It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 289 Are You Still Yourself?

Chapter 289 Are You Still Yourself?

Zhu Yiyi calmed down and didn't speak again.

There was no other sound in the room except the gurgling of hot pot.

"He Yan, did you forget to order a drink? What do you want to drink, I'll get it for you." Shen Yun got up and asked them.

"No need, I've already ordered wine and drinks." He Yan said innocently.

Xia Wei pinched He Yan's arm under the table, hating iron for being weak. He Yan was startled, covering his arm, Xia Wei looked dazed.

"Then I want to go to the bathroom, so Yiyi will accompany me there."

"I do not."

Without waiting for Zhu Yiyi's rebuttal, Shen Yun directly pulled her up.

"I'm going too." Xia Wei shouted, and got up to follow Shen Yun.

Xiaobao watched the three leave, and wanted to follow when he got off the stool, but when He Yan saw them, he stretched out his arms and hugged them.

"Xiaobao won't go, you sit here and eat obediently, mom will be back in a while."

Xiao Bao glared at He Yan, struggling to follow.

"Xiaobao, try the brown sugar glutinous rice cake, it's very delicious. If you go, we will finish eating the brown sugar glutinous rice cake." Su Mu put a piece of glutinous rice cake in front of Xiao Bao, and said.

Looking at Ciba, Xiao Bao finally stopped struggling.Seeing this, He Yan let go of Xiaobao.Xiaobao climbed onto the stool, returned to his seat, inserted the brown sugar glutinous rice cake with his chopsticks, and ate obediently.

He Yan was a little surprised to see such an obedient little treasure, and looked at Su Mu, "Yes, Su Mu. You've only known each other for a few days, and you can treat her submissively. I haven't cured her for two years. This little girl."

"No, I just learned about her destiny." Su Mu looked at Xiaobao who was eating Ciba with relish, and smiled modestly.

He Yan looked at Su Mu in confusion, and wanted to ask Su Mu what happened three years ago, but he didn't know how to ask.

"If you are struggling to speak, then don't speak." Su Mu noticed He Yan's gaze and looked up at He Yan.

Originally, he didn't even want to talk to him, but his gaze was too intense, so he couldn't do it.

"I still want to ask, what happened to you three years ago?" He Yan bit his lip and hesitated, and finally asked Su Mu.

"I told you everything, if you are wondering whether to speak or not, then don't speak." Su Mu lowered his head and did not answer He Yan's words.

"You can't hide it for the rest of your life, do you mean that you really don't plan to get back together with Sister Yun?" He Yan was a little excited and asked Su Mu loudly.

Startled, Xiao Bao looked up at He Yan. Albert noticed Xiaobao's movement, patted Xiaobao's back, and said softly.

"Don't be afraid, we eat what we eat, regardless of him."

Xiao Bao nodded, looked away, and continued eating the glutinous rice cakes.

"Me." Su Mu paused, not knowing what to say.

When he decided to show up, he wanted to get back together, but Xie Linfeng was right, he didn't have a definite future, let alone give Shen Yun a future.

"Since you don't plan to get back together with Sister Yun, please be careful in the future, and make it clear to Sister Yun, don't delay her from finding someone else in the future." He Yan lowered his voice and looked at Su Mu seriously.

"Su Mu, I am very supportive of you, and I am very happy to have you appear. To be honest, for the past three years, I hope to hear from you every day, and I also hope that you can come back and get back together with Sister Yun. Now that you are back, But if you don’t want to get back together with Sister Yun, please tell her clearly and don’t delay her.” He Yan choked up for a while, looking at Su Mu, “It’s not that I don’t support you, it’s just that we have all seen Sister Yun’s hard times, I don’t want to Sad to see her again."

"I know." Su Mu closed his eyelids slightly, and replied He Yan's words.

"Su Mu, what happened to you back then, I would rather not be with Sister Yun than tell it." He Yan asked Su Mu, he couldn't figure out what could make Su Mu give up on Shen Yun.

"Don't ask." Su Mu said calmly, not letting He Yan continue to ask.

Shen Yun and Xia Wei dragged Zhu Yiyi to the bathroom before releasing her.

Zhu Yiyi folded her arms around her chest and leaned against the wall, looking at the two people in front of her who were fighting against each other.

"Come on, what are you pulling me out for? Let me tell you first, don't tell me about that person, I won't listen."

"Yiyi, I know you love me, but Su Mu finally came back, why don't you treat him better." Shen Yun pulled Zhu Yiyi's sleeve and said to her.

"Baby, do you have a fever?" Zhu Yiyi put her hand on Shen Yun's forehead, she put it down when she felt that she didn't have a fever, and looked at Shen Yun in disbelief.

"What else is there for you to say good things about him? He broke up when he disagreed with him, and then disappeared for three years without a sound. For three full years, when he came back, he cared about how you were doing in the past three years. Is it? He was relaxed, he left as soon as he said, and came back as soon as he said it, messing up the life you have adapted to." Zhu Yiyi pointed at the door and said to Shen Yun excitedly.

Zhu Yiyi put her hand on Shen Yun's shoulder, trying to wake her up.

"Baby, you were not like this before. I admit that you are really different after Su Mu came back. You were like a walking dead before, and now you have a soul in your whole body.

But, you ask yourself, are you really happy right now?Do you worry every day that Su Mu will leave again, do you want to ask Su Mu what happened three years ago but dare not ask, do you worry about gains and losses every day?

In fact, there is a sentence I have always wanted to ask you, are you still yourself now?What about the decisive baby I used to do, who dared to love and hate?What about the clever, witty baby from before who could solve everything smoothly? "

Zhu Yiyi took a long breath, wiped away her tears with her backhand, and looked at Shen Yun, "Do you know how I decided to go abroad and let go of Mu Sibai? It's because you said that you must first live yourself before you can live your life." The way others love you. Look at yourself, are you living yourself now?"

Shen Yun lowered his head, pursed his lips and did not speak.

"Yiyi, it's not like you don't know how sad Xiaoyun was when Su Mu left. Now that Su Mu finally came back, she is of course happy." Xia Wei tugged at Zhu Yiyi's sleeve to calm her down .

Zhu Yiyi also realized that what she said was serious, so she calmed down and said again, "Let me wait to see him, I can have a good talk with him when I go back. But I hope you can understand what the relationship between you two is now, Is it a couple, a friend, or an ambiguous object who can never be together."

After Zhu Yiyi finished speaking, she turned around and left. Xia Wei looked at Zhu Yiyi's back and then at Shen Yun, not knowing what to do.

Shen Yun turned around silently, turned on the faucet to wash his face, curled his lips in the mirror, retracted slowly, and said to Xia Wei, "Let's go."

Xia Wei responded and left with Shen Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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