the child in his arms, tilting his head and asking her.

The girl put her arms around Shen Yun's neck, obediently lay on her shoulders, and did not speak.

"I can't stop her, she's coming to you."

Han Chenxi pushed open the door, saw the child lying in Shen Yun's arms, and came over to take her away.

The little girl buried her head in Shen Yun's neck, hugged Shen Yun's neck tightly and did not let go, no matter how tricked Han Chenxi was, she would not go down.

"Forget it, I'll hold it, I'm going to get off work anyway." Shen Yun hugged the little girl and said to Han Chenxi.

"That's fine." Han Chenxi nodded the little girl's forehead, "You are happy, the scheme has succeeded."

The little girl turned her head and looked at Han Chenxi proudly.

"Come on, let's eat."

Han Chenxi turned around, Shen Yun hugged the little girl and followed behind Han Chenxi.

(End of this chapter)

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