Chapter 254
As soon as the two left the clinic, they collided with Zhu Yiyi who got out of the car.

"Yunyun baby, ah, Xiaobao is here today, let the godmother kiss, the godmother wants to kill Xiaobao." Zhu Yiyi rushed up to kiss Xiaobao.

Xiaobao buried his head in Shen Yun's neck again, not letting Zhu Yiyi take advantage of it.

"Little heartless, I'm so kind to you, you don't even let me kiss you." Zhu Yiyi didn't succeed, and patted Xiaobao's butt depressed.

"Stop teasing her, if you lose your temper, it's not easy to coax." Shen Yun said Zhu Yiyi.

"Okay." Zhu Yiyi raised her head and asked Shen Yun and Han Chenxi, "What are you three doing? Have dinner? Let's go together."

"Let's go." Han Chenxi lowered his head and smiled, and said.

Shen Yun looked up and saw Albert who was looking over worriedly, and nodded to him.

Albert also nodded to Shen Yun, seeing that Zhu Yiyi and Shen Yun left together, he returned to the car in peace.

"Go back to the neighborhood."

The driver nodded, stepped on the accelerator, and drove away.

Han Chenxi took them to the hotel and booked a private room.

For the first time, Xiaobao clung to Shen Yun's body and refused to get off. He sat down, put Xiaobao on his lap, and shook his sore arm.

"Xiaobao, we're all here, come down soon." Han Chenxi noticed Shen Yun's movements and said to Xiaobao.

Xiaobao leaned close to Shen Yun's chest, looked at Han Chenxi, and shook his head gently.

"It's okay, I guess I've been busy with work for the past two days and neglected her, and I'm not happy." Shen Yun touched Xiao Bao's face, seeing her eyes full of distress.

"I'm surprised, why does this little girl love to pester you? She forced me to give me a kiss because of the amount of snacks I put in before." Zhu Yiyi looked at the pink and tender Xiaobao, raised her hand and poked her face , like jelly, Q bomb Q bomb.

"Maybe, this is the charm."

"Why haven't I seen you for a few days, and you have become so narcissistic? Did Han Chenxi lead you down?" Zhu Yiyi turned to look at Han Chenxi.

"Don't talk about me, I'm not narcissistic." Han Chenxi, who was happily watching the play, suddenly turned his finger on him, immediately stopped his smile, and looked at Zhu Yiyi innocently.

"Xiaobao, it's time to eat. Let uncle take you to wash your hands, okay?" Shen Yun lowered his head and asked Xiaobao.

Xiao Bao grabbed Shen Yun's finger and looked up at her.

"I've already washed it, can you ask uncle to take you to wash it?" Shen Yun understood Xiaobao's meaning, stretched out his palm in front of Xiaobao, turned it back and forth to show her.

"Xiaobao, look, uncle's hands haven't been washed yet, can you wash them together with uncle?" Han Chenxi followed Shen Yun's words, stretched out his hand and asked Xiaobao.

Xiao Bao looked at Han Chenxi's hand, and grabbed Shen Yun's collar tangledly.

"Go, I'll wait for you here, and come back after washing your hands with uncle, okay?" Shen Yun held Xiao Bao's hand, and asked her gently to discuss.

After struggling for a while, Xiao Bao finally made up his mind and nodded, got off Shen Yun's body, and went out to wash his hands with Han Chenxi.

"Tell me, did something happen to you today? Did you quarrel with Albert?" After Han Chenxi closed the door, Shen Yun asked Zhu Yiyi.

When Zhu Yiyi came, she found that Zhu Yiyi was not in a good mood, and she didn't know who had offended this young lady.

"No, I met Mu Sibai." Zhu Yiyi lowered her head. After so many years, she was easily involved in the emotional changes by Mu Sibai.

"What did he tell you?" Shen Yun asked Zhu Yiyi.

"He didn't say anything, and I ran away."

"You still like him?"

"I don't know if I like it. I feel that I have forgotten him for so many years, but he seems to be a fart after so many years. He can still easily affect my mind." Zhu Yiyi stared at the person in front of her. The bowls and chopsticks, I couldn't help but start to think about the scene of meeting Mu Sibai in the morning.

He seems to be thinner, whiter than before, and taller than before.

She endured for so many years not to inquire about him, not to watch domestic entertainment news, but his disappearance always appeared in front of her one after another, and she couldn't avoid it no matter what.

"Look at your unpromising appearance. You said that you can forget everything after a good time. How many years have passed, why does it feel like it's getting deeper and deeper." Shen Yun teased Zhu Yiyi.

"You still have the nerve to make fun of me. Su Mu hasn't heard from me until now, why don't you continue to wait for him?" Zhu Yiyi spoke quickly, but only after she finished speaking did she realize that she had said the wrong thing. Looking at Shen Yun's froze face, Apologizing again and again, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

"It's okay, what you said is the truth, I am like this myself, how dare I laugh at you." Shen Yun smiled and comforted Zhu Yiyi.

"Baby, don't be like this." Zhu Yiyi looked at Shen Yun, her smile was uglier than her cry.

"I'm really fine, I'm fine now, and Xiaobao is by my side."

"Baby, if, I said, if Su Mu doesn't come back, what should you do?" Zhu Yiyi stared at Shen Yun with concern.

According to Chen Yun's determination, he will definitely wait for Su Mu for the rest of his life.

Shen Yun was stunned for a long time, then suddenly smiled. "Why didn't he come back all this time? He will definitely come back."

"Well, yes, I thought too much, he will definitely come back."

The door of the private room was pushed open, and Xiao Bao ran over to hug Shen Yun.

Shen Yun didn't pick up Xiaobao, but let himself sit on the chair next to him. "Xiaobao, go and sit next to us, we are going to eat."

Xiao Bao pouted, and obediently climbed to the chair next to Shen Yun and sat down.

"Here, Xiaobao, I peeled your favorite crayfish." Han Chenxi put half of the peeled crayfish in front of Xiaobao and the other half in front of Shen Yun.

"Thank you, you can eat it yourself, leave her alone, she can do it herself." Shen Yun put all the shrimp on her plate into Xiaobao's plate, patted Xiaobao's back, and asked her to thank Han Chenxi.

Xiaobao gnawed on the lobster and turned his head to stare at Han Chenxi for a long time, as if trying to judge something, then got off the chair and bowed slightly to him.

"Thank you, Xiaobao is awesome." Han Chenxi gave Xiaobao a pair of thumbs up, and praised him without hesitation.

Listening to Han Chenxi's praise, Xiaobao looked at Shen Yun triumphantly, waiting for her praise.

"Our little treasure is doing really well, Uncle Han praised you." Shen Yun saw through Xiaobao's thoughts, and gave her a compliment.

Xiao Bao, who was praised by Shen Yun, became happier and his appetite improved.

Shen Yun looked fondly at Xiao Bao who was working hard, fearing that she would choke, so he poured a glass of water and handed it to her.

Xiaobao, whose real name is Shen Junyi, is an autistic child she adopted two years ago.

After two years of joint treatment by her and Xie Linfeng, Xiaobao is no longer so afraid of strangers, but he is still reluctant to speak in front of outsiders.

Therefore, every time he returned home, Shen Yun would drag Xiaobao to talk with her, to exercise her speaking ability.

(End of this chapter)

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