It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 286 Contact Information

Chapter 286 Contact Information
Shen Yun really didn't know what Su Mu said she knew what the dishes she wanted to eat, so she randomly made a few dishes that he liked and Xiaobao also liked.

When he was free while cooking, Shen Yun was worried that Xiaobao would not be able to fully adapt, so he glanced at the living room.

I found that her worries were unnecessary, and the two of them had a great time playing in the living room.

The two sat in front of the panel, Su Mu drew a stroke, and Xiaobao learned a stroke.But Su Mu's painting is a tree with lush branches and leaves, and Xiaobao's painting is, uh, a tree.

In any case, at least the painting is the same thing.

Shen Yun looked at the backs of the two people, facing the balcony, the sun was shining on the two people's heads, the two figures, one big and one small, were extraordinarily harmonious.

Shen Yun took out his mobile phone and took several photos of the two people's backs.

Looking at the photos I just took, I always feel that something is missing. Such a beautiful background requires a positive face.

"Little Treasure!" Shen Yun called out to Little Treasure, wanting her to turn her head. Unexpectedly, Su Mu also turned her head at the same time. Shen Yun tapped the screen and took a picture of this scene.

Warm yellow light hits the two behind them, and they turn around in the same way, two unrelated but related paintings, in front of the drawing board are two equally ignorant faces, one big and one small, with different sizes and colors on the faces. pigment.

Shen Yun looked at the photo he just took with satisfaction, took back his phone, and smiled at the two of them with the corner of his mouth raised.

Then he turned around, regardless of the expressions of the two people behind him, especially Su Mu.

"Mom, take a picture." Xiaobao likes to take pictures very much. When he realized that Shen Yun was taking pictures of her just now, he was very excited and shouted at Shen Yun, hoping that she could take another picture.

"Don't shoot, you little cat, go wash your hands and face, and get ready to eat." Shen Yun said to Xiaobao without looking back.

Xiaobao pouted unhappily, turned around in frustration, and when he saw Su Mu's face, he pointed at him and suddenly smiled.

"Uncle, ugly."

"You still have the nerve to laugh at me. Look at your face, it's more beautiful than mine." Su Mu pointed at Xiao Bao, and wiped her face again, adding a thick ink color to her face.

"Ah, Uncle, that's bad." Xiaobao snorted, glanced at his hands, and raised his paint-stained fingers to wipe Su Mu's face.

Su Mu moved back slightly to avoid Xiaobao's hand.

"Ah." Xiaobao refused to admit defeat, stood up and wanted to wipe Su Mu's face.

Su Mu grabbed Xiaobao's arm, turned left and right to prevent her from touching it, and when the trouble was almost over, he took her arm and drew a line on his nose.

If she is not allowed to touch it again, she may cry in the next second.

"Hahaha." Xiaobao changed his face in seconds, pointed at Su Mu's face and smiled happily.

"Stop making trouble, go wash your hands and face and get ready to eat." Shen Yun brought the last dish to the table and shouted at the two who were still having fun.

"Mom is angry, go wash your hands." Su Mu looked at Xiaobao and whispered to her.

"Mom is angry, it's so big." Xiaobao gestured with both hands and complained to Su Mu.

"Both of you, hurry up and wash your hands." Shen Yun came to the two of them, thrusting his waist angrily.

"Ahhh, mom is here." Xiao Bao stood up with a smile, took Su Mu's hand and ran towards the bathroom together.

Looking at the backs of the two of them, Shen Yun suddenly felt that life would be difficult in the future.

Xiaobao ran out first after washing his hands, came to Shen Yun's side, sat obediently beside Shen Yun, and kindly picked a piece of meat for Shen Yun.

"Mom, eat."

"Now that you know how to please me, what did you do when you were asked to wash your hands just now?" Shen Yun tapped Xiaobao's forehead with his finger.

The ghostly little girl, afraid of getting angry, started to please herself.

Xiaobao smiled at Shen Yun, lowered his head to eat, pretending not to understand what Shen Yun said.

"I'm going to work tomorrow. It shouldn't be a problem for you to teach Xiaobao to draw at home, right?" Shen Yun asked Su Mu. Seeing how happy Xiaobao and Su Mu were playing just now, there should be no problem, but he was just worried about Xiaobao's time. I don't want to grow up.

"Teaching her to draw can't be taught for a day." Su Mu glanced at Xiaobao and questioned.

Shen Yun thought for a while, and it was true that Xiaobao couldn't be allowed to paint all the time, almost two hours a day.

"But if I start working tomorrow, I won't be back at noon, and I won't have time to teach her how to draw during the day."

"The place where you work is still where Xie Linfeng used to be. After I teach Xiaobao how to draw, I can take her to you."

"That's fine, so let's do it first. The place where I work is still the same as before."

"it is good."

"Xiaobao, mommy will go to work tomorrow, and let this uncle teach you how to draw tomorrow, okay?" Shen Yun lowered his head and asked Xiaobao's opinion.

Xiao Bao looked at Su Mu, then at Shen Yun, with his mouth turned down, and he fell into Shen Yun's arms, "Mom, don't go."

"Little treasure, mom won't leave. If you miss mom tomorrow, let uncle bring you to find mom, okay?" Shen Yun hugged Xiaobao and comforted her softly.

"Okay." Xiaobao nodded in Shen Yun's arms, agreeing with her words.

"Xiaobao is so good, eat well." Shen Yun let go of Xiaobao and let her continue eating.

After dinner, Su Mu offered to do the dishes by himself, but Shen Yun didn't stop him, and went to the living room with Xiao Bao to play with toys.

Su Mu went back straight after washing the dishes.

After Su Mu left, Shen Yun played with Xiaobao's toys for a while, then took her to take a bath and put her to sleep.

The phone on the bedside rang, Shen Yun turned around carefully and turned on the phone, it was the message from He Yan.

"Sister Yun, let's have dinner together tomorrow night, and call Su Mu, I don't have his contact information."

After being told by He Yan, Shen Yun suddenly remembered that she didn't have Su Mu's contact information either, she was too busy meeting her, and forgot about adding the contact information.

Tell Su Mu tomorrow morning.

Shen Yun thought it over, and replied "OK" to He Yan.

He Yan: "That's good, let's go to the hot pot restaurant we usually go to, and bring Xiaobao along."

"it is good."

Shen Yun agreed to come down, put the phone back on the bed, turned off the lights and went to sleep.

The next morning, Shen Yun was woken up by Xiaobao. He glanced at the time, and it was not yet six o'clock.

"Little Treasure, you can play by yourself first, and mother will go to sleep first." Shen Yun murmured, turned over and continued to sleep.

After a while, I fell asleep again.

When Shen Yun woke up again, feeling someone was in front of him, he opened his eyes in a daze, and what caught his eyes was Su Mu's handsome face.

Surprised, Shen Yun sat up from the bed and asked Su Mu stammeringly, "You, you, how did you come in?"

"Xiaobao opened the door for me." Su Mu looked at Shen Yun innocently, and continued, "Since you're awake, get up and eat, I've already prepared it."

After speaking, Su Mu turned and went out.

(End of this chapter)

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