It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 290 Do You Still Like Me?

Chapter 290 Do You Still Like Me?

After Shen Yun and Su Mu left, the door of the bathroom behind them was pushed open from inside.

Qi Xiwen looked at the recording on the phone, and smiled with the corners of his mouth raised.

Unexpectedly, when I went out to eat, I could hear such explosive news.

Zhu Yiyi pushed open the door of the private room, stood at the door, and looked at Su Mu.

Albert was worried that Zhu Yiyi would lose control of his temper, so he walked up to her and was about to pull her back to her seat.

Zhu Yiyi shook off Albert's hand vigorously, and walked towards Su Mu.

He Yan looked at Zhu Yiyi who was gradually approaching, swallowed nervously, and stood up slightly, so that Zhu Yiyi could stop him in time when he hit Su Mu.

On the contrary, Su Mu sat calmly and watched Zhu Yiyi approach step by step.

Zhu Yiyi walked beside Su Mu, stopped, and looked down at Su Mu.

He Yan sat up at half height, ready to save the scene at any time, and Albert also stretched out his hand, following behind Zhu Yiyi.

"Su Mu." Zhu Yiyi called Su Mu, looked at him and suddenly smiled, raised her hand and patted Su Mu on the shoulder, "You are back, I miss you so much."

? ? ?If there is a picture now, He Yan and Albert must have three question marks engraved on their heads.

What happened, how did it change so quickly.

"I miss you a lot too." Su Mu rubbed the place Zhu Yiyi slapped, with the same smile on his face.

"That's good." Zhu Yiyi turned around with a smile, and immediately withdrew her smile the second she turned around.

Albert looked at Zhu Yiyi's expression, and he was relieved, this is Zhu Yiyi, the way he looked just now, he almost thought that Zhu Yiyi was possessed.

Shen Yun and Xia Wei followed into the room and saw Albert standing at the door. The room was filled with a strange atmosphere.

"Albert, what are you doing here?" Xia Wei asked Albert after closing the door.

"Oh, I'll be right back." Albert smiled, returned to his seat and sat down.

Shen Yun and Xia Wei also returned to their seats. Seeing Xia Wei approaching, He Yan immediately pulled her and told her about the weird scene just now.

Xia Wei slapped He Yan to shut him up.

During the meal, the atmosphere in the private room was quite harmonious, and there were no more conflicts.

After eating the hot pot, Zhu Yiyi just walked out of the private room when Zhu Yiyi ran into her fan.

Zhu Yiyi took a group photo with her, and Albert was worried about causing a bigger sensation, so he took Zhu Yiyi and left first.

He Yan drank a little too much. He was so drunk that he leaned on Xia Wei, hugging Xia Wei and unwilling to break up.

Xia Wei struggled to support He Yan's body, raised her hand to stop a taxi, opened the door, threw He Yan in, supported the door herself, turned and said to Shen Yun.

"Xiaoyun, let's go first, you guys should go back quickly."

"Oh, good, bye." Shen Yun waved at Xia Wei, watching her get into the car.

"Let's go back too." Shen Yun also stopped a taxi and turned to Su Mu.

Su Mu also drank a lot of wine. Apart from drinking a glass with He Yan, he also drank one after another.

"En." Su Mu gave a dull hum, and waited for Shen Yun and Xiaobao to enter before getting into the car.

Xiaobao was already sleepy, and fell asleep not long after getting in the car.

When they arrived at the community, Shen Yun hugged Xiaobao and got out of the car with difficulty.

"I'll do it." Su Mu stretched out his hand, wanting to help Shen Yun hold Xiaobao.

"No need, you smell too much alcohol, she will feel uncomfortable." Shen Yun refused Su Mu's request, and got out of the car with Xiaobao in his arms.

Su Mu pursed her lips, stopped talking, and followed Shen Yun all the way, watching her enter the room and close the door.

After Shen Yun went back, he took off Xiaobao's clothes, put them back on the bed, and covered him with the quilt.

Turn off the bedside lamp and quietly exit your room.

When he opened the door, he saw Su Mu standing at the door.

"Is Xiaobao asleep?" Su Mu smiled awkwardly and asked Shen Yun softly.

"Asleep." Shen Yun nodded.

"Then let's go down and talk?" Su Mu asked Shen Yun cautiously, for fear that she would disagree.

"It's just right, I also want to talk to you." Shen Yun smiled, walked out of the room, and closed the door softly.

The two came downstairs and walked slowly in the park, neither of them took the initiative to speak.

"Why do you always ask me what happened three years ago?" Su Mu spoke first, breaking the deadlock.

"I asked you, would you say it?" Shen Yun asked Su Mu back.

Su Mu lowered his head and smiled, then shook his head, "No."

"I knew it. Since you didn't say it, what's the point of asking me?"

"Sure enough, we know each other too well." Su Mu said with emotion, and suddenly laughed out loud looking at the front. Shen Yun looked at Su Mu, and also laughed out loud.

"Stupid." Shen Yun stroked his hair and looked forward.

"Yes, you are so stupid." Su Mu stared at Shen Yun, and suddenly said, "Shen Yun, you are so stupid."

"Huh?" Hearing his name, he raised his head subconsciously.

"I said, you are so stupid." Su Mu looked at Shen Yun and repeated it again.

"I'm not stupid, I'm not stupid at all, I know exactly what I want." Shen Yun looked at Su Mu seriously, and said seriously.

Su Mu opened his mouth, just about to speak.

"Don't talk yet, I'll talk first." Shen Yun interrupted Su Mu, not letting him speak.

As Su Mu said, they both know each other too well. As soon as Su Mu spoke, she knew what Su Mu was going to say.

Shen Yun took a deep breath and looked forward, "Su Mu, do you know what I wore on the day you returned to China? I wore the white dress that my mother Gao Yi gave me. It's unexpected. After so many years, I can still wear that dress." A dress. It's a pity that you didn't have the luck to see it. It's impossible to see it in the future, because I lost that dress. Are you starting to regret it?"

Shen Yun stopped and didn't look into Su Mu's eyes, "Su Mu, do you know? Before you appeared, I kept thinking about when you would come back. I don't ask for any relationship between us, I just hope You can come back safely, if you can come back, I don't need anything.

However, when you appeared in front of me safely, I was thinking again, it would be great if we could go back to the past, I don't ask you what happened before, I just hope that you can have me in your life in the future.But when I asked you if you want to get back together, you hesitated.

From that moment on, I knew that we would never go back to the way we were.But I don't want to admit it. I defended you in my heart, thinking that you have a reason, and there must be some unspeakable secrets that cannot be said.I, Shen Yun, am not an unreasonable person, if you don't say anything, you can hold back, but why do you bring me to suffer together.

Su Mu, I find that I can't understand you more and more. I don't know what you are thinking?I will ask you a word right now, and you answer me by looking into my eyes. "Shen Yun looked up at Su Mu and asked him to look into his eyes.

Su Mu lowered his head and looked at Shen Yun.

"Do you still like me?" Shen Yun stared at Su Mu and asked word by word.

(End of this chapter)

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