It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 285 Don't You Know What I Want To Eat?

Chapter 285 Don't You Know What I Want To Eat?

After Xie Linfeng and Yao Siqi left, Su Mu and Shen Yun who was holding Xiaobao were left standing in place.

Before Xiao Bao kissed Shen Yun, he lay on her shoulder and refused to get up.

Shen Yun had no choice but to smile awkwardly at Su Mu, "Or let's go back first."

"Okay." Su Mu agreed, came to Shen Yun's side, and walked with her.

Su Mu watched Shen Yun holding Xiaobao with difficulty, and he had no choice but to help Shen Yun.

"Or you put her down and lead her away." Su Mu looked at Shen Yun and suggested.

"It's okay, she's actually quite light, and she's almost at the door."

Su Mu glanced at Shen Yun, approached Shen Yun silently, put one hand around her waist, and gave her a support point for her waist.

Suddenly there was an extra hand on his waist, Shen Yun was startled, and looked up at Su Mu.

Sensing Shen Yun's movements, Xiaobao also raised his head to look at Su Mu, and quickly buried his head in Shen Yun's neck, but his eyes glanced at Su Mu from time to time.

"I'm sorry, I just thought this should make you feel more relaxed." Su Mu worried that Shen Yun might misunderstand, so he quickly explained.

Hearing Su Mu's explanation, Shen Yun's face darkened, he looked away, walked forward a few steps quickly, got rid of Su Mu's arm, and said in a cold voice.

"No, I told you I'm not tired."

Su Mu looked at Shen Yun's back in doubt, not knowing what he said wrongly made her angry, so he withdrew his hand and walked a few steps quickly to keep up with Shen Yun.

Whenever he catches up with Shen Yun, Shen Yun speeds up his pace to get rid of Su Mu.

After going back and forth several times, Shen Yun walked to the side of the road to hail a taxi, and got into it by himself.

Su Mu was overjoyed, and just as he was about to follow, he heard a "bang", and the door of the taxi was closed by Shen Yun.

Su Mu stood still, watching the taxi whizzing by in front of him, with a strong smell of gasoline, blowing dust all over his face.

After regaining his senses, Su Mu quickly stopped a taxi, followed behind Shen Yun, and drove towards the community.

Shen Yun returned home and sat on the sofa with Xiao Bao to watch TV.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

Shen Yun smiled in satisfaction, yes, at least he knew to look for her first.

The knocking on the door continued, Shen Yun answered, and got up slowly on purpose to open the door.

When you open the door, you will see a large cardboard box.

"Quickly let me go." Su Mu poked his head out from behind the box and said to Shen Yun.

Shen Yun turned sideways quickly to let Su Mu in, and then closed the door.

Su Mu tremblingly carried the box to the living room and put it down, although the force was not heavy, it still made a dull sound.

"This is..." Shen Yun pointed to the big box, and asked Su Mu uncertainly, "Painting materials?"

"That's right." Su Mu raised his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, and continued, "I happened to see the boss downstairs just now, so I just asked the box to be put in the elevator, and then I moved it directly."

"Then don't let him bring it over for you." Shen Yun took out two pieces of paper from the table and handed them to Su Mu, then turned to look at Xiaobao who was looking at him curiously.

"Xiaobao, come here." He beckoned to let Xiaobao come over.

Xiao Bao immediately rushed down from the sofa, ran behind Shen Yun, hugged her leg, and looked at Su Mu vigilantly.

"Xiaobao, this uncle will be your painting teacher from now on, how about saying hello to the teacher?" Shen Yun took Xiaobao's hand and squatted down, asking her opinion.

Xiaobao didn't answer Shen Yun's words, but raised his head to look at Su Mu, and immediately lowered his head.

"Hello, Xiaobao! My name is Su Mu." Su Mu took out a plush rabbit doll from behind, and greeted Xiaobao.

Xiao Bao timidly looked at Su Mu and Shen Yun, wanting to seek her help.

"Xiaobao, mother taught you, if someone greets you, what should you say?" Shen Yun asked Xiaobao softly, letting her answer by herself.

Xiaobao thought for a while, looked at Su Mu again, and said nervously, "Hello, Xiaobao."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Bao turned nervously and lay in Shen Yun's arms.

"Xiaobao is awesome, look at what uncle is holding?" Shen Yun hugged Xiaobao and praised her gently.

When Xiao Bao turned around, Su Mu immediately sent the doll in his hand to her again.

"This is a gift from Uncle to Xiaobao."

Holding the doll, Xiaobao turned his head and glanced at Shen Yun. Seeing her nodding, he took the doll away and said "Thank you" to Su Mu in a childish voice.

Then he turned around and continued to lie in Shen Yun's arms, but what was a little better was that he no longer turned his back completely to Su Mu.

"You're welcome, Xiaobao is awesome." Su Mu imitated Shen Yun's way of praising Xiaobao, and gave her a compliment.

Shen Yun glanced at Su Mu, and asked him to take the opportunity to chat with Xiao Bao a little more, so that Xiao Bao could get acquainted with him.

Su Mu understood Shen Yun's eyes, and asked Xiaobao with a smile.

"Xiaobao, do you like drawing?"

Hearing Su Mu's voice, Xiaobao immediately turned to look at him, and nodded to him when he finished speaking.

"Then do you want to see what's inside?" Su Mu asked Xiaobao, pointing to the box in front of him.

Xiaobao nodded again.

Seeing Xiaobao nod his head, Su Mu seemed to be greatly encouraged. He tore off the tape with his bare hands, opened the box, and took out all the things inside.

Moreover, while taking it back, he introduced it to Xiao Bao, telling her what it was in his hand.

"You don't need to introduce so much to her, she won't understand." Shen Yun looked at Su Mu who was hard at work introducing, and wanted to laugh a little.

Su Mu raised his eyes to look at Xiaobao, and sure enough, his round eyes were filled with great confusion.

"Just let her follow you when the time comes, just slow down and make sure she can keep up with you." Shen Yun looked at Su Mu and talked to him about techniques.

Su Mu nodded, indicating that he understood.

He talked with Xiaobao for a long time. Xiaobao started to respond to him slowly from being too nervous to speak at the beginning. Even Shen Yun was shocked by the speed of his attitude change.

Back in the day, Han Chenxi followed Xiaobao hard for a day, and Xiaobao barely gave him a look.

Sensing that Xiaobao was not nervous anymore, Shen Yun let go of her quietly, but she didn't seem to notice it.

"Since she is not nervous now, you can talk to yourself first, you can try to teach her to draw or something first, and I will cook for you."

"Let me cook." Su Mu reflexively responded when he heard cooking.

"Let me come, after all, I can't draw."

"Okay." Su Mu replied with a smile, paused, and asked Shen Yun, "Then why don't you ask me what I want to eat?"

"Ah, then what do you want to eat?" Shen Yun didn't expect Su Mu to say something suddenly, he was stunned for a moment, and asked back.

"Don't you know what I want to eat?" Su Mu smiled enigmatically, and asked Shen Yun back.

Shen Yun was puzzled, left a sentence of insanity and turned to leave.

He didn't say what he wanted to eat, he was so secretive, and I knew it, I knew a woolen thread.

(End of this chapter)

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