Chapter 287

Shen Yun came out of the room after washing, sat on the sofa, and called Xiao Bao to him.

"Mom, you're lazy." Xiao Bao didn't know what was going to happen next, and was still laughing at Shen Yun.

"Xiaobao, what did mother tell you? Did she tell you that you are not allowed to open the door to strangers." Shen Yun looked at Xiaobao seriously, Xiaobao might feel that he had made a mistake, and put his hands behind his back, looking down The head does not speak.

"When you opened the door, did you see who it was through the cat's eyes?"

Xiao Bao didn't speak, and shook his head for a while.

Shen Yun was angry, and looked at Xiaobao sternly, "Extend your palm."

Xiaobao looked at Shen Yun, slowly stretched out his palm and placed it in front of Shen Yun.

Shen Yun looked at Xiaobao, raised his hand and slapped her palm hard.

Xiaobao's palm turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.But even so, Xiao Bao didn't take his hand back, and pressed his lips tightly to prevent himself from making any sound.

Seeing Xiaobao like this, Shen Yun felt very distressed, but this time she had to teach Xiaobao to have a long memory, and it would not be a good thing to open the door for others easily.

Hearing the movement, Su Mu stopped what he was doing, glanced at them, and saw that Shen Yun was educating Xiaobao. Although he felt distressed, he didn't dare to go out to help, and could only pray for Xiaobao silently in his heart.

"Do you know what's wrong?" Shen Yun hit him again and asked Xiaobao.

"Understood." Xiaobao said in a low voice, and looked up at Shen Yun with tears in his eyes.

"Know what? Tell me and I'll listen." Shen Yun leaned on the sofa, waiting for Xiaobao to speak.

"From now on, never again, open the door." Xiaobao spoke twitching, crying with grievance, anyone who saw it would soften his heart.

Shen Yun sighed, and she knew that Xiaobao didn't understand well, so she could only explain to her again, "It's not that you are not allowed to open the door, it is that you are not allowed to open the door for strangers."

"Uncle, no." Xiaobao felt aggrieved, frowning together, looking at Shen Yun.

"Uncle is indeed not a bad person, but what if a bad person pretends to be uncle and asks you to open the door next time? If you open the door without even looking, you will be arrested by the bad guys." Shen Yun taught Xiaobao patiently, "So, Next time, whether it is someone you know or not, you should look at the cat's eyes first, if it is someone you know, you will open the door for him, if you don't know him, don't open the door for him, understand?"

Xiaobao looked at Shen Yun, and nodded ignorantly.

Seeing Xiaobao like this, Shen Yun knew that she didn't remember, so he got up helplessly, and dragged her to the door.

The position of the cat's eye is a bit high for Xiaobao, and he can't see the outside at all.

Shen Yun moved a stool from the side and placed it in front of Xiaobao. Xiaobao stood on it, just enough to see the cat's eyes.

This stool was bought by Shen Yun specially for Xiao Bao at the beginning, the purpose is to facilitate her to see the cat's eyes.

It may be because there are not many people in her house, so this stool is basically not used. After a long time, Xiaobao forgot about it.

"It's time to eat." Su Mu called to the door.

When Xiao Bao heard the meal, he quickly got off the stool, moved it back to its original place, and happily ran over to eat.

Shen Yun looked at Xiaobao's cheerful back, smiled helplessly, and followed behind her.

Halfway through the meal, Shen Yun suddenly remembered what He Yan told her to have dinner with her yesterday, and told Su Mu.

Su Mu, who was eating, clapped his hands, and then said, "Okay, where is it?"

"It's the hot pot restaurant we used to love to go to."

"Oh, well, I'll definitely go."


Shen Yun hummed and stopped talking, and the two of them fell into silence again.

Shen Yun took small mouthfuls of food, and looked up at Su Mu from time to time, wondering whether to speak.

"Well, let me add you on WeChat. If Xiaobao has anything, I can tell you." Su Mu picked up his phone and was ready to scan the QR code.

"Oh, good." Hearing Su Mu's words, Shen Yun was relieved, and quickly turned on the phone and asked Su Mu to scan the QR code.

"Okay." Su Mu said to Shen Yun after adding WeChat.

Shen Yun's WeChat is exactly the same as it was three years ago. Except for the updated circle of friends, everything else is still the same as it was three years ago.

However, Su Mu was not surprised at all.Because he reads this WeChat many times almost every day, it is no exaggeration to say that, in Shen Yun's circle of friends, if he says a word casually, he knows how many years, when and how many months this sentence is.

However, Shen Yun didn't know about it.

After dinner, Shen Yun was about to go to work.

Tell Xiaobao a few words, let her obediently listen to Su Mu at home, or else take care of her with the palm of her hand.

Xiao Bao immediately agreed, and obediently waved at Shen Yun.

Shen Yun was still worried, and told Su Mu a few more words, telling Su Mu the skills of taking care of Xiaobao, and calling her if it didn't work.

"Okay, don't worry, I will definitely call you." Su Mu repeatedly promised Shen Yun to reassure her.

Shen Yun still looked at them worriedly, and finally turned around and opened the door to leave.

This was the first time she completely handed over Xiaobao to outsiders. Although Han Chenxi would occasionally come to the clinic to look after Xiaobao for her, Xiaobao was still by her side at that time.This time is different, this time she is not by Xiaobao's side, she is more or less worried.

Go back to the clinic, open the door, and get down to business.

The only advantage of being your own boss is that you don't have to worry about deducting wages when you want to go to work.

Today, she was the only one in the clinic. When she was not at work two days ago, Xie Linfeng was the one supporting the clinic.

She went to work today, so she asked Xie Linfeng to go back to accompany Yao Siqi.

Yao Siqi is due to give birth in one month, so she needs to spend more time with her during this period, since she is busy at the clinic anyway.

People who usually come to the clinic make appointments in advance. She just looked at it and found that there are not many people making appointments today. It just so happens that she can leave work early today.

After seeing three patients in the morning, Shen Yun stretched himself. It was past twelve o'clock, and it was time for lunch.

"Bang bang bang." Shen Yun raised his head in response and saw Su Mu and Xiaobao at the door.

"It's a coincidence that I brought you lunch." Su Mu raised his hand and showed Shen Yun the thermos bucket in his hand.

"What a coincidence, I was going to have lunch." Shen Yun smiled, walked out from the table, and stretched out his hand to Xiaobao, who immediately ran over to hold Shen Yun's hand.

"How is it, is Xiaobao good today?" Shen Yun squatted down and asked Xiaobao.

"Hey, I'm drawing." Xiaobao nodded, showing off to Shen Yun.

"She is really good. She has been drawing all morning without taking a break." Su Mu walked in and helped Xiaobao speak.

"Really? Our little treasure is so obedient, even mom looks at you with admiration." Shen Yun looked at Xiaobao in surprise, unexpectedly, Xiaobao's obedience was beyond her expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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